fic: love is friendship set on fire: puck/kurt

Oct 13, 2009 20:53

Title: Love is Friendship Set on Fire (1/1)
Pairing: Puck/Kurt (beginning of, anyway)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Glee
Summary: A mostly serious talk on the bleachers.
Disclaimer: Very much not mine, sadly.
Notes: So yeah, this is definitely a series. I suppose I should come up with a name for it. Any suggestions? The main theme is 80s music. The song in this story is one of my favorites from forever: Love Bites. They also mention Pour Some Sugar On Me.

Past stories in this series:
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way Home | Giving off Sparks

"Love bites," Kurt said a few days later, sitting next to Puck on the bleachers. He was wearing his football uniform, sans the pads. He didn't like wearing the pads. ("Coach Tanaka, while I appreciate the fact that we need to wear the pads in order to protect ourselves from six foot two, two hundred pound men barreling down the field toward us, I am the kicker. I am the kicker during practice. None of our team is going to tackle me during practice." At this point, Kurt turned cutting eyes to the football team behind him. The confidence surprised him, but then, they were finally winning football games thanks to Kurt, his ability to kick a field goal, and the way he taught the football team to throw their opponents off balance. Kurt would have thought by now the other teams in the county would have realized that they were going to dance some number during the game, but apparently, it was still shocking every time it happened.)

Puck looked over at Kurt, a blank look on his face. "What?" he grunted. Kurt wondered what he had been thinking about. A year ago, he would have thought something neanderthal or plain stupid. Now, Kurt wasn't so sure. There was someone else under that cold, hard exterior. Kurt wasn't sure who that person was, but he was enjoying the glimpses he got occasionally.

"I said, love bites. It's a song," Kurt informed Puck haughtily. He was surprised Puck didn't know what he was talking about. Kurt had actually given up attention during Dancing with the Stars the night before to research 80s rock music online. Sure, he had heard the song in passing, but anything older than a decade or so he knew very little about. Unless, of course, it was Andrew Lloyd Webber, or even Gilbert and Sullivan.

"Oh, yeah, Def Leppard. Hysteria is a great album all the way around."

"Hysteria what?" Kurt asked, turning his head to squint at Puck. The sun was bright and Kurt raised his hand to shield his eyes. Puck glanced at him, and then moved slightly, casting a bigger shadow over Kurt's face. Kurt dropped his hand, smiling faintly to himself at the gesture. "The CD is called Hysteria?"

"It is. Pour Some Sugar on Me is from that album, too."

Kurt noticed Puck kept calling it album. He wondered if that was a throwback from the decade. Logically, he knew that at one point they were record albums, but no one called CDs albums anymore. Well, no one but his father, anyway. And possibly Mr. Shue, but Kurt had long stopped trying to figure his teacher out. He was sure that Mr. Shue was often in his own little optimistic world most of the time. Kurt enjoyed watching him and learning from him, though. "I think I know that song, but whatever." Kurt brushed that off. "I'm talking about Love Bites. That's a power ballad, too. Possibly more than the Bon Jovi song."

The smirk suddenly showed up and Kurt tried his hardest not to flush. Puck never did corner him after glee to ask what he was going to say, and Kurt was scared that Puck would do that just now. "Mm," Puck made a quiet and content noise. "The fucking in the back seat song."

If Kurt were better friends with Puck (and less dignified than he was), he would have punched Puck in the shoulder. Fortunately, Kurt was above childish things like that. "Do you mind?" he asked. "I am trying to have a conversation with you, and I would appreciate it if you would remain in the here and now with me, instead of losing yourself in your disgusting fantasies." Kurt was kind of surprised he could say all of that with a straight face and without bursting into flames. Or melting into a puddle.

Puck chuckled, glancing at Kurt. "You know, Hummel, you're all right."

Kurt blinked, surprised by the compliment. He had hoped, when they switched CDs, that maybe one day they could sort of become friends, but he never - in a million years - thought he'd get an actual compliment. "Well. Thank you, Puck. You're.. surprisingly not bad either." Kurt was honest to a fault. It was his nature.

Smiling, Puck steered the topic back to the song at hand. "So, Love Bites, you say? I agree. Great song, great to play, too."

Suddenly, more than anything, Kurt wanted to see Puck play some of these songs. He had seen Puck strumming the guitar while they waited for glee to start, but he wanted to watch Puck really lose himself in the music. That was when his silly crush on Puck was the strongest, when Puck didn't care who was watching and stripped the layers away to become a musician. "Do you believe that?" At Puck's questioning look, Kurt waved his hand. "That love bites. All the things they sing about."

Puck was quiet for a long moment and Kurt glanced over at him. He was watching the cheerleaders practice. Kurt assumed he was thinking about Santana, Santana who - Kurt heard through the grapevine - broke up with Puck because he didn't have a good enough credit score. Kurt suddenly felt bad for the football player. It was a ridiculous reason for someone to break up with them, and Kurt thought maybe the song was right. Maybe love does bite.

"Not when it's right, I think," Puck finally answered in a quiet moment of honesty. Kurt would have been surprised that Puck was talking to him like this, but.. he really wasn't. Glee changed people. Slowly, and without the person even realizing. He saw Rachel slowly become more of a team player and not quite so egotistical. He saw Quinn start to become more human. He saw Finn taking more interest in his future, for both him and his soon-to-be family. Kurt knew he was changing too. A year ago, he would have never tried out for the football team; he was once far too superior to be anywhere near the big oafish idiots on their football team. But now he was their star kicker, and actually enjoyed it. And he realized that the football players weren't all morons. Puck's continuation drew Kurt away from his wandering thoughts. "When it's right, I think love is probably amazing. I've never been in it, so I don't know."

Kurt looked down at his hands, pretending to study his nails. Really, he didn't want to look at Puck through this conversation. Love was a touchy subject with him, being what felt like the only gay person in Lima, Ohio. "Do you think you'll ever be in love?"

He felt Puck shrug beside him. "Oh, I don't know. I think I'm far too much man for anyone to tame," Puck boasted. And Kurt felt like he knew Puck just well enough that he could almost hear the fear that underlined that sentence. It was a fear that Kurt could knew intimately. I don't know if I'll even find someone who can love me.

"True, since you are all man," Kurt said haughtily, his nose slightly upturned. The moment was getting too heavy and he couldn't handle it anymore. Not on the football field, and not with Noah Puckerman.

"Damn straight, Hummel," Puck said with a laugh, standing up. He jumped down the levels of the bleachers until he was on the ground. Turning back, he flashed a smile up to Kurt. "And don't you forget it."

And with that, Puck melted back into the team of football players.


fic, glee, puck/kurt

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