I Walk a Fine Line (Between The Right and The Real)

May 11, 2011 17:37

Title: I Walk a Fine Line [11/20]
Author: 23a_j10 
Beta: therapyrequired 
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth + Jack Barakat.
Rating: R/NC-17: Overall.
Warnings: I wouldn't recommend reading this if you're subject to OCD in any form. Mental illness, and self-harm.
Summary: When the only thing Alex believes in is killing him and the only thing Jack believes in is love can the two save each other from their unhealthy and unrealistic lives.
Disclaimer: I don't know/own All Time Low.
POV: Third
Dedications: To my beta because she's a great writer.
Author's notes: I'm kinda worried about the pace of their relationship now o.O


“Alex? Alex?” Jack gently squeezes his sleeping friend’s shoulder. “Alex, wake up.” He grips a bit tighter and speaks a little louder making the elder stir. “Your phones ringing, I didn’t wanna answer it but-” Jack says and passes Alex his phone.

“Hello?” Alex yawns down the phone line.

“Hi sweetie it’s Mom, are you okay? It took a while for you to answer?” Mrs. Gaskarth chimes down the phone, concern evident in her cheery tone.

“Sorry Mom, I was asleep actually” Alex sits up with a slight blush on his cheeks, moving himself away from Jack’s body.

“Oh, it’s not like you to sleep in late.”

“I’ve been awake, and I just fell asleep again watching TV.”

Jack stands up to stretch and pulls down his shirt, grinning, showing the saliva stains on the side that the elder has left. Alex can’t help but giggle at Jack’s elaborate performance as he pouts and points at his shirt.

“Alex? What’s funny?”

“Oh, my friend Jack is here” Alex scowls Jack’s way who grins like an idiot in response.

“Jack? I don’t know a Jack do I? Who is he?” Her friendly tone sounds strained even to Alex.

“He’s new at school, he only moved here last week.”

“Awh, well that’s nice what’s he like?” Curiosity spills in her voice.

“Uh, he’s tall and needs to brush his hair, it looks stupid. Oh, and he needs to change his shirt, what is that Jack?” Alex teases and smirks at Jack who pulls a face.

“I need to change my shirt because you drooled over all it! I hope you brush twice a day.” Jack scowls playfully and sits back down punching Alex’s shoulder with his fist lightly.

“I do brush twice a day!” Alex exclaims and slaps Jack a little harder against his collarbone. Jack retaliates and starts to tickle over his friend’s sides, Alex squeals with laughter down the line.

“Alex, honey? Are you listening?” Mrs. Gaskarth interjects, biting her lip.

“Yeah, sorry. Jack stop it! I’m trying to talk to my Mom here!” Alex laughs and kicks Jack off him who grabs his ankles and moves in to tickle his feet. Alex near-screams into his Mother’s ear as Jack attacks his flailing feet, trying to hold him down at same time.

“Jack, Jack! JACK!” Alex can barely breathe through the laugher, his chest aching in the best way possible, with happiness.

“Okay, well I hope you’re okay... I have to go. Ring me later.” Mrs. Gaskarth purses her lips at her son’s distraction.

“B-bye Mom!” Alex hangs up the phone and tosses it on the floor before launching himself on top of Jack.

“No! No don’t do it! Don’t drool on me again, please! I’ll do anything!” Jack pleads with wide eyes, making a complete fool of himself as he does so. Alex cocks an eyebrow and pins Jack down with his wrists held together above his messy black hair.

“So you’re a fan of tickling then huh Barakat?” Alex asks cockily, leaning forward a little, moving his weight around so he’s perched on Jack’s stomach.

“Alex, Alex… No I’ll do anything! Don’t do it!” Jack exaggerates his words but doesn’t make much attempt to escape, only twisting slightly under Alex’s hips. The blonde grins mischievously and bends down a bit further ghosting the tips of his long bangs over Jack’s nose. Jack giggles and turns his face away but Alex just dips his head down further. The more Jack struggles the more Alex’s hair tickles his cheeks and nose. Alex is laughing as Jack squirms under his hold, trying to stop the soft strands gliding over his skin.

