Fill me with your poison [1/13]

Apr 02, 2011 16:48

Title: Fill me with your poison
Author: jalexbarakarth 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
POV: 3rd
Summary: Jack was only allowed to stare from a distance, until "Hey, you want a ride home?"
Disclaimer: You know the drill, don't own the boys yada yada yada, the idea is mine tho. Title from Katy Perry's E.T
A/N: Okay, so since this is my second fic thing and I'm new to all this writing stuff, I would love any kind of feedback. Please tell me whether you liked it or what I could improve or just what ever, I would really appreciate it :)

Jack swung his bag with his sports clothes over his shoulder and made his way out of the front door. It was raining outside, not heavily, but enough to soak trough the hoodie he was wearing. Jack groaned as he took the two minute walk towards the bus stop. He mentally cursed the fact that he lives so far from school, when he saw that he had missed his bus home by only a few minutes, and the next one won't come until another hour.

"Great," he groaned, as he sat down on the bus stop bench. He pulled out his iPod and started shuffling trough it to find Blink-182's song Always.

Jack didn't even know what about that song made him think about him, but it did. He thought back to the memory from a few weeks ago that was slowly beginning to blur in his mind. He thought back to the brown ruffled hair that was right in front of his face. He though back to the fainted smell of the perfume the other boy was wearing. He thought back to that black hoodie with the Blink-182 logo on the front, and that's when Jack realized why that song reminded him of the other boy. It was the hoodie, and the fact that he was listening to Blink's Always at that moment.

He smiled to himself as a slight shiver ran down his spine. It was getting really cold outside, and the dampness of his hoodie wasn't helping much, so he figured he might as well walk home. 'Why not?' he though 'I'm getting cold and a little walk wouldn't do me bad.'

He stood up from the bench and started walking in the direction where his home was. He pulled the hoodie over his head as a slight breeze of wind hit him in the face.

He turned his music volume down as he turned the corner to walk on the road beside a forest. There weren't many cars here, so he didn't need his music to blast over the annoying drive-by sound of the cars.

Jack really hated living where he did. It was away from all of his friends, and his life pretty much depended on the bus schedule when his parents were out of town or too lazy to pick him up. But there was a reason Jack didn't mind it tho.
Taking the bus also meant seeing the gorgeous gold brown ruffled hair. It had been weeks since he last saw it tho. His previous smile turned into a frown. He couldn't take not seeing the other boy much longer. Sure, it was nothing special, it was just staring at him from a distance, stealing glances at those perfect lips and the gorgeous brown eyes, but it was all he could do. Jack mentally slapped himself for being such a big pussy. He has been thinking about talking to the boy about thirty five times before, but every time he actually saw him standing in the bus stop, Jack got scared and decided it'd be best to admire from a far.

'Oh, and the way those hips sway as he walks,' he though, feeling a little sexual frustration creeping down on him.
His hips, they were perfect in those skinny jeans he always wore. It showed off a perfect little stripe of the other boy's boxers, and Jack couldn't help but bite his lip at the thought of that.

He was really happy that the boy lived in the same neighborhood, because that meant that every time they were on the same bus, Jack could watch the other boy as he walks in front of him, until he turns to face the fence of his house just four houses before Jack's.

Jack started thinking about whether the other boy had ever noticed him.
Their eyes had met a few times before, but Jack couldn't figure out if it was because he felt Jack's eyes on him, or whether he actually wanted to look at Jack. He would usually slap himself for thinking about something like that. A complete stranger would never want to "check Jack out", they might have just been looking around and made accidental eye contact, but since it has happened around seven times, Jack was hopeful. Hopeful that maybe the other boy liked something about him. Maybe he had a thing for tall guys? Maybe it was Jacks hair, or the way his jeans looked too tight around his legs? Maybe it was the Blink-182 shirt that had made him think about if the tall boy listened to the same kind of music as him?

What ever it was, it gave Jack hope. Jack let out a heavy breath after that thought tho. These things could only happen in Jack's dreams. Only in his dreams would someone so good-looking be gay and into him. Only in his dreams would someone as handsome make conversation with him. Only in-
Jack's eyebrows furrowed as something had cut off his train of thought. He pulled out his headphones and before he could look back, he heard another honk.

"The fuck?" was the only thing Jack could mutter out as he saw a grey, way too familiar, car on the side of the road.
"Hey, you want a ride home?" Jack heard him call.
He could only stand there frozen, and think about the current situation he was in 'I could accept the favor and take the ride, seeing as I still have two kilometers to walk and it's raining, that could also be my chance to make conversation. Then again, what if it's a joke, maybe he's gonna flip me off and laugh at me just as I say yes?'

Jack heard another honk.
The boy was probably getting annoyed of waiting, so Jack tugged the corners of his mouth up to a slight smile before saying "Yeah, why not," and walking towards the car.

He hopped into the passenger seat, closing the door just before his eye's met the other pair.
They were gorgeous, absolutely stunning, perfect, in every way.

"So I've noticed you on the bus a few times before and also that you live in the same neighborhood as me, and I recognized the hoodie you're wearing so I thought it must be you," the other boy started talking right away. "I'm Alex by the way, what's your name?"

Jack was nervous. He was nervous as hell, but he tried to keep his cool by keeping his answers short "Jack," he said, smiling weakly.

chaptered: fill me with your poison, rating: nc-17, author: jalexbarakarth

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