Just Shut Up And Take My Hand (Chapter 1)

Oct 27, 2012 22:39


Title: ​Just Shut Up And Take My Hand
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Disclaimer: The title is credited to All Time Low, and I do not own the main characters, including Jack and Alex.
Summary: Alex wanted something good in his life, something to live for. He was tired of the bruises and the pain. Jack was the one person who could give him what he wanted, and so much more.
Tags: Abuse, bullying

"Fag!" A voice howled as Alex was pushed to the ground. He felt his elbow scrape the concrete but he barely flinched. "I hope you rot in hell," the person said, kicking Alex in the stomach.
    He felt the air rush out of him and he was gasping, blood occasionally sputtering out between coughs. As the other boy left, Alex stood up and watched the figure get smaller and smaller. He gagged a bit and wiped his nose with the sleeve of his shirt, leaving a line of blood. Sighing, he picked up his backpack and tried to gather his books that were scattered around the pavement.


A crumpled piece of paper hit Alex in the back of the head during fourth period. He turned around and saw the very same boy who had beaten him up, whom he didn't know the name of, smiling at him. Alex bent over and picked the piece of paper off the ground, unfolding it slowly to reveal letters scrawled on the paper messily.

The words, "I hope you die, faggot," were glaring at him from the white paper, and he put his head down in shame. Alex crumpled the paper up again and stuffed it in his pocket, avoiding the other boy's gaze as he did so. He never understood why people hated him so much. It was just the way thing's were, and had always been. Alex had grown used to it, in a way.


Alex held a coffee tight in his hands. During his free period, he would run across the street to the coffee shop, simply because he wanted to avoid the other kids. Today, he happened to get a hot mocha, as it was cold outside and he needed something to warm him up.

He stared at the cup in his hands wearily, the last time he had tried to drink from it, it had burned his tongue. He heard voices across the hall and noticed the other kids were beginning to fill the locker pod as their classes ended. He looked up and saw the very boy he dreaded, who had beat him up earlier that day. He grasped his cup tighter, keeping his eyes locked on the ground.

A person sneered at Alex and held his foot out, causing him to trip. Alex felt his coffee slipping from his grasp as he fell right into another person. As Alex's luck would have it, it was the boy who he had been avoiding in the first place. "S-shit," Alex said, "I didn't m-mean it, I'm s-sorry…" he stuttered a quiet apology.

"Nice shirt, Brian. Color looks good on you," someone jeered at the boy in front of Alex, who was now covered in coffee. Laughter filled the hall as everyone got a look at the boy.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," the boy snarled at Alex, grasping at his now wet shirt. "You're such a stupid faggot," he finished, shoving Alex back. Alex dropped his now empty cup of coffee and made a run down the hallway. He turned and saw the boy wasn't following him anyways, but that didn't stop his heart from racing.


He honestly didn't know what he was expecting. After all, the boy had told Alex earlier that he was going to kill him. He didn't think spilled coffee was that big of a deal though, especially to land him in this predicament. However, Alex figured this wasn't just about the spilled coffee though, as he had humiliated the boy.

He felt the fist collide with stomach again, harder than the last. The exact same boy, apparently named Brian, had been beating him up earlier. Alex's breath caught in his throat and he struggled to get air, apparently this Brian guy really cared about his image.

Suddenly, it stopped. There were no fists smashing painfully on his body, nothing touching him at all. Alex opened his eyes warily. Brian was standing there with a smug grin. "Don't think that's all you're gonna get, dipshit," he laughed and walked away.

Alex kneeled over, coughing a few spouts of blood. He felt his stomach clench and he tried hard not to vomit. He noticed it was getting dark fast, as it was winter and the days were short. Knowing this wasn't the best neighborhood to be in at night, he picked himself up off the ground and began to run. He felt tears pool in his eyes, not only from the pain, but also knowing what his father would do when he got home so late.

Alex was running blind at this point, occasionally stopping to rub his eyes and see where he was to know what direction to go in. Out of the blue, Alex felt a jolt as he collided hard with a large object. He stumbled backwards and fell on the ground, rubbing his eyes to see just what had knocked him down. A tall, awkward looking boy with raven black hair was staring back at him, concerned.

"Hey, man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He began saying to Alex, holding out his hand. Alex stared at it dumbly for a second until the other boy pulled it away, rubbing his neck awkwardly. Alex pushed himself off the ground, feeling pain searing everywhere in his body, as he ran past the boy who he had just bumped into. Strangers were one of Alex's worst fears, and aside from that, he had to get home fast.

Alex jammed his key in the lock, opening the door slowly. He wanted to be as quiet as possible, maybe then he could sneak up into his room unnoticed. His efforts were in vain, however, as he heard a voice slur loudly from the couch, "Where the fuck have you been, boy?" Alex cowered back in fear, knowing that Brian's beatings definitely weren't the worst he was going to get today.


Okay guys, this is the first chapter to my story. I know it kinda just jumped right in, that's what I wanted. Please comment<3
I hope I submitted it right, this is my first time ever submitting a story to the alltimeslash community. I apologize if I got it incorrect.
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