About the work

Jun 23, 2009 23:28

Who: Javeri and Nenita
Where: The Layabout
When: Daytime on day 6, month 1, turn 20
What: Nenita comes by to check out her new workspace. Along with talk of sailors and the actual work there's conversation on Skinner and Loe.

It's a bright, sunny day at Ista when Nenita arrives on board the Layabout. She's not wearing her greasy kitchen clothes, instead a light, billow sundress and straw hat. On the deck, she looks around, eyeballing some of the sailors that are milling here and there doing their own tasks. She takes a few steps forward and catches one by the arm, "Javeri on board?" The cook asks, but the man shakes his head not seeming to know the answer. "Don't know where she is. But if you're looking to be shown around, I could help you." Cue a rather lecherous smile.

As a matter of fact she's not onboard right now. Even the captain is nowhere in sight which surely explains the chance taken to show a woman around the ship. Sadly the mice will not be allowed to play much longer because Javeri's coming up the gangplank with a basket of something that looks heavy judging by the way she moves careful. "Someone come get this already," she hollers once bare feet hit the boards of the deck.

"I'll get it!" Nevermind that Nenita's job on board hasn't even started yet, that when it does start, it won't involve picking up random heavy things on deck. Likely. Hopefully. But that doesn't stop the sandaled, dressing/hat wearing cook from dumping that sailor offering her a tour, to go help Javeri. And nevermind that this thing is probably too heavy for her to be trying to carry either.

Peering around the box Javeri grins at Nenita. "Nonsense! One of these muscular asses just wasting my time trying to check out your behind can come grab it." Clearly she's been spending even more time around sailors. A couple of them do move forward to take the box before the cook gets a chance so she's spared that. Once it's out of her arms the bluerider shakes them both and snorts. "Just a few things he said. Just an item or two and can you pick them up and bring them back? I'm going to remind him of this. Stupid- anyway! Hello! Come to look around?"

Nenita's eyebrows pop up and she stares at the string of words that come out of the bluerider's mouth. Clearly she hasn't been spending that much time around sailors and is still a little surprised that she doesn't have time to arge while someone comes to get the box. "Oh, well." She turns her head to watch whoever took the box, walk away. Checking them out? Simply staring? It's hard to tell. Nenny clears her throat and turns back to Javeri, "Hello! Yes, I wanted to sneak a look at your kitchen... er.. galley? Thing?"

Javeri laughs before saying, "Galley, but it's ok if you call it a kitchen. People will know what you mean." The box is carried over to where the bar is set up and then handed off to the person working behind it organizing what's seen and not behind him. "Not that I really needed help hauling it," she confides then with a grin. "We tossed heavier sacks during weyrlinghood, but that is why I pay them and all." Before heading off though she asks, "Do you know your shipboard directions? I need to make sure if there's a problem and the captain orders the crew to go to the starboard side they know where that is."

Shipboard directions? The blank expression on her face should probably say it all. Nenita glances around, as if maybe there's some sign that says 'Starboard'. There's a few struggling seconds before she admits, "No, I have no idea what they are. Aren't they like... Port..side? Left, right?" She glances over towards where that bar is being set up, observing the people working there just a moment. "I'll try to call it a galley. Get all my sea-faring terminology brushed up."

"It's really easy, I promise," Javeri says before pointing to the right. "The right side is starboard. The left side is port. An easy way to remember is port and left are both four letters. Fore is the front end. Aft would be the back. The forecastle is at the front and the sterncastle is at the back. That's where the performers will be set up, by the way. Under the sterncastle to protect them from the sun or sudden weather." Once that's done she grins and then says, "But the galley is this way. It should be set up pretty well because Paddy helped me with that."

Nenita listens attentively, her eyes going in the required directions. She purses her lips at the part about forecastle and sterncastle. It might be a little obvious that she's hoping she won't need this information right away. "I'll try to remember." There's a brief grin and she sets to follow Javeri to the galley, "Oh, excellent. I'd just like to get personally acquainted with the place before I start working. How many other cooks will there be?"

