This is how we do [1/3]

Apr 02, 2011 18:39

Title: This Is How We Do
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
POV: 3rd
Summary: "Dude, I have to admit, she's all a guy would want really, but I'm gay so..." Alex suddenly shut up because Jack didn't know his little secret.
Disclaimer: Do not on the boys, this story is completely made up, title goes to ATL 
A/N: Something I wrote like six months ago but never posted because I didn't know where to go with this, but I figured I could think of something to go on from this. It probably won't be that long, like 3-4 chapters maybe.

Jack was sitting on the bus, rubbing his sweaty palms together, trying not to panic. It was his first time ever meeting the older boy. They had met over the internet in some random chatroom. He wouldn't have thought that he'd ever see the other boy in real life, but here he was, sitting on the bus that was supposed to arrive in the final stop in about 5 minutes, and the elder one said he'd be waiting for him.

He was so lost in his nervous thoughts that before he knew it, he received a rude shove from an old lady who was sat next to him.
"Get moving already, I'm in a hurry!" the lady spat, and Jack couldn't help but mutter a quiet "Sorry" as he swung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way to the door.

Alex would be lying if he'd say he's not nervous at all. In fact - all he did while waiting in the bus stop was regretting the burrito he'd eaten before leaving the house, because he felt like throwing up due to the nervousness. He didn't know if he was just being silly, or if Jack was just as nervous to meet him as he was.

He doubted that tho, because from the impression he'd got of Jack over the net was rather impressive. The younger one seemed cool, not having a care in the world, doing his own thing. But you can never trust the internet...
Suddenly a slight panicking feeling rushed trough Alex. What if Jack wasn't 17 after all? What if he was a creepy pedophile who wanted to rape Alex? He had heard about many stories like that on the news.

Alex quickly shook that thought out of his head tho. Jack couldn't be-

"Um... Hi!"

Alex's eyes snapped up to face a pair of gorgeous big brown eyes. "Hi," he muttered quietly, letting his eyes wander over the younger one's skunk hair, his face features and finally stealing a last glance of Jack's sight.

Jack's heart was racing, it felt as it would pop out of his chest any minute now. He saw Alex's brown eyes staring right into his and it made him feel slightly uncomfortable. Jack wasn't the most confident person when it came to looks. He was tall and lanky and didn't have many friends, which just proved that he wasn't anything special.

He shifted slightly.

"So... What's the plan?" he asked, trying to keep his voice normal and cool, as if he wasn't nervous at all.

Alex's eyes quickly left Jack's as he turned his back to Jack to look around a bit. "Um..." he scratched the back of his head, as he has absolutely no plan.

"Uh, so, I think we should first go to McDonald's because I'm fucking starving," and that was a lie, because he ate a burrito earlier, and he was on the verge of throwing up, but Jack giggled quietly at that, so Alex went on, "And then we should go get the drinks, and at about six or so, we should get going to the beach to meet up with the others. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah," Jack gave him a shy smile and they started making their way over to the fast food restaurant that was in sight.

- - - - - - - - -

Alex had tears in his eyes and he was chocking on his burger as Jack told him about what it took for him to get there. Three hours was indeed a long time, and a lot can happen to a person in that time, and Jack wasn't an exception.
It seemed as if Jack was a magnet to weird old people, because the amount of contact with them was ridiculous for only a few hours.

"Oh my god, I feel sorry for putting you trough this," Alex managed to choke out as he sallowed his burger with tears in his eyes.

"Nah, no problem, I like adventures and such, so it's okay,"

"Yeah, but... Hey, do you know what the time is?" the older one trailed off.

Jack shoved his hand into his pocket to pull out his phone "It's almost half past four."

"Shit," Alex muttered as he took a sip of his coke "We better get going. My friends don't like it when I'm the one bringing booze and I'm late..."

Jack nodded and put the last fries in his mouth as he stood up to swing his backpack over his shoulder.

They started walking in silence, that oddly enough, and thankfully, wasn't awkward. Jack appreciated the silence, as he now had some time to think of what exactly was going on. Alex walked in front of him, he wasn't even sure why, but he was glad, because he found the older boy's ass more than attractive really.

He has known Alex for a year now, and he still hasn't told him that he's gay. He thought that Alex might have an idea, but he couldn't be sure, because Alex wasn't the brightest person at just figuring things out.

And that made Jack worry, because he didn't quite know where the line went for him, and if he was drunk he had no responsibility over his actions. So all he could do was to hope that he didn't do anything stupid, or if he did, that it didn't ruin anything, because during that one year, he and Alex have become good friends. He never thought that he'd find a friend on the internet, someone he'd eventually meet up with, but there he was, walking behind a gorgeous boy who he had met over the internet.

