Weightless; Chapter 2

Oct 23, 2010 14:51

Title: Weightless
Rating: PG;13
Pairing: Jelx; Alex G, Jack B
POV: Third
Summery: Alex and Jack lost touch years ago. What happens when they meet again?
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AllTimeLow(:
A/N: This is the second chapter. As you can see. The slanted text represents thoughts and actions from the past, or you can just call it a flashback. Regular text is in the present time. I'll be posting updates on my Tumblr and telling you when the next chapter will be up. So follow me; http://ilikewafflz.tumblr.com/
Hope you like it. Feedback and constructive critisizm is appreciated(:

‘Mom!’ called Jack. He had just been down the street to visit his best friend, Alex.

‘Alex wasn’t home. He wouldn’t open the door for me.’ He began to cry, burying his face in his mother’s chest. He and Alex had been friends since the first grade, when they had to be partners in a two minute play for school. He was now in the third grade, and desperately longing for someone to share his secrets with. Alex and Jack’s relationship had grown fast. They were with each other all the time. Alex was the older of the two, and it showed. If Jack fell down when they were riding bikes, Alex was the one to pick him up, and tell him that the pain wouldn’t last long. Jack knew that the feeling he got when he saw Alex walking to his house out of his bedroom window was weird. He was young, and didn’t know what the feeling meant. He just knew that he didn’t get it when his other friends were pulling up in the driveway. He only had it for Alex.

The day before, the boys were at their secret hideout. Down at the lake, behind the double trees, talking about forever. Forever, they were supposed to stay together. But that didn’t happen. Day after day, Jack would go down the street to his best friend’s house. Hoping and praying that Mrs. Gaskarth would open the door, and tell him Alex was in his room. But that didn’t happen either. Soon, Jack forgot about Alex. He went on with his life. He grew up. But in the sixth grade, he started thinking about life. He had forgotten Alex, and he wouldn’t remember him for a while. But life hit him, and that’s when he grew up. He changed, and Alex was gone forever.

‘Name’ grunted the lady at the front desk. She continued typing, while chewing on her gum.

‘NAME?’ She had looked up and waved her hand in front of Jack’s face, snapping him out of his day dreaming.

‘Uh-Jack Barakat’ he whispered. She gave him his schedule and appointed an office aid to show Jack were his classes were.

‘Rian’ he said. He nodded.

‘Jack’ he said quietly. Even though he was two minutes into the day, he could already tell it was going to be terrible.

‘Let me see your schedule,’ Rian said. He handed him the paper, and Rian surveyed it, slightly walking to the left of the hallway.

‘Okay, ugh, I have you next period for English. You can just come back to the office with me, and we can walk together. Cool?’ ‘Jack nodded slightly. It wasn’t cool at all. None of this was.  ‘And after that, you go down this hallway,’ he pointed to the left, ‘and go into Mr. Jones.’

Jack felt sick. He didn’t want to go to this school. He didn’t want to start his life over. He didn’t want to change everything, just because he liked guys instead of girls. It wasn’t fair, and he was angry inside. Ready to punch a wall, but knew that would be a bad idea.

‘Then you have Gym, which is back that way and to the right. You can’t miss it.’ he pointed behind him as he continued walking.

‘After that it’s Chem. with Ms. Rhodes.  Oh she’s a bitch. But it’s okay. Just sit in the back and don’t talk. After that is lunch. We have it together. You can sit with me and my friends. It’s right across from the gym by the way. Then its science, which we have together, and then school ends. Easy enough?’ Jack nodded slightly without a word. He decided there was no use not talking, so he finally  spoke up.

‘So ugh, what do you do for fun around here?’ What a stupid question he thought.

‘Lots of stuff. I’m actually in a band, but it’s more like a hobby right now. Nothin’  to serious.

‘Oh cool. What kind of music do you play?’

‘Alternative. Our main inspiration right now is Blink 182.’

‘You like Blink 182? They’re my favorite band.’ He tugged on his shirt to let Rian see. Jack ended up smiling for the first time in days when he found out that he and Rian had the same music taste. He could tell that Rian was going to be a good friend.

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