Fic: KHR! - Kinetic

Jan 07, 2010 10:11

Title: Kinetic

Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Pairing: X18 - Xanxus/Hibari
Genre: PWP
Rating: NC-17, in every possible way
Word count: 3,900
Disclaimer: Amano Akira owns these two and the series, I don't. No money made.
Prompt: written for the 2nd round at khrfest; VII - 67. X18 - clash; "when the two sadists collide... in bed"
Beta: kentucka wrestled with this until it resembled a language called English. Any remaining mistakes will be burnt to ashes upon sight. Kindly point out whatever we missed.

Summary: Hibari's organisation wants to use the Varia mansion for their own purposes. Naturally, Xanxus objects but he soon finds out that Hibari is surprisingly flexible when it comes to his personal agenda. (Actually, my first intention was to put 'What the prompt says' here. But that would have been too easy. Although, oddly accurate.)

Warnings: The pairing. Need I say more? Alright: massive amounts of violence, excessive swearing, rough sex, two thickheaded bastards trying to best each other. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

A/N: Sorry for the length but having them fight is just too much damned fun. Naturally, I just couldn't resist this prompt. And I'm not even kidding about the violence.

To the requester: You rock. So, apologies if this is not what you've had in mind. I am deeply sorry if this pushes all the wrong buttons.

In case this does push the right buttons - please enjoy :)



"I will bring you pain like no other human being has ever experienced before, scumbag," Xanxus snarls, allowing the flame in his hand to flash even more brightly for a moment. It's a silent warning to the man standing a few steps below, tonfas engulfed by purple flames and ready to counter whatever Xanxus decides to throw at him.

The bastard doesn't respond but the smirk on his face says more than words anyway.

Bring it on. Looking forward to it.

Xanxus is torn between feeling insulted that the Cloud brat isn't cowering in fear before him and being intrigued. He's rooting for 'insulted' though. It just adds to the pile of shit he's been exposed to lately - most of it due to Hibari Kyouya 'informing him that The Foundation will be setting up a temporary research facility within the Varia mansion'.

That's what the email said. Or rather, that's what Squalo said the email said - because Xanxus doesn't fucking read emails.

And now, two weeks later, the very same Vongola Guardian is standing before Xanxus demanding to be shown whatever progress has been made. As if there has been any. Xanxus has successfully - and rather permanently in many cases - stopped anything even remotely resembling construction work.

He's told Hibari as much and he's not willing to tell him again. He's about to 'inform the pathetic joke of a guardian that his presence is neither required nor welcome and that he should just go piss off before he gets his fucking head blown off'.

And he's going to have a whole lot of fun doing so.


Two hours later there is a giant hedgehog lodged into one corner of the building and Xanxus is threatening to die of high blood pressure.

"Go to hell you fucking piece of trash!" Xanxus roars as he charges once more. It's not so much the fact that Hibari's box animal is currently serving as an impromptu wall to their dining hall that makes Xanxus' blood boil but rather that the smug bastard isn't bearing even the tiniest of scratches. He should be fucking ash by now.

"I'll pass," Hibari retorts and there is no way of telling if it's supposed to be sarcastic or serious. He ducks under the scorching path of Xanxus' bullets and emerges before Xanxus can properly adjust his aim.

He doesn't remember the little bug being quite so fast. And he certainly remembers Hibari to be a great deal smaller.

Of course, it's hard to tell when the Cloud Guardian is up close and one flame-immersed tonfa is about to relocate Xanxus' jaw to somewhere outside his body.

Xanxus is able to evade at the very last moment. It's sheer luck but he would never admit that.

The tonfa misses by barely an inch but the purple trail of flames brushes Xanxus' chin like the cold knuckles of Death incarnate. It's by far not the first time he's ever come into contact with Cloud flames but he still can't suppress a shiver that's equal parts thrill and unease. It's like watching someone deliberately cutting off their finger and then looking at your own and wondering which one you would miss the least.

Hibari is a blur beside him as he moves to deliver a blow to Xanxus' back. The air is sizzling with the heat from Xanxus' newly charged guns and there is a faint suggestion of burnt cloth and hair.

