Head scratches, mittens, and a promise of scar sharing.

Feb 11, 2009 21:14

Who: Fiorella, Hattie, Phara, Winston
Where: Bowl
When: Afternoon on day 2, month 13, turn 18
What: Winston's in heaven with a whole group of women to give his attention to.

Bundled up for the weather, Phara drifts through the snow on the ground like she's fighting much more than the cold. With her arms wrapped around her midsection, she trudges towards a bright blue lump in the Bowl who shifts and stirs as she approaches.

Looking where you're going is generally a good idea, but not one Hattie appears to have decided to think more upon, for she keeps her eyes fixed on the floor as she crosses the bowl, watching where she sets her feet in an effort not to slip. She just about manages to glance up in time not to collide with that bright blue lump, course adjusted to head around, but said course adjustment means a foot set down unevenly and an assistant headwoman tumbling down into the snow.

It's a great day to be outside! Well, maybe not quite so much. That does not stop Winston from being outside however. He's got a bright red knit cap with a yellow ball atop it. It matches his bright red and yellow coat and yellow mittens. What is he doing? Well, that's not really obvious since he has nothing in his hands, is escorting no fine young thing, and generally doesn't seem to be working at all. Maybe he's looking for a damsel in distress. Thankfully Hattie provides one and when she goes down he's rushing right to her side.

"Stop it!"Fiorella giggles, her cheerful laughter ringing in the air nearby as a second blue, this one with redish undertones, wuffles at her. Despite her protests she seems perfectly delighted. The dark-haired man nearby simply shakes his head, "Just quit it already," he grumbles towards the blue. Ella, it so happens, leans back just a little too far in her in her not so hard attempt to move away and ends up falling on her behind into the snow which only brings about more giggling. The blue, however, does back off given the chiding of what can be assumed to be his rider.

"Hi Phara!" the girl calls happily towards the woman as she nears the other blue in the bowl. Noticed, of course, only after she rolls onto her stomach still lying in the snow. A grin spreads across her face as she props her chin up with her hands. Her giggles dying down, they finally come to a stop as the assistant headwoman takes a tumble. "Are you..." she starts, scrambling to her feet as the snow tries to keep her down, only to trail off as Winston makes his appearance and T'lon (the dark-haired man with her) is already on his way as well.

Bennath rumbles, thrusting his head to try catching Hattie before she can go down totally. Big blue head, great for regaining one's balance. Phara looks up and sighs, stuffing her hands deeper into her pockets and tromping at a faster pace to where Hattie is passing by her blue. An eyebrow lifts at Winston and a small smile. "We just have to stop meeting like this," she teases before her attention wavers. "Are you okay, hon?" All this laughing and tumbling and falling down. Phara doesn't like it. She hmphs a little and nods her head to Fiorella. "Hello there, dear. Try not to get too wet, huh? Wouldn't want you to get sick." Killjoy, all over.

Hattie doesn't scramble up immediately and lies blinking up at the grey sky for a few moments, pretending she honestly meant to fall over, really, even if she does have her arms flung out at odd angles, after a belated reach for Bennath. It's cold though and she sits up and eyes Winston, then leans on him uninvited to clamber to her feet. "I'm fine, thank you," she answers both Phara and Fiorella, smiling ruefully. Bennath and Winston get quiet repeats of thanks before she shrugs. "Guess that'll teach me that there's such a thing as too much concentrating," she jokes. "I'm Hattie. I'm sorry, I don't think we've met," is aimed somewhere divided between the rider and the girl.

"Well, if you're sure you're fine," Winston tells Hattie as he tries to stand real close in case she wants to lean on him for a few more hours or something. "If you might be hurt I'd be happy to carry you on to the infirmary." His brows waggle as he says this and he gestures with the hand away from her towards where that place is located. Then with a laugh he turns to Phara and gives the bluerider a wink. "Darling, if I wasn't engineering ways to see you then you'd think I no longer cared. Can't have my favorite bluerider thinking that." It doesn't bother him in the least to be flirting with two women at once. Make that three because he turns to Fiorella then and gives her a wide grin. "Miss Fiorella. It is a lovely day indeed when I meet you. What about you though? You fall? I can carry you somewhere upon my shoulders so long as you can duck low ceilings."

