Love for Fire [Three.]

Aug 02, 2011 16:52

Title: Love for Fire.
Chapter Title: One by One.
Author:  alexgokart 
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: What do you do when the love of your life is missing, and there is nothing you can do to save them?
Warning: This story will include gore and descriptive torture.
Notes: Don't hate me for this chapter! I apologize in advance.


The phone had only rang one and a half-times before Alex could hear Jack’s frantic voice filtering through the loud speaker.
“Alex? Oh thank fuck, where are you? I’ve been so worried, we thought you’d disappeared.”

Alex knew it’d probably be in his best interests to keep quiet, but he couldn’t stop the choked words that passed his burning lips.
“Jack,” he tried to keep his breathing level, fingernails digging into the chairs armrest “help me.”

As expected, a clammy hand was pressing over Alex’s mouth almost immediately, cutting off his ability to speak and clasping painfully.

“Alex?” Jack’s voice sounded pained and panicked “Alex, what’s wrong?”
Michael snickered, tilting the phone away from Alex and towards his concealed mouth.
“Alex can’t talk right now, Jacky.” he sneered.

Alex heard Jack breathe in sharply, before he was yelling frantically down the phone.
“What the fuck have you done to him? You fucking give him back, you asshole. Alex, are you okay? Don’t you dare fucking hurt him, or I swear to God, I’ll-”
“You’ll what, Jack?” Michael cut in calmly, yet it sliced off the rest of Jacks words. “I’m calling the shots here and I can promise you, if you keep talking to me like that it’ll only work against you. Your little faggot here doesn’t mean shit to me, and I’ll kill him without hesitation if you don’t listen up.”

Jack let out a whimper of fear but remained silent.
“Good.” Michael cooed “Now, all I want to do is play a game. It’s easy, I promise.”
“Please,” Jack begged, the tears in his voice more than obvious “just don’t hurt him. I’ll do anything, don’t hurt Alex.”
“That’s going to be completely up to you, Jack. All you have to do is play by the rules, and I won’t touch a hair on his head. For tonight.”

Alex was staring at the phone in Michael’s hand, longing to just call out to Jack, to beg for him to save him from this fucking psychopath, but he smartly swallowed his words.

There was only heavy breathing emitted through the phone for a few moments, before Jack was sniffling and agreeing.
“Okay, I’ll do it, just please.”

“Good, don’t worry, it’s easy. I’ve actually seen you play this a few times before on your Twitter, Jacky. I believe you call it Ten Questions?”
Jack was silent, waiting, because he knew there would be more to it than an innocent game of ten questions.
“My version is just a little different,” Michael continued, as expected “only in, if I’m not satisfied, I’m going to take something from Alex.”

“What - what do you mean?”
Michael shot Alex a warning look, before he was taking his palm away from his mouth and settling it beside Alex’s right hand, still bound to the chair.
“Well,” he drawled, taking his index finger and tapping across each of Alex’s knuckles “for every answer I suspect is a lie, or every question you refuse to answer, I’ll cut off another one of his fingers.”

Alex’s eyes widened, his body lurching involuntarily and a whimper was tearing through his burning throat, head shaking frantically.
“No, please, don’t-”
The hand that had been gently tracing his fingers shot up at his muttered words, smacking him harshly across the face and knocking his protest from him.

Alex was squeezing his eyes shut tight, heartbeat racing with the dread of what was sure to happen, and he could hear Jack starting to cry through the phone, but he refused to shed a tear.

“Do you understand?” Michael finished, grinning behind his mask at Jack’s gasps for breath.
“Y-yes. I understand.”
“Okay, let’s play then.”

Michael’s hand was sliding across the concrete floor, fingers reaching for something too far to the side for Alex to see, until he was dragging a small pair of single-hand branch cutters towards him.

“Oh, God.” Alex whispered, head dropping forward.

“We’ll start of easy,” Michael ghosted the sides of the blades against Alex’s small finger on his right hand, making Alex shudder “question one: are the two of you ex-members of the band All Time Low?”
“Yes, we are. We…we broke up over the summer.” Jack sounded as if he were biting his lip, picking his words as carefully as he could, as any mistake could be tragic.