"So I did get you," Xanxus' laugh is full of spite as he whirls around and counters Hibari's attack with one of his guns. The Cloud flames eat angrily at the bright orange glow but in vain.

Hibari just smiles like the personification of his beloved weapons and shoves one tonfa-enforced arm into Xanxus' side.

Xanxus has no idea what internal organ is supposed to be there but he's freaking sure it's somewhere else now. He coughs and, damn, if that isn't blood he's spitting all of a sudden. The little bug has learned over the years, it seems.

He feels the chilly burn of the purple flames claw at his skin until it's like a thousand icy needles, growing bigger with each thought he's wasting on the pain.

"Fuck you if you think that'll make me change my mind," Xanxus hisses and brings his second gun up, grabbing a hold of the Cloud's suit to keep him from twisting away. What a shame, this one's going to ruin his uniform.

He makes sure that the white-hot sheen of flames on the barrel is just this side of nuclear and pulls the trigger.

The force of the shot sends him flying backwards. He carves an impressive set of skidmarks into Lussuria's precious lawn and only comes to a halt when an unfortunate tree neglects to step out of the way.

He's a little dizzy from the impact but not affected enough to not notice that he's dragging a peristent little pest of a Cloud Guardian along. The bloody asshole has actually managed to hang on. He still appears to have a face too - Xanxus can tell because there's one hell of a feisty grin spreading on it.

Damn, he could have sworn that this shot has blown the bastard's face clean off.

There's no time to dwell on the guy's impertinence though. Hibari's lost his tonfas but that doesn't mean he's harmless. One of his legs lodges between Xanxus' and the sudden flick of an ankle sends them both toppling to the ground.

They roll over the meadow like an avalanche, feet digging into the earth in search of leverage, hands and fists ripping out patches of grass where they fail to hit the target. There will be no escape from Lussuria's wailing once he sees what they've done to his beloved garden. But Xanxus couldn't care less at the moment because he's coming out on top and he's determined to make the presumptuous bugger suffer.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you worthless little shit?" Xanxus bellows as he pins the Vongola Guardian down without mercy, "Coming to my house and making demands?"

Hibari stills beneath him and gives him an amused look, "I wasn't making demands."

"Are you mocking me, scumbag?" Xanxus is about to see red. Not only is this bloody nuisance on legs refusing to back down, he's even taunting Xanxus. "You wanted to see that fucking non-existent lab of yours-"

"You weren't listening," Hibari interrupts with a goddamned smile on his face, "I wanted to see some progress. I never said anything about the lab."

"You-," Xanxus stops and is torn between being absolutely furious because nobody fucking interrupts him and being confused. The latter is a pretty unique sentiment for him, "What the hell are you talking about, trash?"

The Cloud Guardian seems to be getting really freaking comfortable beneath him, if that annoying self-satisfied smirk is anything to go by, "I wanted to see if I could beat you. The lab issue is still not off the table, though."

Nobody would call Xanxus stupid but right now he's having a bit of trouble following the brat's logic, "You just came here for a fight?"

"No. I did come here to check up on the construction work. But I knew you would refuse so I merely traded one priority for another."

Xanxus blinks and quickly remembers that he should be rightfully enraged. "You fucking lost, asshole. Now, go crawl back into Sawada's lap and practice some more."

Normally, this would be the point where people gather all their lost limbs and make a run for it but 'normal' doesn't seem to apply to Hibari. He meets Xanxus' glare with a calculating smile. "Is that so?"

"You f-," Xanxus wants to yell some obscenities and burn the vexing fucker until there's nothing left for his so-called friends to identify him by but he postpones that. They're already almost nose to nose and all of a sudden Hibari is leaning up and kissing him.

There is not much in this world that can surprise Xanxus but this does the trick.

He bites down on Hibari's tongue - more out of astonishment in the face of such an extreme change in warfare - but the guardian doesn't appear to mind. If anything he gets even more eager which is pretty fucked-up in Xanxus' opinion but he really isn't in a position to judge. As a matter of fact, he's not even sure he wants to judge - agreeing seems to be far more interesting at this point. He's suddenly wondering if Hibari fucks like he fights.