"Well, we have a full time cook," Javeri says with a general wave of her arm like he's around somewhere. "Then I have you, Paddy, and another part-timer to help out. That's Orden the cook who came with Halleck's crew. Then the part-time cook is someone I knew at the Hold. She's Perriet and will be working mostly the day trips since she has a family." It doesn't take long for them to reach the stairs leading down and the bluerider says, "Watch your step. I'll go first so someone breaks your fall." There's a grin to accompany her next words of, "Just try not to fall. I'll withhold your pay if I have to visit the healers."

"I look forward to meeting them when I can. So, I'll be working mostly the evening trips?" Nenita asks, taking her time down the stairs. At the very least, she's relatively agile and makes it down without tripping and falling to the floor. For the point about the healers, she laughs and shakes her head. "No thanks, I'd rather not go there unless it's to deliver something."

"Well, not if you don't want to. I thought to have you work three shifts to start with. For the three day cruises I plan on using Orden and I was going to see if you wanted to do maybe one a month with him? I don't want to interfere with your Weyr duties." Javeri's nose wrinkles and she adds with no humor, "The last thing I need is the headwoman complaining to me after all." Giving her head a shake she leads the way to the galley. "I'm still looking for another full time cook. So, here's your chance to tell me what you want to work before someone else does!"

"Oh no, evening is just fine. I'm usually on during the the daytime at the Weyr's kitchen. And the Sandbar is a fill in when-you-can type of position." Nenita explains, falling in step with her. The bit about the headwoman results in a lift of her eyebrows, and she casts a glance over. "I take it the two of you have met?" She asks, curiously. Tone neutral. "I'd love to do once a month with Orden, it'd be a pleasure. My schedule isn't too difficult to work around. Any time that you can fit me in? I'll take it."

When they reach the galley Javeri steps aside and stays out of the way. The workings of a kitchen have always been and will always be a mystery to her. Which would be why she had cooks tell her what to have done in here. "Evening it is then. And once a month on the three day. Orden's a good man. You just have to tell him to stop being grabby once and he'll remember." She pauses and breaks out in a grin, "Of course you do have to tell him that once." But then the smile's gone as she says, "Yes, Loe and I have met. Unfortunately more than once." There's no neutrality there for her. It's too hard to pretend not to like someone.

Is this... the kitchen? Nenita practically sweeps into it, leaving the bluerider behind without a second glance. Or a first one for that matter. She's happily touching the grill, peering at its underneath. She's opening cabinets, checking to see if there are contents. If there are contents, what they are. Here and there she'll grab something up to examine it. "How old is he? Remotely attractive?" Nenita winks at Javeri, spinning around to check out the counter space. Again, touchy. So touchy with the new things. Like a little kid on their birthday. "I've met her a few times. I'm not sure. I'm not sold yet. I don't know. She's different." This line of talk gives her pause and her dark eyes flash over to Javeri, picking up on that non-neutrality. "What was your take? If you don't mind me asking?"

With an amused grin Javeri stays out of the way so Nenita can have her look around. There's no apparent annoyance or desire to stop her from checking things out. There's plenty to touch from plates, pots, dry goods, and assorted esoteric cooking tools. At least to /her/ they're esoteric and exotic. "Orden? Probably about forty and running a wee bit to fat, but still pretty good looking. If I hadn't given myself a rule about sleeping with the help... but, it's better that way. I don't mind, by the way, what the crew does with each other so long as it doesn't interfere with work and both sides are agreeable. Just so you know." Poor Javeri trapped with a crew of sailors and all of them untouchable. Alas. Not that she looks that upset really. Now comes the more careful expression as she folds her arms over her chest without thinking about it. "She's- Well, Fayre picked her and I am sure she will prove capable." A snort after that politic answer and she says, "And I don't know why she thought she had to go off island to find someone. Especially someone so...so...sharding.." One foot stomps on the deck as she says, "She tried to bribe Chadamalith."