Fiorella huffs, sticking her tongue out towards Phara at her note of not getting too wet. "I'm not getting wet," which of course she is, "I'm getting snowy." So there! There's a difference in her mind, or at least she's going to play that there is to be right. She grins, shaking her head at Winston however. "Not fair, and the snow is soft," -ish. "I'm fine though. Thanks."

"I'm hardly your favorite," Phara growls as she grows redder in the face, but looks savagely pleased just the same. Hattie gets a half-shrug, even as she leans in against Bennath's shoulder, hands still in her pockets, casual, so she doesn't extend one to offer to Hattie. Instead, she commiserates. "Don't blame you, sort of the kind of weather where you keep your face tucked in. Never know when the windchill might take your nose off. Phara, Blue Bennath's." Ella just gets Phara's mothery look. The 'whatever you say, dear' glance. "Snow melts. Then you're wet. Who's your friend?" She nods towards the other blue rider.

When Winston stays that close, Hattie folds her arms and juts one elbow out a little, to lean and use him as a prop without acknowledging him or the move whatsoever. "I'm sure I'll live," she says, voice aimed somewhere far off and an amused smirk tugging at her lips. "Well met," she directs towards Phara, with a dip of her head. "I gotta admit I'm sorta looking forward to spring now. I've pretty much had enough of snow."

"Now you know, Phara dear, that if I had another favorite I'd be speaking to her right now to warm me up." Winston's not at his finest, surely the ladies will appreciate it, since there is a child present. But he's still himself. "And now I am sad," he directs to the assistant headwoman. "I've been looking forward to getting you in my arms since we met. I suppose I'll have to be lurking out here when there's more ice in place." And speaking of children he shifts to turn and look at Fiorella and if that gives him an inch closer to Hattie so be it. "Miss Fiorella. I have been waiting for you to come see me, you know."

Fiorella shakes her head at Winston's enlightenment as to his waiting for her. "No... You didn't tell me that," she replies, "And neither did anyone else." she adds, rocking back on her heels a bit. "That?" she starts again at Phara's questioning, glancing back towards the blue to who's rider has returned to his side to dig through one of the bags hanging on the straps. "That's Azi. .. And T'lon. Azi's nicer though." she grins, the words a bit quieter in their aside, but still loud enough.

Phara looks between Hattie and Winston, shaking her head just imperceptably. Bennath lets out a little sigh, his head weaving towards the group. He likes Ella, she's good. He rumbles happily towards the girl, thrusting his head rudely between the space seperating his rider and the man and woman leaning together to get at the little girl. His hot breath blows on the girl, stirring her hair and melting the snow. Of course Phara knows the rider, so she hides a bit of a smile at Ella's assessment of T'lon and his blue. "I see," she says, when she can manage not to say it in too patronizing a way.

"Next time I fall, you can carry me to the Infirmary, I promise," Hattie drawls, just shy of sarcastic and glancing just a little bit over at Winston, one eyebrow raised. "If there is a next time." She nudges back towards him and leans a little more, still pretending none of it's happening. One arm lifts and she peers down the sleeve of her jacket. "It'll also teach me to stash letters up my sleeves to try and keep my hands warm," Hattie mutters, drawing out a rolled hide that's half-covered in snow. Bennath's interaction with Fiorella gets a smile that she tries to hide: wouldn't do to have anyone think she's going soft.

"But how else was I supposed to regain my honor?" Winston demands of Fiorella with a mournful look at the girl. "You accused me of making a bug up and I demand an opportunity to redeem myself! You must come see me so I can. Also I just happen to have gotten my hands on some candy, well, I might be willing to share with my favorite girl." Everyone is his favorite, yes. His head swivels so he can wink at Phara as he gives her a wide grin. And then there is Hattie and for her she gets a chuckle. "Then forgive me for wanting you to fall again next time I'm around," he tells her. Then he tugs off his bright yellow mittens and holds them out. "Shall I loan you mine?" How gallant.

