Terrible Things [Chapter 20]

Aug 06, 2012 21:32

Title: Terrible Things
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack
POV: Third, focused on Jack. Sometimes Alex.
Summary: Jack meets Alex after they're thrown together in a dorm at college and is desperate to have the English boy close, but after the first few nights, is it ever that easy?
Disclaimer: Fictional, may contain sexual references, violence, homophobia and a lot of swearing.
Credit: Title to Mayday Parade


A/N: Updating from Ireland. This chapter and the next chapter are slightly confusing so sorry if they're a bit shit. 

Chapter 20

Today. Today was the day Jack was actually allowed to speak to Alex for the first time since the argument. He’d contemplated forgetting about it and pretending that he didn’t care that they weren’t speaking, but he was worried that Alex would play along and the silence would continue. In his mind, Jack had rehearsed exactly what he’d say too many times. When he dragged himself out of bed, the English boy was already sprawled over the couch with Lisa asleep on his chest. As much as the American resented her, he did have to admit that the scene in front of him was adorable.

Alex hadn’t even noticed that Jack was awake; He was busy running his hands through tiny bits of Lisa’s hair and stroking her cheek whilst smiling to himself. For a second, Jack even felt guilty for allowing himself and Alex to sleep together the other night and almost demanding that they break up. They looked perfect together; it pained him.

Slowly, the American went to creep quietly out of the room but a faint whisper stopped him in his tracks.

“Come here.” Alex beckoned him, grinning. Silently, Jack went to sit on the floor next to the couple.

“I missed you.” He smiled, running his hands through Jack’s hair now instead.

“I missed you too.” Jack admitted, careful not to wake the sleeping girl.

“Can I please explain everything once she’s gone?” Alex whispered, gesturing down to Lisa.

“Sure.” Jack smiled half-heartedly before going to make himself some breakfast. He wasn’t surprised at all, but the hurt was still alive. It wasn’t long before he felt Alex’s hands around his waist and the English boy leaning on him.

“Morning.” Alex whispered. Jack shrugged him off carefully and went back to his breakfast without a single word.

“Sorry.” The older boy whispered, more to himself. “She’ll be gone in an hour.” He frowned.”

“Good.” Jack said bluntly. He was tired of seeing her at the house, despite how cute she and Alex looked together. Her presence just reminded him further that Alex may never be his again.

“But, this is the first time I’ve done this, so I don’t know how it’ll go.” The English boy was staring at the floor.

“What do you mean?” Jack asked, spinning around in his chair.

“I’m leaving her, today.” Alex frowned. Quickly, Jack pulled Alex in to his chest and held him tight.

“Thank you.” He whispered before letting the smaller boy stand up properly again. “You don’t have to though, I mean, don’t because of me.”

“I slept with you, so I cheated anyway, it’s only right.” Alex looked as if he was going to break down. Fuck. She actually meant more to him than Jack had originally anticipated. A wave of guilt washed over him and he took Alex’s hand quickly before he could go and wake the girl up.

“Look, please don’t do this. Be with who makes you happy, for me.” Jack smiled at him. A genuine smile, despite the circumstance. “Yes, I do like you, but if you were happier with her...”

“I’m only sad because she helped me so much, and I’ll miss her, just like I’d miss anybody who put up with me for this long.” Alex smiled, taking Jack’s other hand. “I made a mistake not leaving her a week ago, trust me.” He leaned up to kiss Jack on the mouth. They spent the next five minutes making out before Alex pulled away, kissed Jack on the cheek and left with the promise of being back in half an hour max. From the other room, Jack could hear the sounds of Lisa waking up to Alex’s soft apology for everything, and explanation on how they apparently weren’t “working out” as he called it.

“But, we seemed perfect.” Lisa’s voice was cracking. Fuck. Jack could really do without hearing her tears right now.

“I know, and we were, but I was brought up ending things whilst we’re ahead.” Alex tried to reassure her. “Because I know it’s not going to last.”

“I get it.” Lisa sobbed, hugging Alex.

“Again, I’m sorry, I just think its best.” He frowned, hugging her for the last time and watching her leave.

“I hope Jack’s happy.” She smirked through her slight tears, slamming the door behind her. Without a second’s notice, Jack darted from the kitchen and pulled Alex into the biggest kiss they’d had since they returned back to Campus. He expected Alex to be grinning as much as he was, but he was only met with a look of horror from the English boy.

“What’s up?” Jack asked, slightly panicked.

“She, she knows.” Alex trembled.

“Knows what?”
“About us.”

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