Nenita is a cook that spends a significant amount of time at the grill, specifically. So it's maybe only natural that she finds herself there again. Then finds herself at the prep area where the work for that will be done. A block of knives? Butcher-looking knives? Certain ones are pulled out and checked. Then she's in a drawer underneath, checking the sharpening stones. "Heavy isn't too bad. It can make a girl feel more... girly. Skinny men can make you feel sort of hulky. Even if you're not." There's another flash of a smile for this conversation. Her investigations continue. "She's from Southern, isn't she? Fayre went all the way to Southern for a new Headwoman?" This part makes her frown and she pauses, staring at something in the back of the cabinet. "I think she's probably capable. She seems very smart, has been very friendly to me so far." The foot stomping brings Nenny back to Javeri. It has her turning around and starting at the floor. "She did? You can bribe dragons?" That part alone has her surprised.

"Well, he'll be here tomorrow night if you want to come introduce yourself," Javeri tells the cook with a grin. "And I know what you mean. Men like Skinner half the time I wonder if I shouldn't be trying to feed them and not do anything else. There's something to be said for a man who works hard for a living. Those soft men from the hold and some crafters are really not my type." There's a bowl of fruit nearby where she stands so an orange is liberated and peeled slowly. "Exactly! Like between the Weyr and the Hold and all the cotholds there was no one she could hire? It's annoying especially since Fayre's from here too. She should know better." Her head shakes as she drops the orange peel into a convenient trash bin. "You can't bribe them. I mean I don't think. Not the way most people would use the word. They won't decide to like someone better or go against you for them, but she's clearly trying to make him like her because I don't. Like that will change my mind. She sent him fruit and then he insisted on a return gift as a thank you. And it's not like /he/ had to make it. But I don't trust her and I don't like her and she better keep her grubby little Southern hands away from my ship."

"Oh, Skinner. He's so... young." Nenita says it with regret in her voice. It seems that for the moment, she's done tearing the place apart and looking at all the little things. "If only he were a little older and not so damn... ingratiating." For Fayre knowing better, there's a nod of agreement from the shorer woman. "I understand what you mean. You'd think there would be promotions from within before there were hirings from outside. Maybe they know each other from elsewhere? Somehow?" All the rest brings a pursing of her lips, she takes in a breath and pulls her hair back. "There's too many people from other places coming here. Like they want a piece of Ista for themselves. I don't know that I like it." A careful pause, "She does seem like she has the Weyr's interests at heart. And well, I can appreciate that. She hasn't done anything bad /yet/."

For Skinner's youth there's a laugh and a nod. "Sure he is, but sometimes it's fun and it's good to not have to worry about someone getting attached. Not a problem with him." Javeri finishes peeling her orange and asks, "Want half?" Waiting to tear into it until she knows. "Or, help yourself if you want something. It's possible she knows her from somewhere else that's true. And I agree with you. It's one thing for candidates. You expect them to come in, you know? But we do seem to be attracting a lot of new people from other areas. They better not bring a ship or I'll sink it." Joking, yes, joking complete with a laugh. "I think she has /her/ best interests at heart. I'm not convinced at all that hers and the Weyr's are one and the same. And she hasn't done anything bad because she's trying to win people over and make them all think she's this great person. It won't last."

"I don't know if I can get over that... He's Skinner. Maybe it's the name too. I have a hard time taking him seriously when he calls himself that." There's a slow shake of Nenita's head and she crosses the room. The orange is eyed and then dismissed. "No thanks... Though this apple." And that gets snatched up. "Candidates if they impress become one of us. You know? That's okay. They get absorbed. Residents are sort of different. Especially residents that come in and take up positions so quickly like that." The joke ushers forth some laughter from Nenny. And then for the last part, a sly grin. She takes a bite out of the apple and holds up her hand, chewing before speaking. "Well, see. Then all there is to do is let her think her plan has worked. Pretend that you think she's just lovely. If she does anything /off/... Ista will be done with her lickety-split."

With the orange safely hers Javeri tears it in half and then peels off a slice. Before it goes into her mouth she shakes her head. "I'm used to sailors. Skinner's nothing compared to what some of them call themselves. Don't get me wrong his ego is a bit much all the time, but he's cute enough to make up for it if I don't have any other options." Shrugging her shoulders she adds, "And his ego would just love to know we're talking about him so enough of that. Although I suppose hers would too. Still, I am not acting like I like her. Then she'll think she's won." And clearly somewhere it became some sort of competition. Makes perfect sense. "I am not going to let her think she got to me when she did not. Anyway it's not a huge deal. I don't have to see her much at all. And since Fayre's an investor I can use that as an excuse to talk to her about stuff and let her deal with Loe. She's the one that brought her anyway." Another piece of orange disappears before she adds, "Oh, and before I forget. You've got, as an employee, a chance to come out on the ship for the day or night cruises whenever we've got the space. For a three day one it's two a year with guest."

