(no subject)

Aug 06, 2012 20:50

Title: The Morning Afterlife.
Author: Ree youvegotitmade
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13 for now
Disclaimer: S'all fiction. Title belongs to Kids In Glass Houses. Sequel to 'Here's My Heart In A Postcard, Darlin'.' which can be found  here!
Summary: This isn't how I wanted my life to go, Alex! I never wanted this!



Alex sat on the ground outside the changing rooms, surrounded by bags of baby clothes, baby toys, a flatpack crib, and pretty much everything from almost every shop that selled anything to do with babies. He rested his head back against the wall, he was getting weird looks for being sat outside the women's changing rooms, but oh well. He promised Rachel he'd wait incase she needed him. He chuckled when he heard her swearing from inside, bringing his head forward.
"Whats wrong now?" He called, smirking.
"I look fat." Rachel's voice was angry, which just made Alex laugh more.
"You're pregnant, of course you do."
"You're absolutely no help whatsoever." Rachel snapped back, making Alex giggle like a kid.

He sat there for a few minutes more, the changing room that Rachel was in opened, and she came out with armfulls of clothes, although she looked pale and tired. Alex lifted an eyebrow, standing up. 
"You alright?" He asked, worry completely obvious, as usual.
"I'm fine, just tired." She smiled, shrugging as she walked over to him. Alex frowned, but didn't really press anymore on the matter.
"How much of that are you actually buying?"
"Most of it." Rachel grinned, handing the stuff she was buying to Alex and carrying the rest back to their rails. Alex rolled his eyes, trying to hold all the bags he had already, along with carrying all the new stuff she was about to buy. He was regretting coming with her, but he knew she'd of just struggled if he hadn't.

"How come Jack didn't come?" Rachel asked when they were waiting in the queue to pay, Alex shrugged.
"He said he had a headache and just wanted to sleep." He smiled, Rachel frowned, getting called forward to an empty till, Alex followed after her, handing her the stuff she couldn't hold earlier. The woman behind the cashier raised an eyebrow, but smiled nonetheless.

"When are you due?" She asked Rachel with a smile that looked like it had been painted on. Alex rolled his eyes a bit, looking at the time on his phone. It was almost 4, they'd been in town for almost five hours. Alex sighed, shoving his phone back into his pocket. Not a single text from Jack, either.
"Two months." Rachel grinned back, the girl behind the counter looked a bit too excited at that.
"Ooooh thats so sweet!" Her voice went high pitched, which honestly made Alex want to vomit. "You're a gorgeous couple, I bet the baby is going to be stunning."
"Oh we're not -" Alex started to speak but the elbow to his stomach made him stop abruptly, Rachel glared at him before thanking the girl behind the counter and giving her the money. She grinned and gave them the bags, the pair exiting the shop as quickly as they could.

"What was that for?" Alex grumbled when they got outside, trying to juggle the bags he was holding and nurse his now very bruised stomach.
"I don't want people thinking I'm a slag." 
"But we're not a couple, Rach." Alex sighed, shaking his head as they walked down the busy street. Kids ran past them, shouting parents following quickly. Groups of teenage girls coming out of shops giggling, couples walking hand in hand passed them, just making Alex wish Jack had come with them.
"But the baby's yours. And people don't need to know that we're not dating, I mean, it wouldn't hurt to tell people that we are, just until the baby's born, y'know? I don't wanna be classed as a slag." 
"It never bothered you before." Alex snapped, a little more nasty than he had intended. Rachel looked at him with hurt eyes, making him groan, his head going back against his shoulder. "Sorry. I never meant it like that."
"I know it never bothererd me before, 'Lex, but I don't want people looking at this kid and thinking, 'oh thats slaggy Rachel's kid.', I mean growing up with that would be so shit." Rachel's voice shook, making Alex sigh, putting an arm around her shoulders as they walk.
"They won't, Rach, because I won't let them. I'm your best friend and nothing more, we're not dating, we're not going to tell people we are." He kissed the top of her head. "You look knackered, so why don't we just go home?"

"Do we have everything we needed?" 
"Considering we've been in every single baby shop in town, I'm pretty sure we do."

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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