The wrong person to ask

Jun 24, 2009 14:44

Who: Javeri and Dulcinea
Where: Stores
When: Around noon on day 9, month 1, turn 19
What: Javeri is in need of new linens. And a new bed. And, well, so on. But she's just poking through linens while wet and sandy from the beach. Dulcinea needs nothing but a man. He is not around so they chat.

Wet footprints. Wet footprints lead the way with sand along for the ride. If that was not indication enough that someone was here there's talking amongst where the linens are kept. "I know, I know. It's fine. I can make it work just...just go do something ok?" Or at least there's a singular voice. Whom she is talking to is a mystery. Maybe someone who just doesn't talk back? Wet hair, clothes still wet, water dripping down just a bit. This is the picture Javeri presents as she wipes her hands on a towel before beginning to rummage through the linen boxes she's pulled down. "Of course I'm sharding mad," is muttered more quietly.

Soft footsteps down one of the branching tunnels, hesitating here and there during those pauses, and then there's a Dulcinea standing there, a hand on one hip. "You," she says accusingly, "are only one person." A pause. "And you're soaked? Never mind, I won't ask. I thought you'd be two people." A gesture at the vicinity where this theoretical second person isn't. "And that one of those people would be the one I was looking for. But you're not. Why are you soaked?" Never mind that she just said she wouldn't ask.

"Ack!" Yes, she says ack. Just like that. Busy sorting linens and talking Javeri was completely unaware someone else was coming up. She drops the set of sheets she was studying and turns around. "Oh, well, there are two, well, that is I was talking to, well, he's not here." Shaking her head to get her brain into place she grins. "Sorry, I was talking to my dragon. I don't normally do that out loud." Lifting a hand she touches a wet braid and then asks, "Who were you looking for? And I am not soaked. I've dried off some. I was at the beach."

"Ah," with a dismissive wave for this whole dragon business, like Dulcinea does not understand and is not particularly keen on trying to understand it. "I was looking for Vlad. He works here, but I have not the faintest idea of his hours. Except that I suppose I always assume people will be at work. I generally am." She gives Javeri a good look up and down. "Well, you're at least seriously damp. It is, for the record, an old wives' tale about the going around damp and getting pneumonia thing, but it's still..." Eyes flickering to the trail of sand. "Messy."

"Vlad? Sorry, don't know him. But I also rarely talk to anyone here since I know where to find stuff." Javeri waves her hand just a little to dismiss the people working in stores as being an issue for her. "I haven't seen anyone either really but for several hers so clearly not the him you were seeking." Looking down at herself there's a shrug. "Seriously damp. Well, the walk up here did enough drying I suppose. As for sand I know there's people who'll come sweep up. Why deny them the chance to do their job? Although I don't imagine they are always at their job. Why would you want to always be at your job? I'd love to have less work to do. More time for surfing and clay."

An approximate gesture in the six foot range. "Kind of tallish. Good bone structure, very nice eyes." Which does not precisely make it sound like a professional affiliation. But Dulcinea doesn't linger there; obviously, he's not here. "Of course there are people who can sweep up, but they could be put to better use elsewhere if they don't have to follow you around with brooms. I don't see the point in *having* work if you don't want to be at it. If I didn't want to be a healer, I wouldn't have chosen this craft in the first place." A vague frown crosses her face. "But they keep telling me I have to go home, even though I rank almost all of them. So, I thought I'd come find some things."

"But their work /is/ sweeping," Javeri points out with a grin. "So, if everyone picks up after themselves what will the sweepers do? What if they can't do anything else? Or don't want to do anything else? Besides it's sand. We live on an island and there's sand everywhere." Logic! At least as much logic as the bluerider has in her. "Oh, healer," she says and there's a sudden knowing in her expression. "I should have known. You're all crazy over work. It's work. It shouldn't define your life. Going home is good." Now her eyes sparkle just a bit as she asks, "Find some things or find some one?" So, she did catch on to the description.

That just gets a scowl. "Don't I know that there's sand everywhere. The weather is lovely, but I'll have been back at Fort a decade before I get the last of the sand out of my things," Dulcinea mutters, but then she shakes her head and starts peering through boxes on the nearby shelves. "If work doesn't, then what would? I have no intention of being a nobody. Possibly some things and someone. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. I imagine men like to feel useful. Don't you think? I haven't thought of what I should be looking for yet, though, that would be obscure enough that I'd need him to find it for me. So, that's a problem."

