And Bingo was her name-oh!

Jan 08, 2018 00:19

Blackout!  Three fics, 3 picspams, 4 sigtags, and 4 icons. Click on any picspam to see original size :D

Prompt: Joe Cocker - Unchain My Heart
(Unrequited Love)

Fandom: Harry Potter

Prompt: Image 21
(Broken Heart)

Fandom: Dawson's Creek

Prompt: Harlequin Romance

Fandom The West Wing (277 words)

Treasure. He held treasure in his hands.

"Josh! What are you doing?"

"I was looking for the Pembroke figures," he barely managed to utter, still staring in awe at the book he had just found stashed in one of her drawers. Josh noted Donna's face went all flush when she spied what he held. This was going to be good.

"They're right here." Donna grabbed the pile of folders off her desk and shoved the top one in his hands. "Now leave me alone." Heels clicking against the tile floor, she started off to deliver the remaining files, desperate to escape. Josh, however, was now hot on her trail, gleefully still holding the accursed book. "Why are you hiding it?" he asked, trying to sound innocent.

"Go away."

"Oh, I think we both know that isn't going to happen."

"I'm a woman with needs, Josh," she stopped abruptly in front him. "And right now I need you to go away."

"It's a Harlequin, Donna."

"If you tell anyone, I'll make your life a living hell," she threatened.

Josh raised an eyebrow. "How would that be any different than every other day?"

Donna huffed and continued on with her errands. "You have no right going through my desk, Josh."

"You don't allow me any privacy!" he practically skipped behind her.

"You can't even tie your own tie," she reminded him.

She had a point, but Josh wasn't about to give it to her. "Can I read it?"


"Donnnnnnna," he whined.

"Fine," she gave in. "But I swear if I hear anymore about it, I'm telling Leo you need to take those sexual harassment seminars again."

Prompt: Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart

Fandom: Game of Thrones (328 words)

Jon spied her from the shadows. She was ethereal in the soft glow of the few candles lit in this otherwise dark place. She hadn't seen him when she walked past where he hid - where he had been hiding, it seemed, for days. Despite the pleas from his family to stay with them, Jon had found comfort nowhere other than this somber place. Even Ghost could not make him feel better upon learning the truth behind his parentage. The lies, the deaths, the destruction...all because two people chose love over duty.

The same choice Jon knew he faced now. The combined love of a Dragon and a Wolf had started a war back then, but here and now Jon needed to end one.

For the life of him, Jon could find no reason why Daenerys would wish to visit the Stark crypt. That is, until she stopped at the statue of Lyanna Stark, his mother. She bent down before the figure, and Jon watched as she placed a winter rose at the base of its feet.

"I know you're here." Daenerys never looked his way, but stood up and regarded the stone face of the long lost She Wolf. "I know you're still hurt."

Jon said nothing, but listened to her gentle voice; the only thing he knew that would soothe his tortured soul. Daenerys continued. "But I need you to also know that I love you, and you are not your parents. We will be victorious against the Night King and his army together, not apart. Please choose us." She then turned and sought his gaze, proving she'd known where he was all along. "Come back to me, my love."

His heart ached at her words, but still, he dared not join her yet. There was too much at stake to give into his desires. The dead did not - and would not - stop for love. But maybe,
just maybe, they would stop under the combined love between two united Dragons.

Prompt: Texture 04

Fandom: Friends

Prompt: Survivor - Burning Heart

Fandom: Game of Thrones (R'hllor)

Prompt: Image 42

Fandom: Dawson's Creek (238 words)

"Stop it."

Pacey smiled at the irritated voice scolding him. If only the owner of said voice wasn't so damn cute....he threw another Skittle at her.

"Pace!" Joey swatted the offending candy away. "I said stop it! I swear Alexander is more mature than you."

"I'm bored," he whined.

"You could try studying," came the exasperated response from his girlfriend.

"I'm not that bored."

"Why am I not surprised," she sighed. Getting up from her desk, Joey moved over to the bed and grabbed the bag of Skittles from his hands.

"Ooh, Jo. Gettin'; a bit handsy, aren't ya?" Pacey teased.

Smacking him with the bag, she demanded, "Move over."

Pacey raised an eyebrow in response. "I know my charms are legendary, but I really didn't expect that to work." He moved over so Joey could lie down beside him.

"It didn't, you idiot." She turned her head on the pillow to face him. "I'm going to make you pay for hitting me with all that candy."

Imagining all the scenarios she usually employed to make him "pay", Pacey smirked. "Not seeing the downside here, Jo."

Scooting up, Joey grabbed the remote and the bag. Popping some of the Skittles into her mouth, she turned on the TV and threw an evil grin at her boyfriend. "There's a Spielberg marathon on all day."

Pacey groaned and dropped his head back onto the pillow. Yep, she'd won this round.
Prompt: Sweet Hearts Pattern

Fandom: Various

fandom: game of thrones, type: icon, type: sigtag, fandom: (none) stock, type: fic, type: picspam, user: blue_sunflowers

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