"You're right. We're probably lucky that he hasn't just appeared in the middle of our conversation. Learned to between himself like a dragon or something at the mere mention of his name." Nenita wrinkles her nose as she further devours the apple in her hand. She's pretty rapid about it, though there is some savoring. "Who cares if she thinks she won? It'd really give /you/ the edge if anything came up. And in the end, you'd ultimately be the one who comes out on top." The applie is finished up and she tosses the core in the nearby garbage can. "From what you say, it doesn't really matter what she wants anyway. At least for you, since Fayre is one of the investors." There's a nod of agreement for all the rest. "I'll have to write that down someplace. Or I'll forget the specific bits of it."

"Oh, umm, yea. I was supposed to have all that written down. I've got these hides with all that information on it. I'll be leaving it here with the captain for now so if you have questions you can ask him to see the papers. I have a schedule somewhere too. I'll find it tomorrow and post it up, umm, somewhere. Here. On the ship." Javeri, business genius! She has the grace to look a little sheepish about being so disorganized as she says, "Sorry, I've been working on these little clay pots for the beach dinners for the three day cruises and it's been stealing all my brain that I have to spare. Anyway the whole Loe thing is, well, complicated. There's no way to really explain without sounding like a complete loser so I think I'll pass on it." Her smile is faint and quickly hidden behind her orange as she has another piece. Then, "Did you have any questions or anything about the work?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you've been busy. And it's really probably one of the last things that you should be worried about." Nenita grins and goes to give the taller woman a little pat on the arm if she can. "I'm sure that you're not a complete loser. Sometimes things /are/ complicated, I understand. If you ever do want to talk or complain? You know where to find me." The grin is still there as she leans into one of the counters. "No, I think I'm alright for now. I'll probably have more questions for Orden when I show up again."

"Oh, no, trust me. I can't explain it without, well, it's not important." Javeri frowns at her orange before finishing it off and wiping her hands on her clothes. "Well, that's good if you have questions about the actual work. He can go over the menus with you and he'll listen to whatever suggestions you have so feel free to offer changes or what have you. I have a couple of deals with some fishing vessels to sell cheap to us. Hey, finally knowing most any sailor that comes into port comes in handy!" A laugh follows this and her eyes roll. "I knew my father was wrong and someday associating with sailors would do me good. Have you been out on a ship before? Do you know if you get seasick and what not?"

"It might be if she's itching you under the skin quite so much." Nenita says, though she treads carefully here. Her tone light and just a little gentle. She laughs, shaking her head at the bit about the sailors. "Well, I guess you're just going to have to write a letter and let him know." She grins and pushes off the counter, stretching her arms over her head. "I've been out a couple of times. I don't remember ever getting particularly sick. Though I've never been out for long periods of time. Or cooked on them."

Shoulders shrug and Javeri admits with a faint smile, "Oh, I know plenty about my shortcomings. But those aside I still don't trust her." Then she shakes her head and says, "But enough of that. If you want to go out tonight and give it a shot and see if it works go ahead. Or either trip tomorrow. I've got them covered so if something bad happens you won't be leaving me in the lurch." One hand waves around as she adds, "And feel free to poke around as much as you want. For now I better excuse myself. We've got to bring some weaver who developed an allergy to sunshine or something back to the crafthall. I need to go get changed and all. I'm glad you came to see her and I hope this works out well for both of us."

"I think I might just... look around in here a little longer." And possibly fall in love with the galley. Nenita might as well have little hearts drawn all around her head. "Thank you for showing me. I think we'll both be very happy, I hope." She winks, and does not try to discuss the topic of their new headwoman any further. At least for this conversation. "Good luck with the sunshine-fearing, weaver." She'll stand around just long enough to finish whatever conversation there is left before darting back over to something she found interesting earlier.

*layabout, ~javeri, nenita

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