And Bingo was her name-oh!

Jan 08, 2018 00:19

Blackout!  Three fics, 3 picspams, 4 sigtags, and 4 icons. Click on any picspam to see original size :D

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fandom: game of thrones, type: icon, type: sigtag, fandom: (none) stock, type: fic, type: picspam, user: blue_sunflowers

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Comments 6

mark_pierre January 8 2018, 13:08:31 UTC
Love Monica & Chandler's icons! And Snape & Lily. :)

Why does everybody ship incest...


blue_sunflowers January 11 2018, 07:47:35 UTC
It was kinda amazing how many Monica/Chandler pics out there where the way the actors are positioned you can practically see a heart shape in between them. (Mainly how they held hands, or put their heads together.)


sandy79 January 8 2018, 17:58:25 UTC
Wohooo!! I'm so ecstatic right now - the first blackout! (feels almost as good as if I did it myself ;) )

Any chance to get a little feedback on the challenge itself? Or on your card? (no pressure, just me being curious!)


blue_sunflowers January 11 2018, 07:46:40 UTC
I loved the challenge! Though I would have liked a quote. I know Catko got quotes, but she didn't get a texture like I did. I know you're limited by the points, but I do think the 5 point blocks could have the usual 5 point amount of work. The 200 word min though fine with me cuz we all know what a blowhard I am XD.



sandy79 January 11 2018, 22:44:49 UTC
You're welcome! As for the prompts: I work with a card randomizer.


blue_sunflowers January 12 2018, 02:21:08 UTC


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