Apologise [it's never too late]: for Quinn madeherdecision

Jan 16, 2012 14:56

OOC: continued from here.

"So," Dex smiled across the table at her, setting down his helping of salad from the bowl as he gestured about them. "Been a while since we've come here."

character tag: quinn fabray

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Comments 51

madeherdecision January 16 2012, 18:13:59 UTC
Quinn was glad they had decided to do this, and had made up. The restaurant was one of her favorites, and she shifted her salad in front of her before sprinkle some cheese on it. When Dexter spoke, she looked up at him and smiled. "It has been," she said with a smile and nod. "I think it was right before it got cold since it was warm enough to eat outside then."


allforhumanity January 16 2012, 19:26:19 UTC
Dex added a little of the balsamic vinegar for himself before smiling again. He liked this, felt like they haven't sat and eaten together in a while.

"I missed eating with you... well. Cooking for us, mostly." He didn't really worry about it, otherwise.

But he liked to have her eat what he'd made, test it out. For him it was a way to take care of her.


madeherdecision January 16 2012, 19:55:19 UTC
Quinn put a few drops of dressing on her salad before pickin up her fork. She gave him another smile and ate a bite before washing it down with the wine they had decided to order. "Am I that interesting when I eat," she asked before softly laughing. "I've missed it too."

Not only had she missed his cooking, but she missed the quiet conversations they had when they ate together. It seemed they were able to talk about almost anything while sitting at the dinner table.

"How have things been lately?" she asked since they really hadn't spoken much since the fight.


allforhumanity January 16 2012, 22:31:53 UTC
"Yeah, you're real expressive..." he winks. "No, good. Just work.. boring for the most part." No one to come home to and forget about it, even if to argue.

He takes a sip of sparkling water and nodded, "you? I heard you and Melissa got into a fight about me 'cheating'? Or so she told me."

Yeah.. he would have to tell her about this.


madeherdecision January 19 2012, 00:27:00 UTC
Quinn found herself grinning at Dexter's suggestion. It had been too long since she'd had any of that cheesecake, and spending some alone time with him was something she really wanted to do. So, she nodded her head before take a couple more bites of her salad before washing it down with the wine.

"That sounds like a great idea," she said before setting her fork down.

She wasn't sure if he wanted to go now, or if he wanted to finish his meal. Either way, she was ready when he was.


allforhumanity January 19 2012, 12:52:04 UTC
Never really able to finish those fancy salads all the way when he had cheesecake prospects, Dex signaled for the bill, and, contrary to his earlier claims.. made sneaky ways to pay for them, tugging her to stand, fingers linking with hers. "Come on.. I feel like a walk before we head back."


madeherdecision January 19 2012, 18:27:26 UTC
Quinn took the napkin off her lap and dabbed her mouth before draping the napkin over her plate. With a smile, she took Dexter's hand and stood. "A walk sounds nice. The only times I get to walk is when I'm going from class to class at school," she said as they walked out into the warm night. Maybe it wasn't supposed to be this warm this time of year, but she wasn't going to complain.

"So where do you want to go?"


allforhumanity January 19 2012, 20:08:46 UTC
"Where else?" he smiled softly, "the beach." Where they first met. Where he tossed sand onto her while she topped up her tan and apologised.. and then he stayed with her. Never looked back at any other girl like that. One who was adament about an apology like that. So strong...


madeherdecision January 21 2012, 20:41:58 UTC
Quinn started to nervously chew on her bottom lip as she waited for him to say something. She knew it was big, and wondered if he would think less of her because of it.

"I lost contact with him after we graduated high school. I, um...I was a cheerleader for a couple years, and the coach was awful. One day she made me feel like the ugliest person to ever be born, and he took advantage of that. Got me drunk, and said he could make me feel beautiful again, and that he was wearing a condom. Obviously, he wasn't. The first time I ever had sex, I got pregnant," she said with a rueful laugh.


thank youuuu for always giving new comments when needed >3 allforhumanity January 21 2012, 20:44:27 UTC
Nothing she could say would make him think less of her, because nothing was irredeemable that she would do. He knew Quinn. Knew her heart was in the right place.

Okay, and right now? He wanted to beat up that bastard.

He drew her closer, tried to turn her face to his, look into her eyes. "Hey... look at me?"


You're welcome. ^^ madeherdecision January 21 2012, 21:02:24 UTC
Quinn had long since forgiven Puck for what he'd done. It was the only way for her to grow up, and move on from all of it. Still, it was something she would always live with.

When he turned her face toward him, she looked at him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," she said.


allforhumanity January 21 2012, 21:04:04 UTC
"But you did," he assured. "And I'm glad... Quinn. This, it don't change anything. I'm telling you the truth." He brushed their lips together, "I'm here. I love you." And this was just a part of her life she had shared with him now. He could only be glad. But he did hurt. For her.


madeherdecision January 24 2012, 17:33:56 UTC
"You got me there. Usually I have pants or shorts on if I'm alone. Which, I sometimes wish I wasn't. I miss not having you beside me when I sleep," Quinn quietly said.

She liked having him there to curl against, especially after long, and hard days. He always made her feel safe.

When his fingers brushed over her panties, she raised her eyebrows before taking another bite of cheesecake. "I can take those off too, if you'd like," she said with a smirk.


allforhumanity January 24 2012, 20:07:24 UTC
Dex nodded, smiling as he realises she was thinking along the same lines as him. Wrapping his other arm slowly about her shoulders, he drew her in. "Maybe you should.. in a bit."

Nipping softly at her lips, he winked, drawing away. "Better get ready for bed."


madeherdecision January 24 2012, 20:55:03 UTC
Quinn smiled at him and softly hummed when he nipped at her lips. As he pulled away to get changed for bed, she grinned and propped herself up on her elbows. She liked watching him dress and undress.

"I think you should sleep in the nude tonight," she said with a grin.


allforhumanity January 25 2012, 13:30:21 UTC
Plucking the rest of the cheesecake away and doubling back to the fridge, Dex winked over his shoulder at her. "Really now."

When he returned it was to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash up... fingers slowly moving to unbutton his jeans as he wiped down on a towel, scrubbing at the scruff of his chin as blue eyes surveyed her calmly...


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