You're A Stranger I Know Well [26/?]

Jul 05, 2011 22:17

Title: You're A Stranger I Know Well [26/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack Barakat was one of the least popular kids at Dulaney High. Alex Gaskarth on the other hand was one of the most popular. They weren't friends, they weren't enemies.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything. Title belongs to The Academy Is...
Author's Notes: Thanks for all the comments :) <33

Previous Chapters

It was just over an hour late that Jack found himself stood on the porch of the Gaskarth residence. He knocked on the door softly, shifting from foot to foot as he waited for someone to answer. What felt like a lifetime but was in fact no more than a minute, the door swung open, revealing a tired looking Alex.

“J-Jack.” Alex’s face lit up instantly and he didn’t hesitate to step aside and let the younger boy in.

Jack smiled briefly as he moved past Alex to stand, albeit awkwardly in the middle of the hallway. There was a moments silence before Jack was first to speak.

“Erm, this came. In the mail. It’s for… Happy birthday, Alex.” He said, holding the now wrapped present at arm’s length.

“Oh, thanks. Y-you didn’t have to,” Alex said, carefully taking the present from Jack and placing it on the small table next to him. “I’ll open it later.”

Jack nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets as the pair once again fell into silence. The two stared at each other, just looking into the others eyes and, if you didn’t know what had happened between the two, you would be oblivious to the problems the two had faced.
It was Jack who looked away first, clearing his throat before saying “I should probably go” and turning on his heels.

“No, wait.” Alex mumbled, reaching out to grip at Jack’s arm. “Please. Stay. Just for a bit. Let me explain.”

“Alex, there’s nothing to explain. I-“

“No, there is, Jay. Just, please let me.” Jack sighed, nodding as he turned around, Alex’s hand still holding onto his arm for a second before he let go, leading the two into the living room.

“You can sit you know. Nothing’s ch-“ he cut himself off knowing he was wrong. Things had changed everything had and it was all his fault. Jack took a seat the other side of the room, picking at ta thread on his jeans as he waited for Alex to talk.

“I know I fucked up and I just, I wish there was something I could do to get you to understand why I did it.” His voice was beginning to break and he coughed, clearing his throat before continuing. “I did it to protect you. I didn’t want Rian to hurt you and I figured if I was the ones to take his hits, then you would be okay… I’ve missed you so much. This past week has been horrible, Jack. I realised how much you mean to me and I-I need you.”


“Please, Jay. Say something.”

“I erm, I really need to go.” Jack sniffed, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands and bringing one up to wipe quickly at his eyes.

The older boy didn’t attempt to stop him, instead he just nodded as he heard the front door click shut. Looking up out the lounge door, he saw the present sat on the table. He stood up walking over to it, ripping the paper off as soon as he picked it up.

The smile that broke out on Alex’s face was a real one. One that he hadn’t been able to use in days.

“He remembered.”


TakingDown76 says: how was your day?

finaltime says: it was alright. could have been better, could have been worse. yours?

TakingDown76 says: yeah it was good

finaltime says: what did you do?

TakingDown76 says: went into the city with the guys :)

finaltime says: nice. get anything good?

TakingDown76 says: nah, money’s an issue lol

finaltime says: that sucks. anything catch your eye?

TakingDown76 says: there was this limited edition yellowcard cd. the guy at the store said when it’s gone, it’s gone :(

finaltime says: ah man. anything else?

TakingDown76 says: yeah you know those little blink bunny figures? they had one of them. i think theyre awesome


There, in one of Alex’s hands was the CD which had since sold out everywhere, and in the other, the blink-182 bunny.

“Jack, you’re perfect,” Alex tried to say but the words were barely whispered. That’s what broke Alex and he went and sat on the bottom of the stairs and did the only thing he could.

He cried.


A/N; Hey, so this is terrible, I'm sorry.
I always forget to update here after I do on mibba so, sorry again...
Also, I don't think there was a Yellowcard limited CD or whatever, it was just the first thing that came into my head :)

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