Superman's got nothing on this

Jun 05, 2010 21:35

So, I've been spending a lot of time reading Good Omens fanfic lately.

More specifically, steadfast's sequel Manchester Lost and the sequel of the sequel Paradise Thwarted (which is still a WIP and I am dying to read the next chapter OMG).

Both stories are so bloody amazing I lack the words to describe it! I am very deeply and utterly in love with them. And since words fail me I draw. Or rather, I try to.

This is my (sadly, not very talented) way of expressing how much fun I've had (and am still having) reading these fics. Consider it a humble tribute.

Disclaimer: Good Omens belongs to Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Manchester Lost and Paradise Thwarted and any original characters therein belong to the truly amazing steadfast. Not making any money off this, I swear.


Good Omens
Uriel, Michael and the Bentley - Inspired by a scene from 'Paradise Thwarted' by steadfast

Click for (much) larger version

I may have taken a few creative liberties there. I hope it's not a problem /o\ Apologies for the crappy background but I spent so much time on the foreground action I couldn't be arsed to draw detailed trees and stuff as well. Besides, trees are way not as interesting as two angels driving a Bentley.


art: good omens

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