Learning To Fall (1/?)

Oct 09, 2010 22:09

Title: Learning To Fall
Author: me, atl17
Rating: PG for now.
Pairing: Jalex
POV: Third-Jack. (Switches)
Summary: What happens when one boy who doesn't believe in love, crosses path with another boy, who is longing for that special person? Falling in love was not what Jack ever thought he would be doing, so how does Alex come into his life and change this?
Disclaimer: Do not own. Only the plot is mine.
A/N: Hello! This Is my first time posting on ATS. I have been reading and commenting for a while now, and I only got up the courage to write my own. I'm not sure where this story is going, but I have an idea. I am kind of just writing it as I go, so I don't know how frequent updates will be, or how many chapters. Let me know how you think this is! I am pretty nervous about this, so let me know if you would actually read this. Oh and the summary is crap, but I'll change it later I guess.
Dedications: Amy, Stacey, Anna, Ashley, and everyone else on here that has inspired me to try to write.

My Tumblr if you'd like to follow. Ask whatever you'd like.

It’s everywhere. It’s on TV, in the movies, on the streets, at stores. Everywhere you go, you find that perfect couple who are so engrossed with love, the rest of the world doesn’t matter. It’s because once you find that perfect person for you, the world becomes much more bearable. Sure, its cliché; but everybody needs somebody sometimes.  They need someone to be there to melt away the problems.

First you have the people who are so in love, yet next, you also have the people who are on the outside. The ones who feel alone. They’re longing for that one person to come in their life. The one who makes you feel special, the one who holds you when you’re down, the one who tells you love you, the one who makes you feel on top of the world. Eventually, everyone finds somebody. That person who just clicks; loves you despite any flaws, they just look through and fall in love.  When that special someone is found, being with that person is the best feeling in the world.

However, not everyone believes in that silly thing named love. To some people, it’s just a label. To other people, it’s the best thing in the world.  Two people who are attracted to each other is not love. It’s lust, or want, or whatever you’d like to label it as.

That’s at least what some people think; or one certain boy, it particular.

He never believed in love. Why should he? It was all just some stupid feeling that he has never felt, nor will he ever. Crushes, they don’t mean a thing. Like? That’s the same thing as a crush. Love? What is love? It was certainly nothing but a word; and exactly that. Just four random letters strewed together to form a noun. Not a feeling or a verb.

Who knew, Jack Barakat, the lame, lanky, stubborn, and barley noticed guy, could fall in love?  

He spun the dial, right, left, and right again, watching as the memorized numbers fell into view. He released his grip, lifting his fingers to the hook that was placed above the lock. The boy pulled up, successfully opening the dark blue locker that conveniently holds the large books and notebooks that were necessary for class. He pulled out his Biology book, followed by a notebook. He placed them into his backpack which settled on the floor below him, resting on his feet. Bending to lift his bag, he zipped it up, slung it over his shoulder, and slammed his locker shut.

He spun around and scanned his eyes over the hallway that was filled with his classmates, of all four grades.

High school. Supposed to be the best time of your life right?

Not for Jack, unfortunately. School was just a boring place that he was forced to attend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week.

He let out a long sigh as his brown eyes looked over the view in front of him. There were the freshmen, always eager to get to class, afraid of being late. They could always easily be picked out. Other than that, the high school blended together. Being a junior was exciting, right? Almost out of here, two more years.

That sentence may be the most used line in Jack’s mind. He dreaded coming here. He just reminded himself that he was almost done. Jack had his share of friends, just a few kids here and there, but never really had a close connection with anyone. He thought of this place as just somewhere to go, sit in class, learn, and return to his home to study, and repeat.

From the lockers, to the corners, to the doors outside of classes, there was always one thing you could see.  The couples. The interlocked hands, the stolen kisses, the gazes into each other’s eyes that left them with dopey grins on their faces- were everywhere. There were the ones who stood in the middle of the hallway to kiss, making the students around them create traffic when attempting to weave through the halls to reach their destination.

That’s what Jack hated the most. The couples were everywhere, much to Jack’s dismay. Everywhere he went there was some couple locking lips or holding onto each other as if it would be the last time they would be together. It made him sick. He never felt admiration towards another person. He didn’t understand how people could like someone, let alone love? He just believed that it was all fake.

Most people would call this jealousy, but really, it was far from that. At least so he had thought.

Once again, he let out a long sigh, and traipsed across down the hallway, and into another wing of the school, leading into the Science hall. He walked into the class and took a seat in the far back.

It wasn’t like Jack was picked on in school or anything. But he also wasn’t at the top of the popularity wheel. He was in the middle, the kind of kid who didn’t like attention, and just got by in school without people noticing his presence. He liked it that way; less confrontation.

Jack wasn’t emo or anything like that. He just was quiet. He would much rather be at home playing guitar, or in his room blasting Blink 182 or New Found Glory. He didn’t see his friends outside of school, mainly because they just weren’t that close.

Keeping up in school wasn’t hard or anything for Jack. He wasn’t extremely smart, but he did do well. His parents were glad that their son wasn’t some kind of rebel, and who was good in school. They were grateful for that. Other than those things, they didn’t know much about their son, which Jack learned to accept and deal with. He was okay with that, he didn’t care too much. Once again, he was never one to open up or like confrontation. He didn’t adore the attention the way that most people craved it.

Pulling away from his thoughts, he lifted his head to the rest of the class. Other students were beginning to pile in, and he felt someone’s gaze upon him. Scanning the class, he locked eyes with a familiar boy that Jack couldn’t seem to grasp the name of.  He had light brown hair, that lay across his face in a simple yet nice matter. He was wearing a simple purple jacket and black skinny jeans. As soon as the boy realized he was caught somewhat starting, he looked away, dropping into his seat, with a new shade of pink gracing his cheeks.

Jack was confused in someone noticing him, but thought nothing of it. He probably thought he was someone else.

The loud annoying buzzing sound of the bell quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts at last, and brought his attention to the teacher who was beginning her lesson. She was teaching them about evolution, and honestly, Jack couldn’t care less.  He never liked this class. But having nothing better to do, and deciding he would eventually be tested on this material; he whipped out his notebook, pulled out a pencil, and began to take notes. Because school was only for studying, right?

A/N: So what did you think? I wouldn't mind constructive critisism. Thank you if you read this. :)

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