Learning To Fall 2/?

Oct 11, 2010 18:56

Title: Learning To Fall
Author: me, atl17
Rating: PG for now.
Pairing: Jalex
POV: Third-Jack. (Possibly Switches)
Summary: What happens when one boy who doesn't believe in love, crosses path with another boy, who is longing for that special person? Falling in love was not what Jack ever thought he would be doing, so how does Alex come into his life and change this?
Disclaimer: Do not own. Only the plot is mine.
Dedications: Amy, Stacey, Anna, Ashley, Gabe, and everyone else on here that has inspired me to try to write.
A/N: Not to happy with this crappy chapter, but posting anyway. Thank you all so much for the responses on the last one! I never expected that much. This one's also shorter than I'd like, next will be longer. Next chapter will hopefully let you know about Alex's life more.Tumblr
Previous Chapters:  1

The day dragged on for Jack, each class was agonizingly slow. But as the last bell sounded, the eager students filled the hallways, rushing to greet their friends. It was Thursday, so the pre-party buzz was sweeping around the school.

Jack would never be invited to a school party, not that he minded. They would consist of drinking, dancing, and one-night stands. All things Jack would never do.

Most of the students in the hallway have left, only leaving the few random stragglers. Jack chose this time as the best opportunity to go to the bathroom, visit his locker, and make it back to his car, without confrontation. This way, he could also take his time getting around. He was in no rush to be anywhere.

Taking a left, Jack stepped over in front of the Men’s bathroom, and pushed on the sliding door gently. Walking in, he noticed he wasn’t alone. In there, was the same boy from Biology earlier today.

It was a few moments before the boy noticed that he wasn’t alone anymore. Jack continued along with his business, and started to make his way to a stall. He stopped in his tracks when the mystery boy spoke up.

“Hey, do I know you?” The boy asked with a slightly confused expression etched across his face.

“I’m not sure. I think we’re in the same Biology class?” Jack replied quietly. It came out awkward considering he wasn’t too well with new people.

“Oh yeah, how could I forget? I saw you this morning! I’m Alex by the way. Alex Gaskarth” He extended his hand to shake Jack’s. He obliged and shook it.

The first thing Jack noticed was the warm and gentle feel of Alex’s hands. He melted into the touch, slowly closing his eyes and relaxing.

He soon realized that they’ve been holding hands for a little longer than normal, and Jack retreated his hand, with a slight color tinting his cheeks out of embarrassment.

“Jack. Jack Barakat” He said awkwardly.

“Are you new here? I haven’t really seen you around…”

That was like a slap in the face to Jack. He knew that he was pretty un-noticed, so why was it affecting him this much? He should’ve expected it, if anything.

“No…” Jack trailed off.

Once Alex saw the almost-hurt expression on Jack’s face, he immediately cursed himself for making such a remark.

“Shit, sorry! I didn’t mean that. It’s just I haven’t seen you in school much, so I thought that you just moved or I’m not sure yeah…I’ll shut up now.”

“No it’s okay, I’m used to it.” Jack replied, voice just above a whisper, looking down at the floor.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sure you don’t care. We just met.”

“You don’t know that, Jack. I’m different, I guess. Is everything okay?” Alex said, with concern filling his features.

“Well, I gotta go. Uh, it was nice meeting you I guess.” Jack muttered, ignoring the question and look Alex was giving him

Before Alex could even reply, Jack spun around and exited the bathroom swiftly. He walked towards his car, jumped in, and started to travel off towards home.

Why did it hurt so much? Jack had never really cared about getting those slightly offensive remarks, but this time it was different. It was almost like he wanted to be noticed. But that’s ridiculous. Jack Barakat hates attention.

But why did this sudden Alex Gaskarth make him think otherwise? It was probably nothing.

‘Stop it Jack, stop thinking like this Alex person is different. He is just another kid in this stupid school. Why do you care about him?’ Jack thought.

‘He’s just like everyone else. Nothing special.’

Jack quickly shook his head to clear his thoughts. He was just making a big deal about nothing. He was always thinking too hard.

As he approached onto his driveway, he locked his car and headed to the front door. He pushed the key through the hole, and opened it. As soon as he stepped through, he noticed that he was alone. Both of his parents were at work, and he had the quiet house to himself. All alone; again.


Jack sighed and dropped his bag, removed his shoes, and made his way up the stairs. He collapsed on his bed, in hope to take a quick nap.

Before eventually drifting off, for some odd reason the one thing that wouldn’t leave his mind was Alex. Their small conversation was on repeat in Jack’s head, and it made no sign of leaving anytime soon. All he could picture was Alex. Alex and only Alex.

Yet still, Jack could not figure out why.

A/N: Next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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