Challenge 03 - Getting to Know You :)

Nov 21, 2017 21:24

It was so hard to choose just FIVE....
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type: icon, !community: meme, !community: gtky, user: tarlanx

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Comments 42

bizarra November 21 2017, 22:04:41 UTC
Oh, I love Fantastic Beasts! I can't wait for the new one!

The icons are great!


tarlanx November 21 2017, 22:14:07 UTC
I'm glad you liked the icons. Some of them I had already made but I quickly created new ones where needed :)

I really loved Fantastic Beasts and I am kind of looking forward to the next movie... apart from the fact that it doesn't have Percival Graves! I adored his character - hence the current crush on Colin Farrell :)


bizarra November 21 2017, 22:28:58 UTC
I'm really looking forward to the new one more so now that we know the title.


madampresident November 21 2017, 23:26:39 UTC
I loved Eureka! Also Sigourney, Jodie, Cait <3<3<3


tarlanx November 22 2017, 23:18:30 UTC
Cate was so beautiful as Galadriel!

Eureka is so much fun to watch :)


sandy79 November 21 2017, 23:49:58 UTC
great idea with the icons! And like you said on my post, we have quite some in common - like Chris Larabee, Michael Biehn, Stargate, SPN, Riddick (love your Riddick/Vaako icon!), Natasha, Scarlett, RDJ,... Gonna snag me some, will of course credit when use!

And yeah, it was soo hard to choose XD


tarlanx November 22 2017, 23:20:13 UTC
You are more than welcome to snag away :D

I had so many other movies, shows, etc. I wanted to add to the lists


philstar22 November 22 2017, 01:59:15 UTC
Gorgeous icons. And yes so much to Leia Organa.


tarlanx November 22 2017, 23:20:57 UTC
Thank you :D


ella_rose88 November 22 2017, 02:36:12 UTC
Fantastic Beasts is a great film! I’m looking forward to the next instalment with great excitement:)


tarlanx November 22 2017, 23:23:04 UTC
I was really hoping the real Percival Graves would be found and brought into the new movie *sigh*

I am also hoping they don't get so bogged down in the Grindelwald story line they forget all the Fantastic Beasts!


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