Fiorella grins, falling into giggles once again as Benneth pushes near her. "Hi Ben," she croons, reaching a hand out to give him a light pat on the muzzle even as she peeks around him towards Hattie and Winston. "I know I've seen you around before," she start, a statement which is clearly meant for the young woman, "But I don't think we've been formally introduced." Big words, and even pronounced impeccably considering they're coming from a girl who's only ten. Azieth creeps ever closer to the gathering, T'lon sending the blue an annoyed look, but not bothering to make him stop. Move now and all will be good, otherwise he'll just keep trying most likely.

"I still say you're making it up. I won't believe you til I see the scar." Phara glances off across the Bowl, smiling just a little. "You didn't tell me your name," she tells Hattie absently. "Or... if you did, I'm sorry." Amazing, she's that distracted. Bennath croons louder when Fiorella touches his muzzle, tipping his head and shifting. This means his headknobs are thrust towards Hattie and Winston /oh/ so cleverly. Three hands scratching, so much better than one. Phara says wryly, "Bennath would like me to tell you that he is /very/ warm and if you put your hands on him, they'll surely get warmer. Well... not in those words, but you get the idea."

"Hattie," she replies to Fiorella and Phara, with less of an attempt made to hide the smile. "And pleased to meet you, Fiorella, if you'll excuse me learning your name from others." Manners deserve manners, after all. Hattie shakes the snow from the hide and unrolls it only so far as necessary as to ascertain whether the information contained within is still intact. Apparently, it is, for she rolls it back up again and replants it up her sleeve. "I think you shall," she answers Winston cheerily, reaching to claim those mittens, though they just vanish pocket-wards for now. She's hesitant as she reaches towards Bennath, with a look at Phara as though for permission, but she sets her hand carefully down and smoothes more than scratches to begin with.

"You know usually I don't give in to the request of a non-female for a touch, but since you asked, Phara dear." Winston's got another wink for the bluerider and to accompany it he lets his eyes slide down her bundled form. "Got to dislike the cold weather," he says mournfully. "And I'll show you my scar, Phara my dear. I could show you all right now only I'd freeze my adorable bum off." Taking the opportunity presented the storeroom worker snakes an arm around Hattie so he can reach Bennath to give his headknobs a scratch. It's a bit awkward, but it's a fun position for him at least. "Now I feel jealous, Fiorella. You'll scratch ole Bennath here, but you won't let me give you a ride on my shoulders.

Azieth wriggles forward those last few baby dragon steps, settling down into the snow once he's close enough to give any one of the group a nudge. Its Winston who earns said nudge, just a gentle poke with his nose and a snort. Someone must pay attention to him too! Fiorella just giggles, though its more for the redish blue as she goes on to shake her head at Hattie. "Not at all. Its a pleasure to meet you." she adds, dipping into a shallow curtsey as she grins. Settling back with her feet flat on the ground she returns a hand to Bennath's muzzle. "When you grow wings and can fly, then you can give me a ride on your shoulders."

Smoothing soon progresses to scratching once Hattie realizes that she's not likely to do any harm. She reluctantly steps away from the blue after a little while, out of Winston's reach, to dip a little curtsey of her own to Fiorella in turn, smile threatening to appear once more. "I'd better go get this news to the right people before it gets out through other channels," the assistant headwoman murmurs, gesturing to the vanished letter. "It was nice to meet you, Phara, Bennath," nods go to each, "Fiorella." Winston gets a triumphant wave of one yellow mitten - when did her hands disappear inside them? - a challenge in her gaze as she makes for the caverns.

"Oh, what a shame! Always the males wanting my touch when I would prefer...Well, nevermind." Because there's a kid here. So Winston must behave. He does give Hattie a long look when she heads off and his eyes do watch her as she heads off. It is surely his gloves he'll be stalking later. But since she's gone he looks over to Fiorella as he switches blues to scratch. "I blame you for this, Miss Fiorella. All these dragon hides and me with just two hands. And cold hands at that. Hey! You must have mittens. I'll only stretch them a little." He waggles his hands, big as they are, and grins at the girl. "And when I sprout wings I will come calling never you fear."

Fiorella grins. "I do, but I'm wearing them." she notes, wiggling a mittened hand towards the man. "But I don't think they'd fit you anyway, and I have chores that I should be getting too. But I'll hold you to it when you grow those wings." she adds with a stiffled giggle. "See ya latter!" a wave over her shoulder as she skips off towards the caverns.

hattie, ~winston, fiorella, phara

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