Anywhere Else But Here (chapter 10)

Jul 06, 2011 00:35

Title: Anywhere Else But Here (10/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex/ possible other pairings
Summary: Jack has grown up in a world where music is a felony. It was believed to influence kids too much. Jack had never known the beautiful world of music. That is, until the day the beautiful Alex Gaskarth walked into his life and showed him the truth behind music. The beauty everyone had been hiding from him for so long.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters and the title cred goes to Simple Plan.

Master Post

Jack woke up on the cold, dirty floor, sore from sleep and the uncomfortable surface. Alex apparently had already gotten up because Jack didn't see him when he woke up. He felt cold and shivered at the lack of Alex's presence. It was odd how little time he had to be away from the older boy to feel lost again.

He stood up, shaking the soreness from his lanky limbs.

"G'morning." Came the voice of Cassadee. She sat at the counter, a cup of coffee in front of her. "It's kind of crazy how this place was just completely abandoned. They still have cans of food and coffee here." She said, laughing softly. Jack sat opposite of her, taking in her features.

She was small. So small compared to the rest of them, but she had a spark of determination in her chocolate eyes, something Jack could relate to. It seemed to light up her facade all the more.

"Seems like most of the stores down this way are like that." Jack noted. It was like a ghost town. "Where's everyone else?" He asked, looking around.

"Still asleep." Cassadee said. Jack froze.

"But... Alex wasn't there when I woke up..." He said, feeling frantic. Cassadee's smile faded.

"He was sleep walking last night... and I think he was having nightmares because he wouldn't stop... screaming. God, Jack, you didn't hear? It was horrible. Nobody wanted to wake him up though." She said, looking disturbed. Jack's heart thudded against his ribcage, yearning for Alex.

"Is he okay?" Jack asked, gripping the counter and standing up.

"In what sense?" Cassadee asked, her eyes filled with sadness. Jack took a shaky breath and put his hands over his face. "He's in my bed." She said, standing up and taking Jack's hand. There was something so comforting about her touch. It was like a shot of morphine that dulled the pain of all this.

They made their way to the kitchen. What they considered beds were comforters folded up on the floor. The thought that they were living like this made Jack feel awful. In the far corner, Alex was curled up, eyes open, but not showing any sign of getting up. Something in his eyes looked almost animal like. A fear that gnawed from the inside out.

"Lex..." Jack said softly, letting go of Cassadee and kneeling beside Alex. Alex looked up at him and reached for him.

"Jack..." He said, sitting up and taking his hands in his. His expression was hard, trying not to cry.

"You okay? I heard about what happened... I should have been there for you... I should have been up." Jack said, feeling like the vulnerable one when nothing had happened to him. "Fuck, Alex, I can't take to lose you. In any way." He said, pulling Alex close to him. Alex knew what he meant.

"Do you think I'm going insane?" Alex asked, his voice hard. He pushed away from Jack and stood up. To Jack, it felt like he'd punched him in the gut.

"No, Alex. No. That's not what I think at all." Jack said desperately. This couldn't be happening. He wanted to hold Alex, not have him hate him.

"That's what it fucking sounds like..." Alex said, still barely showing emotions. Jack felt like he was drowning.

"Alex, I would never think that. You're absolutely perfect. I l-" Jack said, but was quickly cut off.

"I don't need you to babysit me!" Alex spat, making more distance between them.

"Please don't do this, Alex. I can't take it." Jack said, on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry if I made you feel helpless. You just mean too much to me." He said, his voice quivering. Something flashed across Alex's features, but it was gone.

"Just leave me alone..." He said and turned away, walking out of the kitchen. Jack couldn't stand. His knees buckled underneath him and he felt the cold ground come up to meet him. Cassadee was quickly by his side.

"Jack... he's just traumatized. It's getting to him more than the rest of us." Cassadee said softly, although her voice was wavering.

"What's happened?" Came a voice. Jack could recognize Josh's voice coming from behind the kitchen door. He didn't bother to look up, his cheek pressed against the cold floor. He couldn't even find the will to cry. He just lied there.

"It's nothing..." Cassadee said, rubbing Jack's back.

"It's everything..." Jack croaked against the floor.

"C'mon, mate. The floor is filthy." Josh said, trying to lighten to situation, but he was gentle.

"We can go talk to him, Jack..." Cassadee said softly. But Jack just couldn't stand to see the disapproval in Alex's eyes. The... hatred. He knew it wasn't directed at him, but he knew it was directed at many things involving Jack and he just couldn't handle that.


Alex had been sitting at a booth for practically the whole day, refusing to move or eat. He just stared out the window like he was waiting for somebody.

Jack ached. He hurt more than he ever had in his life. He hurt more than when his mother openly disapproved of him. More than when they took away his father. Jack didn't blame Alex though. He could never blame Alex. He only blamed himself. How he needed Mark right now.

Jack sat in the kitchen, not able to even be in Alex's presence without breaking down. Cassadee sat with him in silence, refusing to leave him, even when he said he was okay.

"Cassadee.... I can't take much more of this silent treatment." Jack said, laying his head in her lap as she stroked his hair. "I think..." He thought for a moment. What did he think?

"I love him." He said suddenly.

"I know." Cassadee said, giving him a small smile. Jack's eyes widened.

"W-what?" He couldn't believe it. He was so obvious, just like Alex said. Josh seemed to find it obvious. Fuck, even John had probably put two and two together.

"I knew it. The second I saw you guys. Especially last night. Especially now." She said.

"He doesn't love me, though. He hates me now." Jack said, his voice giving out.

"He couldn't. He's probably sitting at his booth right now waiting for you to come scoop him up and kiss him like a knight in shining armor." She said, laughing lightly. Jack blushed.

"I highly doubt that..." He said, although the thought was nice.

"Well, something like that." She said knowingly. Something about her words made Jack truly believe it, though. They sat in silence for what felt like hours. Jack replayed the conversation over and over again in his head.

"Maybe I'm not in love. I've only known him for a few weeks." Jack said, doubtfully.

"No, you are." Cassadee said. And in that moment, Jack knew she was right.

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