The little AU: Primavera: May Flowers
slashfairy ~~
They see the pictures, of course. Who doesn't? Orli's come home to himself.
There he is, comfortable in a cotton shirt and baggy pants and a huge-ass grin, making his way down the lines of fans smiling and relaxed, shoulders down where they belong, eyes sparkling and so clear you can see into them all the way to the stars, all the way to heaven, Viggo thinks.
Karl notices how the casual laughing boy is back, in the body of a well-grown man, healthy and strong, calm and with a measure of self-respect, self-confidence, that makes his beauty and his delight in the fun it brings him not vanity, but appreciation for a gift he can use to share other gifts- "He really made Will Turner live, didn't he?" Karl says to Viggo, after they've talked for a bit on the phone while pulling up the pics one by one on their respective computers.
"Yes, yes he did," Viggo says, glad it's over. 4 more days and Orli's Disney contract is over. There may be another one sometime in his future, but that particular set of obligations will be satisfied and he can have that part of his life back, too.
"This means it worked," Viggo says, half under his breath, as though not to break a spell or stir up the dust of an old curse.
"Yeah, reckon it did," Karl replies, thinking to himself that he'd never have believed a letter a day, some good wishes, and holding someone in his heart could make any difference, but it might have helped. ("How the hell am I supposed to do that, Vig? You and your damn hippie nonsense. Voo-doo," he'd said at first.) Certainly last year this was not the Orlando they went to find, to never let go of, to bring home if he would let them. This was- is- the Orli they fell in love with, first Vig, and then, not quite grudgingly, Karl.
Their phones sound, and each man looks to see what it might be. It's Orlando, just texting ";-)".
But they know what that means. He's home. Home is the sailor, home, from the sea.
stormatdusk, because she encouraged me, and because she knows it may not be 'real', but it's 'true'. Love you, honey.]