Michael seemed satisfied enough, giving a curt nod before sliding the blade across to Alex’s ring finger.
“Alright, question two. Have you called the police and filed a report yet - and don’t bother lying, I have plenty of ways of checking.”

Jack paused, glancing at the clock on his wall and weighing the possibilities of Rian being home already. It was unlikely the older man had made it home in such a short time. He lived a good hour away, and he couldn’t have possibly filed the police report yet.
“No, there’s no report yet. They don’t know he’s missing.” he stammered.

“Very good, and I suggest you keep it that way, Jack. Or Alex will lose more than a finger.”
Michael slid the blade over to Alex’s middle finger.
“Question three: have you ever met anyone by the name of Samantha Green?”

Jack fell silent again, and Alex’s heart was pounding, palms sweating and hands shaking uncontrollably, eyes boring down at the sharp metal resting against his finger.

“No.” Jack finally answered, taking a shaky breath “no, I haven’t.”

Michael kept his eyes locked on Alex’s finger, the material of his balaclava stretching along with his lips into a smirk, before he was slowly looking up at a terrified Alex.
“I’m sorry Mr. Barakat, but that’s incorrect.”

Alex let out a scared whimper as the sheers pulled away and opened, grasping hold of his middle finger just below his knuckle. Michael placed Alex’s phone in the seated boys lap, keeping the speakers uncovered and his now free hand got a grip on the end of Alex’s trembling finger.

“No! I-I don’t know her, I swear.” Jack pressed through the phone laying on Alex “Don’t, don’t do it, I-”

With one hard, swift movement, Michael was squeezing the sheers together and Alex was writing in pain. He couldn’t contain the blood-curdling scream as metal sliced through skin and splintered bone, rivers of crimson blood spilling over the tool and across the floor.

Alex was heaving, lips begging for Michael to stop as he hacked again at his flesh, cutting a little further through his finger. Alex’s bare heels were digging down against the concrete flooring, blood trickling between his toes and smearing as they curled.

The pain was so intense, so overwhelming, that Alex forgot his morals, his promise to himself, and he let the tears course down his cheeks as he choked on pained sobs.

Alex could hear Jack sobbing and calling out to him from the phone but all he could concentrate on was the pain, the feeling of his finger finally being hacked off completely and the blood pouring freely from the shredded wound. He could barely tell that he was crying out Jack’s name, begging for him to help, for it to stop, but all Jack could do was shake.

Alex was still crying quietly to himself when Michael threw the sheers back down beside him and picked the phone back up in his clean hand.

“So, Jack, you ready for question four?”

Jack didn’t answer, still crying loudly into the phone as he listened out for more pained yelps from his boyfriend.

Alex had his body leant forward, eyes blinking rapidly to clear them of tears so he could focus on his hand. His stomach turned, coming close to vomiting as he saw the remains of his finger, the stump still gushing blood.
“Oh, God.” he choked, eyes clenching shut to blind his sights.

“This one’s important, Jack, so listen up. What is the residence address for Mr. Zack Merrick?”

At the mention of his friends’ name, Alex’s eyes were springing open, disregarding his pain and wellbeing as he shook his head frantically. He didn’t want to be here, didn’t want this torture, but there was no way he was going to let his friend go through this, just to save himself. He would sacrifice his life for his friend any day.

“No, Jack, don’t you fucking dare!” he hissed, voice rough and strained.
“Alex, I can’t just let him hurt you.” Jack whispered after a few moments of contemplative silence.
“You’re not leading him straight to fucking Zack. Don’t tell him, don’t!”

Alex hadn’t noticed Michael’s movements, and the blow to his face took him by surprise. He felt the closed sheers make harsh contact with his cheek, the ends slicing a deep cut from his cheek bone to the corner of his eye, and his head was snapping to the side.

“Shut the fuck up.” Michael growled as Alex whimpered again in pain. “Jack, give me a fucking answer.”
“I…I,” Jack took a deep breath, swallowing his tears, then letting it go again “no. I’m not telling you, I-I can’t. I’m so sorry, Alex.”

Michael shook his head, tutting, before hooking the sheers around Alex’s index finger.

“That’s too bad. From what I’ve seen, Alex was good at guitar.”


I'm sorry this was up later than promised and I'm sorry for hurting Lex. 
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