I Know About You (3/?)

Aug 02, 2011 18:55

Title: I Know About You (2/?)
Author: qwerty1994 
Pairing: Jack/Alex
Rating: R - eventually
Summary: Jack isn't who he seems to be. Alex wants to not like Jack, but he does anyway.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. I swear I don't own anyone. Blah Blah Blah...

Alex's POV

I sat in English class waiting for the bell to ring. The time seemed to slowly creep by. Maybe that's because I basically just told Jack off. I can practically feel him staring at the back of my head. It is taking all my will power not to turn around and tell him to stop staring.

It's not that I hate Jack. It's just his friends are assholes. He did try to start a conversation with me, and his was being polite. It's just so hard to be civil with him when I know that he is a complete asshole.

You see, Jack himself is gay. I only know this because a couple years ago, I had a class with Rian, Zack and, of course, Jack. They all sat beside each other, and lucky me, I was right next to them. That gave me a lot of time to ease drop on their conversations. I'm nosy, sue me. Anyways, they were talking quietly and I was straining to hear the conversation. I eventually realized that they were talking about Jack being gay. Rian and Zack were trying to persuade Jack to tell his parents. Even to come out to the school. Jack refused though, he couldn't sacrifice his precious reputation, could he?

Ever since that day, I've always wanted to call Jack out on his bluffing. Whenever one of his friends went to call me a derogatory term, I've wanted to out Jack.

I never have though, and I never plan to. As much as I hate how he acts like a different person around his 'friends' and then is completely humbled and chill around Rian and Zack, and I guess, me? I would never tell his secret. I would never wish upon anyone the emotional pain you can go through from being different.

I plan to tell Jack I know though. Maybe then, he will understand why he's hurt me. I digress.
The bell finally rings and I get out of my seat as fast as possible.

I casually walk through the halls to my math class. As I'm walking I feel like someone is behind me every step of the way there. I turn around. As I turn, I realize that one of Jack's 'friends', whose name is Derek, is behind me. I try to walk faster, but he pushes me to the floor, yells "faggot." When he is about to walk away, Jack comes out of nowhere.

"Leave him alone!"

Jack just told his friend to leave me alone, what?

"He's a fucking faggot, and why are you even sticking up for him?"

Derek seems to be mad at Jack right now. Do I get up and walk away, or stay and see what happens, or should I just apologize to Derek, even though there is no reason to, and move on with life.

"Just leave him alone, he hasn't done anything to you!"

"He has! He thinks that he can just walk around here like he isn't fucking gay!"

"There is nothing wrong with being gay! And of course he is walking around, it is fucking school, you know. Where the average person goes for five days a week."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I know that you never fight anyone, or put anyone down, but you never stick up for people. What the fuck are you doing?"

"Do you ever think that maybe what you're doing is wrong? Alex is a good guy. He hasn't done anything to you. There is no point in making someone feel like shit just because you don't accept their way of life. Others do. Most people are not as close minded as you. You're a fucking ignorant dick! I'm tired of you getting on everyone for no reason."

"Jack, don't talk to me anymore. As a matter of fact, don't talk to anyone in the group anymore. You're no longer allowed to hang out with us. You're going fucking soft. I don't know what happened. Just this morning you were ready to blaze up. Did Gaskarth do this to you? Did he make you go soft?"

"No! He has nothing to do with any of this. I'm just tired of having a whole bunch of fake friends. Rian and Zack never treat me the way you guys do. They never influence me to do drugs and talk down on people. All of you are assholes, and maybe I'm just now realizing it. Maybe getting caught was a reality check. Just fuck off and leave me alone."

"Fine. Don't come running back to us though. You're no longer welcome to hang out with us."

"Whatever, I don't really care. Fuck you."

I can't believe Jack just did that. Did he really just stick up for me? Did he really just ditch all of his friends. The world is turning in a weird way today. I look up to see Derek storming off.

Jack just looks down at me and sticks his hand out. I grab it and he pulls me up. Now I feel awkward. What am I supposed to do now after just telling him off in English. And now the minute bell is ringing and I need to get to class. I need to go now, I really can't be late. I never have been.

"Thanks, you know, for that."

I don't even wait for him to respond as I make my way to math. At this point I running since I'm still a couple halls away. I make it to class just as the bell rings. Lucky me.

About two minutes later Jacks is walking in the door, tardy slip in hand. I silently groan to myself. Is he going to be in all of my classes of something. And now is he taking a seat right beside me. And he is staring. Again. For the second time this morning.

I look at him and he mouths the words 'Are you okay?' I just nod and turn back to the board. It's going to be a long day.

With five minutes left of class, the teacher finished the lesson for the day.
had been thinking all throughout math about what Jack did. Why. That's all I can think of. Why did he do that. So, I turn to look at him. Surprise, he is still looking a me, creep.

Anyway I guess I should start since he isn't saying anything.

"Jack, why did you stick up for me back there?"

"I don't know. What you said in English. It got me thinking. What do you know about me? There really is only one significant thing that it could be. So, I just thought about how hurt you must be from all of them constantly degrading you. I don't know. I thought you might appreciate a little help."

"I did. It's just I don't quite understand. Why now?"

"I really can't explain why, Alex. It just kind of happened. I saw him do it, and I realized that he really is an asshole. And, I guess I am too, but, I don't do stuff like those guys. You know Rian and Zack?"

"Yeah, I've had some classes with them. They're good guys."

"Yeah, they are. I kind of told them off this morning. I was being stupid. I need to go apologize to them. Anyway though, they are my best friends. They have been for the longest time. They both know everything about me. I'm just like them. I promise you I am. I got caught up in stupid shit, and caught up in the wrong crowd. But, Rian and Zack would never let me go completely into that crowd. They always made me stay somewhat true to myself."

"What are you getting at?"

"Just that, when you told me this morning that I'm an asshole. That you know something about me, but you wouldn't say because people were around. It made me realize that you're a good guy. It made me feel like shit, not just for never sticking up for you, but for anyone that they pick on. I guess, it kind of put me in my place in a weird way. So, thank you. For helping me realize how much of a dick that I've been."

"Well, you're welcome, I guess. I'm sorry you just lost like a lot of your friends."

"Don't worry about it. I never really cared for them anyway."


Well, I just learned a lot. Jack is kind of sweet. I kind of feel bad for being mean to him this morning. Oh well. I guess he is thankful that I was. I don't know what to say to him now. I figured I should say something nice though. As I was about to say something, the bell rang. I gathered my stuff and was ready to head out the door. Before I did though, I surprised myself.

"Hey Jack."

"Yeah, Alex?"

"Maybe you're not such a terrible guy after all."

Wow, okay. I wasn't planning on saying that. But okay. He just looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself."

chaptered: i know about you

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