Apologise [it's never too late]: for Quinn madeherdecision

Jan 16, 2012 14:56

OOC: continued from here.

"So," Dex smiled across the table at her, setting down his helping of salad from the bowl as he gestured about them. "Been a while since we've come here."

character tag: quinn fabray

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madeherdecision January 21 2012, 20:41:58 UTC
Quinn started to nervously chew on her bottom lip as she waited for him to say something. She knew it was big, and wondered if he would think less of her because of it.

"I lost contact with him after we graduated high school. I, um...I was a cheerleader for a couple years, and the coach was awful. One day she made me feel like the ugliest person to ever be born, and he took advantage of that. Got me drunk, and said he could make me feel beautiful again, and that he was wearing a condom. Obviously, he wasn't. The first time I ever had sex, I got pregnant," she said with a rueful laugh.


thank youuuu for always giving new comments when needed >3 allforhumanity January 21 2012, 20:44:27 UTC
Nothing she could say would make him think less of her, because nothing was irredeemable that she would do. He knew Quinn. Knew her heart was in the right place.

Okay, and right now? He wanted to beat up that bastard.

He drew her closer, tried to turn her face to his, look into her eyes. "Hey... look at me?"


You're welcome. ^^ madeherdecision January 21 2012, 21:02:24 UTC
Quinn had long since forgiven Puck for what he'd done. It was the only way for her to grow up, and move on from all of it. Still, it was something she would always live with.

When he turned her face toward him, she looked at him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," she said.


allforhumanity January 21 2012, 21:04:04 UTC
"But you did," he assured. "And I'm glad... Quinn. This, it don't change anything. I'm telling you the truth." He brushed their lips together, "I'm here. I love you." And this was just a part of her life she had shared with him now. He could only be glad. But he did hurt. For her.


madeherdecision January 21 2012, 21:21:17 UTC
Quinn returned the kiss and softly smiled. He'd taken it better than she had expected, and was glad he had. The last thing she wanted was to lose him over something she had no control over.

"I love you too. Always, Dex," she said against his lips. She then snuggled against him and let out a small sigh. "I'm glad you're still in my life."


allforhumanity January 22 2012, 13:17:12 UTC
"I'm not planning on goin' anywhere, either.. so get used to it." He hadn't been able to think about much else when they were apart. He felt like he'd broken a promise to her, because of her. It was conflicting feeling.. unpleasant. He never wanted to feel that again..

"S'gettin' cold.." he said after a moment. And late. Nudging her slightly, he smirked, "I hear that cheesecake callin'.. or maybe it's our bed."


madeherdecision January 22 2012, 16:39:59 UTC
"Good since I don't want you going anywhere," Quinn told him.

When he nudged her, she slowly stood and stretched her body out before she turned to look at him. "We can have the cheesecake in bed," she said as she gave him a playful wink and took his hand.


allforhumanity January 23 2012, 12:46:25 UTC
"I can get down with this plan..." He draws her close to his side as they walked, fingers brushing along to her hand, curling in. He never planned on letting go again.


madeherdecision January 23 2012, 14:41:05 UTC
Of course her wanting to eat cheesecake in bed has a double meaning, which she's sure Dexter get. When they get back to the house, she goes inside and toes of her shoes. "Want me to get the food, or do you?" she asks.


allforhumanity January 23 2012, 16:14:39 UTC
"It's my turn," he chuckles, giving her a soft, slighting kiss to her hair. "Go get the bed warm for me."

Because next to cheesecake that they'd share with one spoon, oh yeah - he wasn't planning on doing anything around the place. Just sleep with her.

God, he'd missed that. He'd finally get down for a few decent hours that night...


madeherdecision January 23 2012, 17:00:30 UTC
"Yes, sir," Quinn said with a mock salute.

She turned and went down the hallway to the room they shared. Once inside, she shrugged off her jacket and tossed it to the side before she stripped down to her t-shirt and underwear. It had been while since they'd shared a bed, and she was looking forward to it as she slipped under the covers and waited for him.


allforhumanity January 23 2012, 19:05:22 UTC
Dex leant against the doorframe a moment, the spoon and the small round container of the cheesecake in one palm as he shrugged his shirt off of the other where it hung from his wrist. Wanting to be easier as he leant in slowly, lay out beside her on his stomach.

"Hmm," he smiled, handing over the spoon as he laid the treat out between them.


madeherdecision January 23 2012, 21:43:26 UTC
"Hmm, what?" Quinn asked as she pushed the blanket off her body, and stretched out like a cat. She gave him a look and picked up the spoon before cutting off a piece of the cheesecake. She then looked at him and ran her tongue over the spoon, groaning as she did. "Mmm, this is like heaven."

She licked a bit more off before offering him the rest.


allforhumanity January 23 2012, 21:45:46 UTC
"Nothin'," he says, watching her as one hand sneaks under the covers as he leans in to taste it, too. "Just got the sneakin' suspicion.. you're not wearin' any pants.." And he sees his right, as his hand alights to bare thigh...


madeherdecision January 24 2012, 02:16:04 UTC
Quinn perks an eyebrow when he slips his hand under the blanket. His touch causes her skin to erupt in goosebumps. "Oh? And when have I ever worn pants to bed?" she asks.


allforhumanity January 24 2012, 13:15:48 UTC
"Really? Thought it was jus' when I was here..."

Because, regretably... they don't share a bed all the time. Sometimes work, and not being over at each other's... it did that.

Dex curled his fingers slowly into her thigh, just skimming the panties...


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