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Comments 36

ella_rose88 November 21 2017, 12:28:19 UTC
I definitely loved Meryl Streep’s Miranda Priestly in the Devil Wears Prada (and her clothes were AMAZING!) Also I love Chris Hemsworth! He’s done very well for himself!


madampresident November 22 2017, 17:43:28 UTC
Now if only we could get Meryl Streep and Chris Hemsworth into a movie together...


philstar22 November 21 2017, 14:21:08 UTC
Ooooo, Jurassic Park. That would have been number 6 on my list. And ooo, another Grissom/Catherine shipper.


madampresident November 21 2017, 16:44:26 UTC
I love so many movies/tv shows/characters/people that "top fives" are hard for me sometimes and if you'd caught me on a different day this could be a totally different post!

Grissom/Catherine was the first ship that broke my heart


bizarra November 22 2017, 17:54:44 UTC
We Grillows fans need to form a club! :)


tarlanx November 21 2017, 21:50:01 UTC
I really like all of the Jurassic Park movies but 1 and 3 were my favorites. It's fun havign a JP movie marathon every now and then :)


madampresident November 22 2017, 17:36:57 UTC
I haven't seen 3 in a dog's age... maybe even since back in the day when it was new. I watch 1 all the time and then I watched 2 and I love Julianne Moore in it but there were other things I didn't love and I think that's why I didn't continue in my marathon but I have to watch 3 again.


tarlanx November 22 2017, 23:50:32 UTC
JP3 was a lot more like the first movie and I loved the Pteranodons. They all have moments that make them stand out though :)


bizarra November 21 2017, 22:26:01 UTC
Addams Family Values.. OMG those movies. Angelica and Raul are hands down my favorite Gomez and Morticia and I love Gomez and Morticia in most forms.


madampresident November 22 2017, 17:29:14 UTC
Angelica and Raul are hands down my favorite Gomez and Morticia

Mine too! They were amazing together and Gomez and Morticia are so much #relationshipgoals - and I love Tim Curry but I never got into Addams Family Reunion.

Just going to put this here:

... )


bizarra November 22 2017, 17:57:04 UTC
I liked Tim Curry, but what the *&^%$ were they thinking with Darryl Hannah?? Ugghhh...

I did actually enjoy the new Addams Family series that was on , I think it was ABC Family, for a while. It wasn't great... but the cast made it for me and did the best they could with the material. So, I enjoyed it despite itself. LOL


madampresident November 23 2017, 01:05:25 UTC
Yeah, like, I get that Angelica Huston technically wore a wig/extensions for the role but at least she had dark hair to start with. It just was weird trying to make Daryl Hannah Morticia. I'm trying to think who around that time would have been a good pick... maybe Demi Moore or Famke Janssen or Madeline Stowe?


schweet_heart November 22 2017, 05:33:34 UTC
Loving the Sound of Music gif XDD And I totally agree re: Meryl Streep, Gillian Anderson and Patricia Clarkson. All three are amazing!


madampresident November 22 2017, 17:44:37 UTC
I was pretty stoked to see Patricia Clarkson on more than just my list :D


schweet_heart November 23 2017, 04:22:41 UTC
Me too \o/


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