Give Me Your Heart And Your Soul (Chapter Three)

Sep 15, 2010 17:29

Title: Give Me Your Heart And Your Soul (3/??)
Author: wesaysummerrr 
Rating: pg-13 - swearing.
Pairing: Jalex
POV: Third
Summary: Alex gets forced into art classes over the summer . . . but is this a bad thing?
Disclaimer: I don't in any way own these guys. In no way is this true, and unless they both decided to take spontaneous art classes it's all lies. Title belongs to Muse - Hysteria. Cut belongs to Simple Plan - Save You.
Author Notes: okay, so comments are more beautiful that a beautiful thing living in the land of the beautiful. Just saying.

chapter one. chapter two.

Alex was sat, cross-legged, on the floor of Jack's room. Jack had invited him around, unsure and animated at the same time, one day after they had meandered around town aimlessly, at a loss for what to do. Alex had been only too happy to get out of his home, even if it was just for a day. Anywhere was better. But that didn't discourage the odd tango-beating of his heart that felt like it was about to jump out his throat when Jack had lead him up to the front door.

He had thought that his stomach was going to mamba it's way out of his nostrils.

He had been surprised to see the new-looking guitar resting against one of the walls of Jack's room, and even more surprised to see posters of some of his favourite bands slapped haphazardly on the walls. Left on his own as Jack left to get something to eat, Alex sat dejectedly, collapsing in on himself when no one was looking.

Things only started to get worse for Alex at home. He was on the receiving end of cold, indifferent stares from his father, and sad, disappointed glances from his mother. Alex wasn't sure which was worse. The fact that his father was not having anything to do with him any more, and treating him like nothing more than a bug that needed squashing, or the fact that he'd hurt his mother by screwing up even more.

Not that he regretted anything. Sure, he felt like smashing his head against the wall until he fell unconscious so that he could just escape from everything now and then. But that would never get him anywhere.

So, with that in mind, Alex grabbed Jack's guitar and strummed angrily, venting out his frustration into the words that fell from his lips without a second thought. Absorbed in letting out all the anger and pain that diminished him from the inside, he didn't hear the soft creak of Jack's bedroom door being pushed open, and someone creep in.

"You never told me you played guitar."

Alex jumped, hands freezing on the guitar and a yell of surprise tearing from his mouth. Spinning around, wide eyed, holding the guitar away from him in shock, it took him a moment to let out the breath he had been holding. His eyes came up to meet the familiar chocolate brown of Jack's.

"Jesus christ, Jack. You scared the hell outta me," Alex felt his heart pounding in his chest. A goofy smile spread across Jack's face, and he didn't look a bit sorry. On the contrary, he looked pleased with himself.

"Why didn't you tell me you played?" Jack repeated, features set as he kicked off his shoes and flopped down onto Alex's bed. "And it's not like you just play, you can really play."

Alex frowned, a blush creeping into his cheeks as Jack looked at him, suddenly self-conscious. "I don't know. Didn't think it was something that I needed to tell you," running his fingers fondly over the strings Alex placed the guitar back into its case and stood it up against the wall.

Turning back to face Jack, Alex saw that the usual half-dazed look had gone from his eyes and he was staring into the distance, a plan forming in his mind.

Jack had always played guitar, and it had been his dream since childhood to be in a band. To tour and play music all over the world, to see fans screaming the words back at him. And now he knew that Alex played, maybe even sang. One of Jack's best friends, Rian, was a seriously good drummer, and he couldn't help the fantasy that took shape in his head.

"Jack?" Alex's voice brought him back. Jack looked up to Alex, a smile toying with his lips.

"Alex, what was that you were playing when I came in?" Jack sat up onto his elbows, gazing expectantly into the brown eyes of the boy standing in front of him, suppressing the urge to fling himself at him. He didn't think it the moment. Not yet.

He watched as a crimson blush appeared on the bridge of his nose, and along his cheekbones. God. He loved that. Alex ran a hand through his hair uncomfortably, only succeeding on placing emphasis on the jaw line Jack wanted to run his lips along.

"It was nothing...I just needed, an outlet," Alex choked, a sudden sadness entering his eyes. Jack regretted what was playing through his mind at that precise moment, and focused on how Alex's voice cracked from emotion. He was up, off the bed and throwing his arms around the boy in a second. He grasped Alex's shoulders tightly, hoping the silent embrace took the worry from the eyes he looked into a moment later.

"You know, if you wanna talk..." Jack faltered, nerves grabbing at his intestines all of a sudden. "I'm here," he finished, mumbling slightly. Alex sniffed, and lifted his eyes to stare into Jack's.

"I know." He seemed to steady himself. "Things are just so shit at home now. I can't even stand to be in the same room as my dad," Alex looked down, frowning to stop his face screwing up. "He just doesn't understand, he never has. And my mum, it's like she's just lost hope in me."

