Office fic: pressed against a sea of stars

Mar 25, 2007 10:50

Title: pressed against a sea of stars
Author: allibabab
Rating: T
Wordcount: 3,257
Spoilers: This hasn't and won't happen, but it takes place after Cocktails.
Summary: In the end, it is never, never giving up.
A/N: This was a doozy to get out! Thanks so much to biggerdorkthanu and fireworkfiasco for all their help.

She wakes up with headaches these days. )

fanfiction, writing, the office

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Comments 34

lostfox555 March 25 2007, 17:21:24 UTC
May I express my love for this story? Seriously, now every time I eat a Milky Way, I'll think of that...not that that's a bad thing...

I love everything you write, and I'm not just saying that. Ask fireworkfiasco, I tell her when her stuff is crap.


allibabab March 25 2007, 22:01:31 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm excited to think I had an impression on your thoughts about Milky Ways. ;)

(I don't think I've ever read anything by fireworkfiasco that was crap, but you probably read it at an earlier stage or something! Haha.)


lostfox555 March 25 2007, 22:07:35 UTC
I will now buy a Milky Way pretty much every day, and think of Jim each time.

(Her stuff is never crap, but she would know if I thought it were).


lostfox555 March 29 2007, 01:04:55 UTC
I really need you to know what this story did to me. I was standing at the vending machine in the College of Professional Studies building today and I was trying to pick a "healthy" I could find one of those...and I was scanning the rows of chips and candy. Before i knew what I was doing I punched in D6 and a MILKY WAY dropped...I literally stood there staring at the next one in line to drop. Someone in the hallway snapped me out of it, but seriously, lets think about what I was thinking about...yeah...thanks. I can't go to a vending machine without thinking dirty thoughts about Jim. Thanks. Thanks.

No, seriously...thank you SO much.


miss_bennie March 26 2007, 03:38:21 UTC
OK. I am ready to review now.

This is amazing, excellent, and about eighty other superlatives. It just EMOTES and it gorgeous and flows so so so well. And it's quiet and them and I really wish that this would actually happen.

She’s always thought there was something weird about the way your bones don’t actually touch each other, how there has to be some cushioning. They’re strong, after all, but breakable too, if the force is right.

Gah. This is perfect, and so Pam. I love how you take something simple and random and anatomical and turn it into this beautiful metaphor, because, yes.

She doesn’t think about Jim again that morning, except for when she makes tea, and takes a shower, and brushes her teeth, and chooses her outfit.How did you do this? This one little sentence made me want to die and yet live forever to read the rest of this all at once. I could actually picture Pam's face while thinking this, it is so perfect ( ... )


allibabab March 26 2007, 21:39:00 UTC
I love how you take something simple and random and anatomical and turn it into this beautiful metaphor, because, yes.

You have no idea how good it is to hear that that part worked well for you -- originally it was weirdly worded, then fireworkfiasco helped me work out some kinks, then I still thought it seemed strange (and biggerdorkthanu agreed), so I cut it down, and then I still wasn't sure but I still liked the idea and just -- thank you. I'm really glad you liked it because I thought it was a nice idea too (if I do say so myself).

How did you do this? ... I could actually picture Pam's face while thinking this, it is so perfect.

I'm so glad you liked this line too! It's something that really rings true with me about Pam, I guess -- she honestly doesn't believe that she feels as strongly about Jim as she does. Kind of. I don't know how to explain it. Like earlier, when she was still with Roy in the first two seasons, I think she knew she felt something for Jim, but she really didn't believe it was what it is. You know? So this line just encompassed that ( ... )


falulatonks March 26 2007, 09:47:59 UTC
teehee, you already know what I thought of the fic, but I'm glad I didn't scare you away with my excessive love [SOMUCHLOVE sososomuchlove] back at MTT. :P

I'm just going to go read it again now. If you'll excuse me...


allibabab March 26 2007, 21:41:00 UTC
How could I be scared away by excessive love? Impossible! It's flattering to no end, actually...

Thanks again! :D


OH. obsession_inc March 26 2007, 14:41:54 UTC
I think my whole chest just collapsed. This is just, oh, man, oh, holy cow, AAAAAGH I am crushed into incoherence.

So so so good.


Re: OH. allibabab March 26 2007, 21:42:44 UTC
I just- it is SO INSANE to hear things like that from people who write things LIKE YOU DO. Thank you so, so much! I think I'll go have a moment of squee if you'll excuse me...


last_tsarina March 26 2007, 17:52:44 UTC
The whole time I was reading this my stomach was clenched and I could feel Pam and her tension and oh my. Amazing.



allibabab March 26 2007, 21:43:34 UTC
Consider that love right back at you! Thanks so much for reading and commenting! ♥


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