Javeri looks down at the box she was sorting through and frowns at it. "No sand in here," she points out with a grin. "I even dried my hands before sorting through it." Isn't she the thoughtful type? "Oh. I get it. Well, I suppose the person who worked themselves to death will make you a somebody. We all have out different definitions of it I suppose." The lid goes back on the box before she hefts it to slide back on the shelf. "And I don't know about men feeling useful. All the ones I know are useful and know it. But since you know this Vlad person better than me I'll let you be the expert. Are you setting up a room of your own? There's all sorts you might want for that."

Fingertips skip from box to box as Dulcinea reads through the labels. "It's not about useful in general, I'm sure he's ordinarily very useful to... people. It's about useful in specific, so they feel like they've done something for you, personally. Of course, there are always peculiar sorts." She opens one box almost at random, to peek into it. "But there are always peculiar sorts, period. Some guys could have a pretty girl half-naked in their bed and still find some way to have a problem with that." Hypothetical guys, of course. "I do have a room, but not the faintest idea what to do with it. I prefer sleeping in the infirmary. Someone has to take the night on-call shifts, after all."

"Ugh, yea, that's a great way to get to spend time with a guy," Javeri says with a shake of her head. "Tending the sick at night. You know if you need help with your room, at least ideas for it, I'd be happy to help." There's a quickly suppressed sigh from the bluerider before she adds with a grin, "Not like I ever get to do much with my weyr. Something like cushions for plain wood chairs would require assistance I think. After all there's cushions everywhere, but finding just the right one..." Trailing off into a laugh she grabs another box and hauls it down with a thunk. "If you're trying to make a point ask him to help you find linens for your bed. Most guys will get that at least."

Dulcinea is all focused on the contents of this box, picking through them without pulling anything out to take a closer look, but there's a smirk. "You just have to be quiet, that's all. Long as there's not some kind of emergency." But then it fades into a more natural smile. "Cushions. I could get cushions. Well, I'd probably need chairs, first. He's proven good at finding me chairs. I don't think the whole bed linen business is strictly necessary, at this point. It might have been very clever earlier, though. I should have thought of that."

"Always next time," Javeri says with a grin about the linens. "I know I'd certainly rather not be hearing hunting linens when I could be out doing something fun." Shaking her head she rummages more in the box before closing it up. "Cushions are good though. Storage units are another good one although if you get something too big it'll require more people to move it and if you're wanting to get him alone in your room that's not a good idea. Something to store shoes in. That's a good one. Although to be honest I'm probably not the person to be giving advice on getting men to your room. I certainly don't let them sleep with me."

"If I was just trying to get him into my room, at this point, I think I'd just have to ask." Dulcinea finally pushes the box back onto the shelf with a thump. "Not that being less straightforward can't be amusing sometimes. But... Obfuscation can sometimes be counterproductive, past a certain point." She turns back around with raised eyebrows. "Let them? There's an interesting way of putting it. Usually both sides put forth something in the transaction."

The box goes back on the shelf and Javeri leans against it after turning to look at the healer. "Oh, I'm not talking about sex," she clarifies with an easy laugh. "I'm perfectly happy to have sex with someone if they catch my eye and aren't a jerk. But not in my /bed/. Or even my weyr. That's my space." There she stops and then grins, "Our space anyway. I'm not going to let people traipse through it and then have to worry about them snoring or stealing the covers or wanting to hang around in the morning and talk. Then they get ideas."

Little 'o' of the mouth, and a nod as Dulcinea continues to wander down the line of shelves--and then the nod corrected to a shake of the head. "Well, no. Not so much of that. Actual sleeping, no. But I don't actually sleep in that bed *either*, so I suppose it might as well get some kind of use, shouldn't it? Only seems fair." More fussing with boxes here and there, just seeing what's where. "I don't mind the snoring so much, but it definitely has to be in the right sort of understanding. I know I'd rather be in my space where I have control than deal with some psycho's issues about *theirs*."

"That's me," Javeri says with a bright grin. "Someone with issues about their space. But, there's plenty of beach on the island and since the men I have sex with I usually meet at the Sandbar it works perfect." With a sigh she kicks one box and then rights it. "Anyway he's right and I'm doing this all wrong. I need to get a new bed before I worry about linens. And a mattress. I know what that means." Shaking her head she says, "It was a pleasure meeting you whomever you are. I need to go get this taken care of I suppose. Good luck with the stalking of the wary stores assistant and all that."

Another shudder. "*Sand*." But the healer smiles anyway. "It's Dulcinea. Sorry, I'm--bad about introductions. Grew up someplace where everybody knew who I was and I knew who everybody else was, or at least everybody who mattered, and it's a bit of an adjustment being somewhere new." She wanders back close enough to offer a hand out. "Always best not to put the cart before the runner. There's furniture somewhere, I'm sure, even if I don't know where it is. Good luck with that, yourself."

~javeri, dulcinea

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