Uncertainty flooded into Alex's expression as Jack frowned, gut twisting for him, and he longed to console the person that was his best friend, and fast becoming something more. So he would.

"But you don't want to hear this, I'm just -" Alex words were cut short as Jack's lips pressed lightly against his. Shock pulsed through his body as his heart stuttered in his chest, before his eyes slipped closed almost subconsciously.

He came round as Jack drew back, the warm lips retracting from Alex's. The contact was short. Painfully brief; nothing more than a small flicker of heat in a winter of unforgiving cold. But it left him craving more, a strange warmth flooding into his veins at the gesture, something that had him breathing calmly and at ease for the first time in months.

"What was that for?" Alex asked, eyes still closed and slightly groggy from the rush that had his heart jolting around wildly. His gut twisted and shifted nauseatingly, but he wasn't about to throw up. It was something else.

Jack swallowed, confusion overwhelming his mind at what he just did, and yet plain reasoning cut through that confusion like a blade, all at the same time. "It stopped you brooding, didn't it?" He whispered, desperate to keep hold of the moment that bubbled between them, as though if he spoke too loudly it would shatter, lost to the breeze that came through the open window and ruffled Alex's hair.

Alex hummed lightly in agreement, eyes opening finally and locking onto Jack's. And for the first time, Jack couldn't understand what was going through his mind. But Alex gave him no time to think about it, because he wrapped his arms back around Jack and buried his head into Jack's shoulder, immersing himself in the person that took all the pain away.


Zack looked at Alex, bemused. "So, what are you saying?" Alex grappled with the subject, unable to quite put into words the same excitement that Jack had launched the idea at him with.

"I'm saying, that you play bass. I play guitar, Jack plays guitar and he knows this guy that can play drums. He wants to see how we would sound together." Alex shrugged, uncomfortable with the fragility of proposing the idea to his best friend, and even more concerned at how Jack will react to Zack.

A movement caught Alex's eye, and he lifted them in time to catch Zack shaking his head, a carefree smile planted on his face. "Fuck it, why not?"

Alex did a double take. This was Zack, the guy who was bordering on becoming a recluse he was so shy and introvert. He never did anything that took him out of his comfort zone. "Serious?"

Zack laughed softly. "Face it, I'm never gonna do anything with my life if I don't stand up to my demons. So this is me, saying, hell yeah. Let's do it!" His blonde hair caught the sunlight, eyes glinting with an enthusiasm that Alex hadn't seen in a long time. It made him happy to see his friend like this.

So it was settled. They would play.


"Where the fuck, is he?" Jack moaned, tightening the strap on his guitar so that it sat comfortably on his hips. Rian shifted in his seat, feet twitching to keep a steady rhythm pumping out into the room, whilst Zack hung back, head down, fingers moving over the strings to make sure they were in good condition.

Zack hesitated, before opening his mouth slightly. "Alex's normally late," The words were mumbled, and frustratingly meek, but he had spoken. That was the main thing. He squirmed internally as Jack looked over to him, irritation boiling in the depth of his eyes, and shrugged casually. A sudden smile flicked across Jack's face, softening his expression, making him more approachable - what with him being over six foot, Zack was a little intimidated.

"Chill, man. He'll be here soon," Rian muttered, twirling the two drumsticks in his fingers before bringing them down onto the drums softly, practising.

And no sooner than Rian stopped speaking, a loud crash and distant curses signalled Alex's arrival. Jack turned to the door, annoyed at Alex for keeping them waiting, when it was him who had suggested this thing. But as soon as he laid eyes on the boy, all irritation oozed away, and a gnawing ache to comfort him replaced it in the pit of his stomach. Although Alex tried to hide it, his eyes were red and slightly puffy, and lines of depression were etched along his forehead, eyebrows arched downwards.

He hated himself. It was only last week that Alex had opened up to Jack about his home life. How could he be angry at Alex for being late? That was just childish.

Walking over to Alex, he put a hand on the other boy's shoulder, only to have it shoved off a second later. Surprise blanked Jack's face infinitesimally, but he recovered. "Alex, what's up?"

The other boy turned on him, bloodshot eyes narrowing as hurt flashed across his face. "Who says there's anything wrong?"

Jack tried not to flinch. Alex had never snapped at him like that, the venom in his voice almost palpable in his own mouth. "Alex, I didn't mean...I was just wondering if you are all right."

Alex hooked his guitar around him and adjusted the strap, avoiding Jack's eyes, his mouth mashed into a hard line. "I'm fine. Are we going to practise or what?"

He stalked past Jack, flicking his hair across his face to hide the still fresh tear tracks down his cheeks, his voice hoarse from emotion.

Jack stood there, helpless. He hated the pain that was obvious in Alex's eyes. He just wanted to make it go away.


rating: pg-13

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