"What the fuck are you-" He pushes his opponent back onto the ground but the rest of his question gets lost in the bareknuckled punch that sends him reeling backwards. Seems like Hibari does indeed not make a difference between sex and battle. Well, in this case Xanxus can teach him a thing or two.


With one ring-bearing fist Hibari has managed what all the power of his weapons couldn't accomplish - there's a bleeding scratch on Xanxus' cheek.

He holds back an angry hiss when Hibari licks over the bruised skin. "If that gets infected I'll cut off your balls and feed them to you for breakfast."

"Should I go get that princess of a Sun Guardian to heal you or do you think you'll survive?"

Sarcastic little bitch; but Xanxus will show him where he can stick his cocky remarks. "Shut up and get to work." And with that he shoves Hibari down until he's lying at eye level with Xanxus' dick.

Hibari is surprisingly compliant but that may change in a matter of seconds, Xanxus knows. It has taken some effort to get them up to Xanxus’ bedroom. They were continuously alternating between trying to kill each other and making the respective other come right there and then. Several unhinged doors, burnt patches of tapestry and a partially broken staircase are steadfast witnesses to their undeniable urges.

"I feel teeth you're dead, clear?" Xanxus growls and emphasises his point by pressing one of his guns against Hibari's temple.

The bloody bastard smiles as if his brain couldn't become mush on the wall at any moment. "You know if you shoot me at this angle you're going to need a crowbar to remove your dick from my mouth. That's how hard I would be biting down in a sheer reflex."

Xanxus offers a cruel grin in reply and aims at Hibari's forehead instead, "Better?"

The Cloud Guardian's lips quirk up into one of these half-smiles that leaves everyone wondering what Hibari knows that they don't. It's arrogant as fuck but Xanxus is inclined to overlook it when Hibari's mouth closes around his cock like warm silk.

Xanxus appreciates the way the young man doesn't waste any time. Hibari takes him in so deep Xanxus can feel the Cloud brat swallow around his length. He bucks his hips - just to hear that disapproving grunt the skilled little bug makes.

Xanxus smirks as pleasure begins to spread through his body. He even abandons his gun in favour of a better hold on those black strands of smooth hair. He's not gentle because that word holds little meaning to the both of them and, really, he couldn't care less if he's causing any discomfort. And because he rather enjoys the growl-like noises Hibari lets out whenever he pulls particularly hard.

It's probably supposed to be a warning but Xanxus is deaf to those and they both know the gun is never out of reach. Plus, in a position like this avoiding a bullet is pretty damned difficult.

Maybe that's why Hibari is more careful than expected with the use of his remarkably sharp teeth - the kid isn't stupid, after all. A little suicidal, perhaps, but not stupid.

Xanxus' grin falters when he realises that his alertness is giving way to the hazy depths of bodily delight. He can't have that, not with someone like Hibari and he's sure that the devious tease of a guardian is also far from letting his attention slip. They're still fighting, after all.

"Alright, enough with the foreplay," he announces and works a hand under Hibari's chin, closing his fingers tightly around the man's throat to pull him up, "come here."

Hibari twists but it's only for show. The tonfa-wielding nuisance is going to sport a nice set of bruises around his neck come morning but Xanxus feels he can do a lot better.

He crushes their lips together, doesn't give the brat time to adjust. He can taste his own precome on Hibari's lips and if he wasn't busy otherwise he would laugh at the fact that it was this easy to leave a lingering impression on the Cloud Guardian.

But he gets ahead of himself and what goes around comes around. Hibari bites down on Xanxus' lower lip.

"Fuck!" Xanxus grabs a handful of Hibari's hair, "I said 'no teeth', you insolent piece of shit."

The bastard has the nerve to smile and forcefully disentangles Xanxus' fingers, pinning his wrist down on the mattress, "I thought that only applied to your dick."

"I should roast you like a pig on a spit," Xanxus snarls and uses his free hand to squeeze Hibari's throat until the bloody scumbag is gasping for air.

He brings them nose to nose and grins maliciously. "But I'll settle for fucking you until you can't stand anymore. For now."

