I Fell In Love Once [Chapter One]

Oct 28, 2012 14:29

Title: I Fell In Love Once
Author: Imogen tayonaise
Pairing: Jalex!!
Rating: Eventual NC-17
Summary: Alex is the ultimate get-a-round, popular, asshole of a guy who takes life for granted. How on earth can some lanky guy with glasses who can't get anything right change his life?
Disclaimer: I don't own Alex, Zack or Jack. Title credit goes to Chase Coy. :))
A/N: Decided to start over on LiveJournal and get posting a story. Had this idea for a while now and am interested to know what you all think!

"Alex, bro," the voice on the other end of the phone sighed in annoyance, "you're late."

I laughed, head relaxed back onto my pillow as I watched whatever it was on TV. "Hey, you should know me by now, Zack."

"That's why I turned up late myself and you're still not even here!" Zack continued to rant on and on about how I was never prepared and left people to wait around on me all the time but I hushed him.

"Alright, alright, calm down," I sat up, skimming my hand along the mess of clothing piled reasonably high on my floor, grabbing a grey hoodie. "I'm on my way."

I hung up the phone and left my room, jogging down the stairs and pulling on my hoodie along with my shoes. Luckily the cinema was a short walk from my house, partly why I'd waited around so long. It comforted me to know people bothered waiting for me to show up, it's not like anyone wouldn't wait, I'm Alex Gaskarth after all. I was pretty much top of the school, over half the schools population of girls going head over heels for me and all the guys at my feet trying to be my friend. Nobody would ever of beaten the friend Zack was though. I annoyed him at times, well I guess all the time, but he stuck by me throughout it all. Just as I was, Zack was also the top popular boy, king of all sports and well loved by the girls. You could say I lived every guys dream, I guess.

"Alex!" Zack shouted from a fair distance away, running frantically over to me. "Holy shit!"

He slowed as he approached me, putting a hand on my back and pushing me up the hill to the car park.

"Dude, what?" I questioned, visibly clueless as to why he was so worked up.

"These fucking chicks, Alex, they walked past and Christ, I-"

"Calm, breathe, take five," I chuckled. Zack got very... happy over good looking girls. He could bag them in a snap, and I knew without a doubt he'd arranged for us to meet them inside. Another opportunity for me to play hard to get.

"They're going to see Skyfall! I told them we'd meet them inside, come on, hurry," he was now half running up the hill, dragging me along with him until we reached the door where he calmed himself and walked in with his signature what he liked to call 'swagger'. To be honest, it was ridiculous.

"Alex, Alex, there they are," he whispered excitedly as we passed the snack bar, some dark haired girl stood behind it catching my eye, but of course I shook it off.

I averted my gaze to where Zack was pointing, three girls, yes, good looking but also very average. Nothing special, nothing for me to get my balls in a twist over, but something for me to play with.

"Hey girls," Zack raised his eyebrows, moving an arm to wrap around the waist of a small blonde. Blondes were Zack's type, and luckily for him all three of these girls were blonde. I preferred the dark hair, it was something I couldn't quite figure out but it sure did make a girl look really hot.

"Hey there," I smirked at the other two girls, walking over to the ticket desk, "like James Bond then?"

"Love it," the taller of the two replied, giving me a look I knew well. A look of want. I got that a lot.

The other girl nodded, clearly the most shy. I liked shy girls, they're usually the ones who are hiding something. You can also tell how comfortable they feel around you after a while, and being the person I was, liking to feel in control, it made sense.

"Zack, over here," I called out to him as he wondered past the desk, too interested in his new girl.

The line was pretty long, everyone obviously here to see Bond. I hated lines. I hated waiting. You know, I was Alex Gaskarth, the person everyone would wait a million years for, it's not exactly like I ever had to wait around for much.

"H-Hello," the guy at the desk stuttered. He was tall and lanky with glasses, the kind of guy who'd have no friends at school and who'd do all his homework. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing, lifting a hand to readjust my fringe to hide the smirk on my face.

"One for Skyfall," I hit my pockets until I found the one containing money, pulling it out and placing it on the desk.

"I-I guessed."

"Huh?" I gave him a questioning look, once again trying not to laugh as he failed to make the ticket machine work.

"Well, e-everyone's here for that dumb movie," he blushed, lightly hitting the machine until a ticket reeled out. His clumsy hands fumbled to pull the ticket from it, then swapping the ticket for the money.

"It's not dumb," I stated bluntly. He seemed taken aback, looking down at the floor as I grabbed my ticket and stood aside for Zack to pay.

"E-Enjoy the movie," he almost whispered, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks.

When Zack and the girls were done paying we headed over to door 4, already half populated with eager Bond fans. Yet again, I had to wait as the adverts stringed on and on. Fed up, I took my phone out and began to text some girl I'd met a few weeks back.

"Dude, put it away, we don't want the old people having a go at us again," Zack whispered, slapping away at my hand.

"Relax, It's not as if the movie's started yet," I reasoned.

Zack sighed, turning back to gaze mindlessly at the adverts. My phone buzzed in my hands, lighting up the screen as the girls message came to view.

'Alex what's up :)'

I knew I'd got her wrapped around my finger. I'd been playing with her on and off for the past week, along with 2 other girls but it's not like she knew that. I liked to make the girls feel special, to me it wasn't mean that way, as long as I made them feel good it shouldn't matter.

'Wanna meet later? Maybe come back to my place? ;)' I texted back. I was going to get it tonight.

'I'd like that haha ;)' She replied.

Sorted. As the lights dimmed, I leaned back in my chair in total bliss, excited for the night ahead.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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