“Alex, stop it!” Jack manages to cry out between laughter

“Not until you admit my drool is awesome!” Alex grins and shakes his head making Jack gasp for air.

“OKAY! Okay, I worship your drool get your ass off me!” Jack resigns and Alex sits up looking proud of himself.

“Hands?” Jack questions and Alex looks confused until Jack tugs his hands against Alex’s tight grip.

“Oh, sorry.” Alex blushes and takes his hands away from Jack’s wrists, but as soon as he does Jack sends him hurtling to the floor. In seconds Jack sitting on lower abdomen with both of Alex’s hands pinned in one of his.

“Advantages of being completely out of proportion are my long fingers.” Jack winks as Alex tries to recover from the attack.

“Ow, you hurt my head.” He pouts and clicks his tongue like a child.

“Awh, kiss it better?” Jack offers in baby voice, Alex smiles stupidly and nods quickly. Jack leans down and places a single kiss on Alex’s forehead, deliberately avoiding his soft hair and kissing his flawless skin instead. Alex feels the heat as Jack’s lips press confidently into his skin. Trying not to flush red Alex playfully rolls on top of Jack and simply sits there grinning.

“So I guess you’re topping when we have sex then.” Jack states with a wink up at Alex who grins.

“Shut up we’re just bestest friends, right?” Alex questions, his head tilted to the side, a thousand thoughts rushing through his mind, clouding his thoughts.

“Yeah, but...” Jack trails off and leans on his elbows looking up at the blonde boy on top of him.


“I, I don’t know I just, I really like you.” Jack blushes but maintains eye contact and adds a confusing look in Alex’s direction; who replies.

“I really like you too Jack... But, I... I’ve only just accepted you exist outside my mind I don’t think I-”

“Hey, it’s okay” Jack moves his a hand to one of Alex’s and squeezes lightly, “I was only joking about the sex thing, I’m sorry. I do really like you though.”

“I like you too Jack, more than anyone I’ve ever met.” Alex smiles slightly.

“That’s not much of a compliment, you don’t think anyone is real!” Jack laughs and Alex slaps him again, but smiles as he does so, “Dude you slap like a girl!” Jack points out and Alex punches him hard in the shoulder causing the younger to cry out of shock and pain.


“What?” Alex just blinks innocently and clasps his hands together in front of him.

“You just punched me in the shoulder!” Jack exclaims and points at the area where Alex had hit him.

“Yes, I did.”

“Well, ow! Don’t do that again” Jack whines and tries to get out from under his friend.

“Don’t say I hit like a girl again.” Alex grins and doesn’t move.

“I said slap actually.” Jack giggles and Alex moves to hit him again but Jack is ready and grabs Alex’s punch, stopping him mid-way, Jack’s fingers wrap tightly around Alex’s forearm. Jack feels it like fire, the smooth and rough of Alex’s scars and cuts; his fingertips gripped hard, he had no escape from his deadly trigger.

“Jack that hurts...” Alex whimpers softly as Jack’s tight clutch is pulling at his scars and scabs. Jack’s insides ache with burn of his inner battle.

“I... I need to go...” Jack’s voice is low and he moves slowly. He drops Alex arm and the elder falls to side as Jack stands and moves to the door mechanically. Alex stares up from the floor before scrambling to his feet.

“Jack, wait, please?” Alex waits a few paces behind his friend who stops before reaching the door. Alex closes the gap and pulls Jack to face him. The younger boy looks tormented as he stares at the floor. Alex laces his fingers with Jack’s and leans up, kissing his friend’s lip carefully. Jack’s breath hitches as Alex’s lips press against his, the younger instinctively grips tighter on Alex’s hands but before he can do anything else, Alex is pulling away.

“Don’t go...” Alex pleads with his voice and eyes, he sounds regretful. Jack nods and bits his lips, trying to ignore the desire cursing through is veins.

Chapter 12

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: i walk a fine line, rating: nc-17, author: 23a_j10

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