"You still there?"

Jack quickly snapped out of his thoughts "Yeah, just thinking."

"Well, here's the store, now we just have to find a way how to get the booze. Should we ask a old person or something?"

"Fake ID, fake ID" Jack quacked out as he pulled out his wallet.

"Have you used it before? Like, have you gotten away with it before?"

"Yeah, plenty of times really... I don't know about this place tho, but the people in my town aren't that strict."

"Well, we can try," Alex nodded along to Jack's point.

- - - - - - - - -

"That's Rian, that's Zack, the girls over there are Lisa and... Actually, I'm not even sure who they are, they're not in my grade..." Alex introduced, pointing to the people a few feet away, playing volleyball.

Jack looked over at Alex, as he saw that his eyes were glued on the girl with long blond hair, Lisa.

"You like her?" Jack asked suddenly, bringing Alex back to reality.


"You like her? That girl, Lisa?"

"Oh no. She's pretty and all, but I was just looking at her huge tattoo, looks amazing," he explained.

"Only at her tattoo? Why not at her body? I mean look at her flat stomach and all... She's like every guy's dream girl," Jack babbled out, not quite thinking about where he was going with this conversation.

"Dude, I have to admit, she's all a guy would want really, but I'm gay so..." Alex suddenly shut up because Jack didn't know his little secret. He mentally cursed those two beers he drank earlier, they didn't have much effect, but just enough for Alex not to think enough about what he was about to say. He turned to face the younger boy, who was staring at him in amazement, and Alex wasn't quite sure why.

"What? Oh please don't tell me you're a homophobe or something," he groaned, falling back to lay on the sand.

Jack's heart skipped a beat. Did Alex really just say he was gay? That was all it took for Jack, he wasn't going to have any regrets about what was gonna happen that night. But then again, what if he's not the type Alex would fancy? 'Fuck it,' he thought.

"Ahaha, no, it's just... How come you've never told me?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, guess we just haven't gone over that topic."

Jack just nodded and looked over to the volleyball game again, not wanting to reveal his secret to the other boy quite yet. He figured it'd be beyond awkward to mention it right now, so he put down the beer he had in his hand and made his way over to the bushes to take a wee.

- - - - - - - -

It was about two hours later when everyone was completely hammered. One of the girls was trying to seduce Jack, grinding against him as the music played not too loudly. Jack didn't stop the girl though, because he knew that he would never do anything sexual with her.
It as then when he had enough of the girl with big boobs, when the girl grabbed his ass. Jack just shoved her away and sat down by the fire, next to Alex, who was sat there all alone.

"You're such a loner," Jack started, and before he could continue, Alex cut him off.

"It's always like this. I figured that if i brought a friend of mine, then it wouldn't happen again, but it seems like the girls are really attracted to you. I mean, who wouldn't be, just look at yourself. Me on the other hand, they know that I'm gay so they don't come onto me, because they know they wouldn't get me to sleep with them," Alex bursted out.

"Wait, what was that?"


"You said something along the lines "the girls are quite attracted to you, and who wouldn't be, look at yourself," do you fancy me or something?" Jack asked, and he knew exactly what he was gonna do next.

"Well yeah..." Alex could feel his cheeks tint pink, and he was glad that it wasn't that light outside anymore.

The next thing he knew, he was dragged up by the hand, and Jack was making his way further away from their original spot, dragging Alex behind him, who clearly didn't understand a thing at the moment. When they were far enough Jack stopped and faced the older boy.

"I have something to tell you," he started "Alex, I-I'm," he didn't know how to put it into word so he just pressed his lips against Alex's roughly.

The older boy was straddled and his whole body was a statue, but as soon as he realized what Jack was telling him, the tension was gone. He put his hands onto Jack's hips and kissed him back.

Both of the boys felt beyond amazing at that moment. It was their first time to meet, they've both been crushing on each other secretly, and now there they were, kissing. Before they even knew it, they were laying on the sand, hands roaming over each other's bodies as they kissed each other roughly. Alex didn't know if it was the alcohol, or the situation he was in, but his head felt light and out of oxygen. He broke the kiss to gasp for some air, as he muttered a quiet "Fuck" and continued kissing.

Alex pulled on Jack's shirt lightly, just enough to let him know that the shirt needs to come off asap, but Jack stopped him.

"Alex, wait, I don't think doing this on the sand is a great idea..."

"I really don't give a fuck. I just want to shag you," he mumbled, nibbling on Jack's ear.

chaptered: this is how we do, rating: nc-17, author: jalexbarakarth

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