Hibari leans into his grasp with a smile as sharp as a knife. His voice is raspy and low from lack of oxygen but Xanxus can hear him just fine when he says, "I'd like to see you try."

"My pleasure," he hisses in reply and vowes to make sure that he's indeed the only one who's going to enjoy this. He digs his fingers into the sensitive flesh underneath Hibari's jaw until the Cloud Guardian tries to twist away like a cat, unwilling to be picked up. He lets go of Xanxus' arm and allows the leader of the Varia more than enough leverage to roll them over.

Xanxus uses the time it takes Hibari's lungs to deal with the sudden surge of fresh air to settle between his legs. He's heavier than the Vongola brat and he knows how to take advantage of that.

"You're never gonna win against me," Xanxus sneers. He wants to demonstatively push his hips foward but he can't - Hibari has one hand securely wrapped around his shaft.

The little fucker smiles up at him and tightens his hold until Xanxus winces, "But winning is everything. Wouldn't you agree?"

Xanxus admits grudgingly that they're stuck in one of the most unpleasant positions imaginable. He can't move without risking his manhood and Hibari isn't willing to budge either. Well, gridlocked or not in Xanxus' experience there's hardly a situation that can't be solved with a loaded gun.

The energy of his flames sizzles angrily and casts an eerie glow over Hibari's face when the barrel scrapes along his jawline.

Hibari's expression doesn't even change, save for one cocked eyebrow but eventually he releases Xanxus' cock. The Cloud Guardian may have some witty replies handy but try arguing with a gun that can blast through your head and the adjoining room at once.

"That's better," Xanxus allows the flames to dissipate and places the gun right next to Hibari's head. A silent reminder that he's the gunslinger around here and he can beat Hibari to his tonfas any time.

"Are you done talking, herbivore?"

Xanxus has no idea what that means but he figures it's probably something he should punish the damned skylark for. He discards any vocal replies and instead slicks his fingers with spit because he'd be damned if he grants that Vongola lap dog the courtesy of actual lube. Hibari watches him with an almost bored expression as if Xanxus was ticking off items on a shopping list. Well, that's about to change.

He presses his hand between Hibari's butt cheeks and pushes one finger inside without preamble, watching with malicious delight as the brat barely stifles a moan. Hibari's eyes fall shut and he arches his back in order to adjust but that only lasts a moment. He relaxes far more quickly than Xanxus would have hoped and gives him a quizzical look.

What? Is that all you've got?

Xanxus bares his teeth in annoyance and adds a second finger, a third, until all the wordless defiance is gone and the smug looks have turned into silent pleas. He feels Hibari move around his fingers, revels in the knowledge that he's got so much power confined in such a delicate body completely at his mercy. Winning is indeed everything, he certainly agrees on that.

He's so confident in his triumph that he reaches for that jet-black hair and tugs until Hibari stills long enough to listen to his words. "What does defeat feel like, scumbag?"

"I don't know. You tell me." That is not quite the answer Xanxus has been hoping to hear. He blinks in confusion and barely avoids getting hit by the handle of his own gun.

He catches Hibari's wrist at the last moment before it can make a rightful mess of his skull. Beneath him Hibari is back to his feral self, a pleased smile on his face while Xanxus is holding his gun at bay with the hand that only seconds ago had the bloody menace gasping and practically begging for more. Xanxus reminds himself never to trust any sounds escaping Hibari's lips ever again.

"You fucking-," he doesn't get any further because Hibari's legs are suddenly around his hips and he's losing balance and the next thing he knows is the Cloud Guardian sitting on top of him with a smirk that would make even Squalo fear for his life. But Xanxus isn't the shark. He's the goddamned king of pain and Hibari's going to find out what happens to birds that want to play with lions.

Xanxus snarls and clutches both of Hibari's wrists. He conjures his flame and within seconds his hands are engulfed by the familiar orange light. Hibari hisses and tries to jerk his arms away but Xanxus won't let him. The gun topples to the floor somewhere near the bed and only then does Xanxus extinguish his flame.

