Fuck Regrets And Lets Burn This City Down [Two]

Oct 10, 2010 00:23

Title: Fuck Regrets And Lets Burn This City Down
Author: oheybren
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex has everything he wants in life, loving parents, caring friends and is getting a great education but it doesn't seem to be enough, there is something missing.
Disclaimer: Do not own All Time Low, just the plot of the story, this has never happened it is made up :)

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master post

Jack's POV

Walking down these halls made me feel claustrophopic and extremely anxious. I could already feel the whole presence of the place silently judging me, like I wasn't good enough. It was true, I wasn't good enough. I was brought up with two older siblings and my mom working two jobs just to keep a roof over our heads. I was used to having to work for things and everyone at school judging me because I was always given hand-me-downs from my older brother. The children at school always made fun and mocked me, bu tI knew that one day I would make something of myself. That I would work hard to get the grades and qualifications I needed so that I could go places and make a name for myself.

I was lucky enough to get a scholarship, so I could attend the local county college and study Musical Arts. I am 25 now and I have decided to take a job up in teaching. That's why I am here, to teach Musical Arts too a bunch of spoilt brats, who have had everything handed to them on a silver platter by their filthy rich parents, just to keep them happy, the kids who will never have to go through a hard days work in their lifes.

I was still trying to settle my anxiouty after the interview with the head of Baltimore University, Mr Merrick. Something I never want to put myself through again, his stares full of critism and evaluating every move I made and every word I spoke and looking at my qualifications liek I was the scum of the earth. I was surprised I even got the job actually, considering this is school with such a high status, you would think they only hired 'the best', I guess they were desperate. I am glad I got the job, the pay is excellent, I know that after my first pay day I will be able to pay off most of debts. That was exaggeration, but still that pay is reasonable and I will have a lot of extra money each month.

I felt idiotic holding a map in my hands, reminded me of when you first start school and you have no idea where any of your classes are and you cry everytime you get lost. Well, I had no idea where my class was, the receptionist gave me a few inadequate directions, handed me a map, looked back at her screen without another look at me and sent me on my way.

The halls were empty, so I couldn't any passer bys for directions and if there were I don't think I would have the confidence to ask them. It would make me feel more foolish that I already felt. I finally stopped in front of a door, with frosted glass that said 'Musical Art- Mr Jenkins', looking back down the way I came and back to the door, I studied it for a second, trying to gain some confidence. I could feel my hands clamming up, and sweat starting to form on my brow.

Why was I so nervous? It's not like I was teaching a high school class, where a bunch of idiotic, half witted kids had to come everyday and half of them didn't even what to be there and the ones that did got picked on or mocked because they enjoyed learning. This class was different, they actually wanted to learn, they wanted to be here and actually listen to what the teachers were telling them and appreciate it.

But this situation was so new, I was stepping into the unknown, I had no idea what was on the otherside of that door, I had no idea what was waiting for me. For all I knew, walking up to that door and opening it and facing what was in that room could change me for the rest of my life.

I found myself welcoming it with open arms. I straightened my tie, smoothed over my hair that fell into my eyes, pulled down my jacket until it was crisp and no longer creased and bunched up around my waist from walking. I marched over to the door and pushed it open.

I strode into the room, my head held high, laying my eyes on a ginger haired man, with purple baggy trousers, lime green shirt and brown waist coat standing at the front of the class room. I immediately assumed that was Mr Jenkins, and I was right when he said, "Ah, and here he is! My lovelies, this is Jack, Jack Barakat and I am very proud to say he will be your new Musical Arts teacher. I will miss you greatly my dears but I must be off. Goodbye"

And with that, Mr Jenkins walked out of the room, leaving me with 15 kids left, staring at me with open mouths. There were 5 boys and 10 girls, were the first thing I registered and all of them except one, all wore clothes very similar, yet all completely different. The first thing that came into my head was that they all looked like robots, and none of them except one looked like a Musical Arts student.

That one person that stood out was a brunnette sitting at the back. His hair a beautiful caramel, sweeping down over his forehead, showing off his face beautifully, he was smiling at me, showing off his glistening white teeth. II couldn't get over how gorgeous he was, he must be about 19, 20.

I was quickly shot back into reality when I remembered when I had a classroom full of students in front of me. I gulped, swallowing the salvia that had collected in my mouth and addressed the class as confident and as casual as I was able.

"Hello there students. As Mr Jenkins already said, I am Jack Barakat and you can call me Jack. I find Mr Barakat far too formal considering I am only 25 and calling me Mr makes me feel older that I actually am. Yes, so I will be your new Musical Arts teacher." With that, I waled over to the desk that was infront of the class. My desk. I layed my backpack on it and say down on the cold, hard chair.

For the rest of the lesson, students just asked me questions about myself and they all told me their names. I thought it was approriate considering I was there new teacher and they would be seeing me everyday. I happily answered every question, only telling them a few white lies, they didn't have to know every single truth about me. I propably won't be seeing them again after they have all finished.

While the students asked me questions, I couldn't help but look up at the boy in the back of the room, who I had learnt his name was Alex Gaskarth, was looking at me with warm eyes and a small, gentle smile on his lips. The sun coming through the windows made his hair shine beautifully. I didn't know what it was but I had to get to know him. It was like a gravitaional pull was bringing me towards him. If I was able too, I would have got up then and gone over to spoke to him but of course I couldn't. I had other students there.

But I did know one thing, I had to get to know Alex Gaskarth.


A/N: So yeah, here is chapter two, I hope you like it! I don't really like this chapter because I kind of rushed it /: but please leave me comments telling me what you think of it :)
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