I Know About You (2/?)

Aug 01, 2011 22:21

Title:  I Know About You (2/?)
Author:  qwerty1994 
Pairing:  Jack/Alex
Rating:  R - eventually
Summary: Jack isn't who he seems to be. Alex wants to not like Jack, but he does anyway.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone. I swear I don't own anyone. Blah Blah Blah...

Jack's POV

Before the group of guys that I was with and myself got to our regular smoking place, a teacher saw us leaving the school and told us to go to the office. The principal threatened to suspend us if we didn't get our 'act together' and if he ever found us skipping we would be in serious trouble.

So it was about thirty minutes later that our lecture was over. I slowly made my way to my first block.

When I arrived, the teacher looked at me with such disgust. She told me to take a seat, and that she better not find out I tried to skip again. I was told to sit behind Alex Gaskarth.

That boy had such nice features. My so-called friends used to pick on him all the time for being gay, but I never did. I didn't because I was gay myself. Nobody knew, well Rian and Zack did, but, can you really expect me not to tell them.

They also know that I have had a huge crush on Alex since the first time I saw him.
Alex would never give me the time of day though. He thinks that I am a terrible person, and he doesn't understand why anyone would put up with me.

I don't blame him for thinking that way. If I were in his shoes, I would probably think I was a huge asshole as well.

Class seemed to go on forever. Near the end of the block, Mrs. Kenneday, the teacher, told us that we would have to bring in one song within the week that describes who we are, or something we are going though.

I thought the assignment was stupid, but somehow, I loved it. Music is a huge passion of mine. I have no idea what song to choose.

The teacher let us have time at the end of the block to do anything we wanted, so everybody started talking.

I was bored, so I figured, I should finally get the guts to talk to Alex, and maybe help him change his mind about me.

So, carefully, I tapped his shoulder.

He turned around, and I was speechless. He has always done that to me. He looked at me expectantly, as I hadn't said anything to him since he turned around.

I quickly recovered, and said "Hey."

"Hi," he relied weakly.

"What do you think you are going to do for your song choice?" I said trying to converse with him.

"No clue."

His short answers were very limiting. I'm usually great at small talk, why can't I be with him. As I was thinking this I noticed his mouth open, so, I made sure to listen to what he was about to say.

"Why are you talking to me?"

His question startled me a bit. I should have been expecting that, but I didn't think he would actually ask it.

"I was just trying to make conversation. You seem like a cool guy."

"Well, when did you start thinking that? Because, we have been in the same school with each other for over five years. Not once have you tried to be nice to me."

I didn't know what to do. So I stupidly said, "Well, at least I haven't been mean to you."

Really? Is that all I could come up with.

He looked at me, with some kind of look of disbelief.

"You haven't stopped your asshole friends from being mean to me, so, you are an asshole by association. Hell, you are an asshole without them. Just because you don't directly say something hurtful, or try to hurt me, doesn't mean you are not guilty. Let me tell you something Jack. I know your secret. "

I looked at him questioningly.

"What secret?"

"Don't act like you don't know. I won't say it right now, because people are around. But, I know something that not many people at this school know. That's the reason why it hurts more when you don't do anything to keep your friends from being mean to me. You're just trying to protect yourself. You figure it's better me than you, right?"

Did he know I was gay? Is that what he was referring to? Fuck, I hope it isn't. I honestly feel bad. He actually seemed genuinely hurt, from what my friends had done and what I hadn't done to stop them. I need to seriously fix this. Alex is a good guy. He should have friends. He doesn't because of the guy that follow me.

Rian and Zack are always nice to Alex. But, they still are not true friends with him. What do I do? No idea.

chaptered: i know about you

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