He's kept it tamer than Hibari deserves but still, when Xanxus lets go the skylark's wrists look like he's been in a fight with a bucket of boiling water. Hibari's panting but otherwise doesn't even make a sound. Sturdy little bastard, Xanxus has to give him that.

He yanks the brat down by the back of this neck. "That was merely a warning, you vile crow. Next time I'll burn your hands clean off. Let's see how well you can handle those kid's toys you call a weapon without fingers. Are we clear?"

Hibari doesn't answer. Sweat-damp strands of dark hair are obscuring his face but Xanxus thinks he's caught the flash of a smile. He takes that as a 'yes'.

"Good," Xanxus smacks Hibari's ass and bucks his hips suggestively, "now that you're already seated so conveniently, I say you get on with it."

He leaves no room for discussion and with a relentless grip drags Hibari down on his cock. The Cloud Guardian inhales sharply; he trembles but never lets anything louder than a gasp slip. It's all the same to Xanxus. For all he cares the man may as well be mute.

Xanxus sets a brutal pace, hands tight enough on Hibari's hips to leave bruises. It takes a few thrusts but after a while Hibari starts to push back. His nails rake over Xanxus' arms when he finally straightens up, throwing his head back and for a moment Xanxus is tempted to just stop and stare. Hibari indeed fucks like he fights - fierce and ruthless, without remorse, doubt or regard for anyone, not even himself. He's treacherous grace, merging cold calculation and the hot-blooded hunger for violence.

Xanxus basks in it, his lips locked in a ferocious grin as he watches the Vongola's most feared guardian ground his ass down in ever wilder motions. He indulges in the prickling sensation unfurling in his groin, the tight heat and the low noises Hibari is making, despite all his efforts to remain silent. And Xanxus feels lenient enough to wrap his hand around Hibari's erection and finally give the skylark what he's craving.

It's like the high of a fine battle and Xanxus would be lying to himself if he said that Hibari isn't a worthy counterpart. He's devoid of his weapons but he's scratching at Xanxus' skin and his thighs are so steadfast at Xanxus' sides that the Varia leader is sure he could break a rib or two. They're both not going to get out of this unscathed and that alone is a unique occurrence - usually, Xanxus is the one who leaves his partners bruised and battered.

He's keeping his ministrations of Hibari's cock as shallow as possible because there's no way in Hell he'll let the fucking piece of trash come before him. Nevertheless, their rhythm is growing erratic and Hibari lets out a pained hiss when he's forced to rest his arms on either side of Xanxus to support his weight. The annoying bastard is going to feel those burns for quite some time and that only adds to Xanxus' twisted idea of fun.

Xanxus holds the Cloud Guardian in place with his free hand as he pounds into that firm ass, relishing the pressure when his orgasm sweeps through him like the wrath that the world has learned to fear. Hibari takes it all, welcomes it and probably doesn't even begin to understand how good it feels.

Hibari shudders when Xanxus comes inside of him and bites his lip to prevent a traitorous little moan in vain. He rides the waves of Xanxus' climax, desperately trying to reach his own but Xanxus won't allow it. Only when the blinding heat recedes does he continue to stroke Hibari to completion. Xanxus is a bastard too, after all.

The Cloud Guardian groans and it doesn't take long before he arches back and finds his release in Xanxus' clever hands.

So much for winning. Xanxus smirks as Hibari slumps down onto the mattress next to him, a lot more unceremoniously than usual.

"I fucking told you," Xanxus informs the room in general, "you'll never beat me."

And it's only the room that's listening because Hibari is already snoring ever so lightly beside him.


In the morning Xanxus wakes up to the smell of something burning. He gets up to investigate but he doesn't need to go far. The carpet is on fire and it reads 'Two weeks. The lab. No excuses.' in flaming letters that smell faintly of very expensive twelve-year-old Scotch.

Xanxus screams for his useless Rain Guardian and orders him to put out the fiery message. Squalo gives him a puzzled look but Xanxus only shoots his arse out of the room with the demand for a new stock of Scotch.

When he's alone again he glances at the now dripping wet carpet and allows himself a wicked smile. He's going to enjoy obstructing the construction work even more than before.

~ Fin ~

fic: one-shot, fic: katekyo hitman reborn

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