A song for a kiss.

Feb 09, 2009 20:12

Who: Winston and Carys
Where: The Leaking Cavern
When: Afternoon on day 24, month 12, turn 18
What: Winston's having a drink when Carys catches his eye. She gets a song, he gets a kiss, and decides that she should be his new bestest friend. He even explains the type of woman he likes. (No, not ALL.)

Despite the fact that it's in the afternoon on a relatively nice day, Carys has decided that she's going to be spending a good amount of time in The Leaking Cavern. Why? Who knows. How long is she going to be here? One should hope not long. In any case, she moves through the dim-lighted place to find somewhere to sit, not caring to watch where she's stepping or who she's stepping on. If there are any bump-ins she gives the person or object a good "Watchit!" The fault is never hers, it seems. When she finally comes across a spot good enough to be graced with her presence, she sits and lets out a long, tired sigh.

Seated at the bar is Winston and he watches Carys and her antics with some measure of amusement. But he doesn't try to intercept her and risk his own feet. Or more importantly his fresh polished boots. However once the rider has seated herself the storeroom worker gives her a going over with his brown eyes before he grabs his ale and stands up. He cannot help the swagger in his steps that carry him towards where she sits. When he reaches her table he's got a grin ready as he says, "I would be a happy man if you'd let me buy you a drink. I'd be a happier man if you'd buy your own of course."

Carys eyes Winston with a frown on her face, and then makes a gesture toward the door with one of her hands. "Didn't ya see how I came in? Can you imagine what I'd be like if I were drunk?" She lets out another sigh and cracks her neck and fingers. "But if you'd be amused by it, I'll buy a drink. See what happens." The rider doesn't make a move to do so just yet, though. Instead she closes her eyes and leans her head back. "D'you make it a habit to pounce on every girl that comes in?"

The ale gets set on the table, but Winston doesn't seat himself. It's only a partial encroachment right now. "Indeed I saw how you came in and I was immediately drawn to you. Such force. Such emotion. It near made me fall from my stool and me without even one full ale in me yet. I told myself I had to come over and introduce myself." He leans on the back of a chair and extends a hand. "Winston and it is truly my pleasure to meet you." He doesn't even wait to see if she completes the introduction or takes his hand before he adds, "I do not pounce however. Let me correct you. I skulk in the corner and ease my way into a lady's graces."

Carys would laugh if she weren't so tired, and all that he gets as a reaction from her is a very wicked smirk and a snort. "Well now I've heard every possible first impression that I give. Shells." She doesn't take his hand, but she does introduce herself. "Carys, blue Llioth's. I guess it's my pleasure to meet you, too. You're funny, I'll give ya that." With a small groan she leans forward and rests her elbows on her knees. A curious look is given to Winston when he explains that he doesn't pounce, and she snickers. "Ease your way in, huh? I do the same thing." At that, she gets up, moves over to the bar, practically grabs her drink, and sits down in front of the man again. "What do you do?"

"It is a pleasure then, Carys," Winston says and dips his head in thanks as he pulls his hand back to himself. "Funny, indeed I am." As she goes to get a drink he takes a seat and is waiting comfy as can be when she gets back. Lifting his mug he holds it up in a toast before taking a long drink from it. "Ahh. I am quite good at easing my way into things it is true," he tells her with a wink and a roguish grin. "But as for what I do I am a helpful person. I just work in stores, darling. Hauling heavy things, moving boxes, helping lovely ladies find just what they need. So do please come to me if you ever need anything at all."

Carys chuckles at the talk about "easing in" and keeps a grin on afterwards. "I like you! Gimme another one." When he talks about his work, she nods her head with a soft 'oh'. "Well that's nice. I'll definitely have you hook me up if I need anything. You might just turn into my drinking buddy at this rate," she adds, taking a swig from her mug. "How come you never got into a craft or anything?"

Setting his mug on the table Winston leans on both his elbows and grins slowly. "Afraid there's only one of me, sweetheart, but promise you one is all you're ever gonna need." His laugh comes so quickly after his words it's obviously hard for him to take himself seriously. "And now come the hard questions. So soon? Usually I don't even get those until the second drink." Leaning back in his chair and stretching his legs out under the table he grins as he reaches for his ale. "Well, you're looking at the former heir to Two Trees hold, sweetheart. Until a youthful indiscretion led me to here. So crafting was not an option."

Carys truly makes an effort to keep a straight face while he talks to her, but loses it when he starts laughing. She drinks again, and then wags a finger at him as she swallows. "I oughtta spend more time with you, we'd get along fine. And if I liked men, I'd be all over you in a heartbeat, I'm sure. You're a charmer." She shrugs a shoulder and offers, "I'm just the curious type" as an explanation for the hard questions. When he calls her sweetheart, she just snickers into her cup, and then looks at him over the rim. "No? Well that's kinda unfortunate. But you're happy anyway, right?"

"And now comes the heartbreak," Winston says when she tells him she doesn't like men. He lifts his drink again and has another long pull before setting it down. "But that does not mean we cannot be the best of friends. After all we're not always going to be chasing the same women." He leans forward again and winks, "Although I cannot promise to not be telling you what an adorable woman you are all the time. Because it is just not within me to deny my voice when it must sing of such beauty." Grinning again he nods his head. "Well, curiosity is fine by me. You just ask away any little thing and I will answer. But as to happiness, well, as happy as a man can be."

Carys shrugs a shoulder and winces. "Sorry, Winston! If I could turn on the man-love I would!" Then she puts another wicked smirk on and shakes her head. "I don't know...we might chase the same women. I'm getting the impression that we have similar taste. I mean, come on...you think I'm adorable, and so do I!" After a moment she gives him a kind smile and responds to his compliments with, "Well ev'ry time you voice your opinion on me cuteness I'll voice my opinion on your niceness. You're not a bad looker, either, by the way," she says, giving him 'the nod'. "How come you shave your head?" Here go the questions again. Once started, it's hard for her to stop sometimes. "You don't get cold with no hair? No hats? Nothing?"

Winston's grin flashes once more across the table to Carys. "Darling, I will happily spend time with any woman at all. Which is not a besmirchment upon your lovely self, but just the way it is. There is no woman who does not deserve my attention and I would be just a horrid man if I denied the ladies what it is that they need." Which is, obviously, himself. "And you are adorable and I am nice. And quite the looker. You missed it cause I walking towards you, but I have a nice rear end. Just ask anyone." He's over the top and definitely knows it as he laughs. "Don't like my hair much. So, I make it not an issue. Gets all unruly on me and I'd rather not waste the time. But I've got hats. I'll show you my hats sometime."

Carys laughs. "How generous of you! We'll have to scout out girls with each other sometime. I need to get a feel for what you like." Her eyebrows get raised a little bit when he comments on his rear end. "/Really/? I can't believe I didn't catch that! Well...I guess in a way I can, but now I'm sorry I did. I'll have to watch you walk out or somethin'." The invatation for hat-viewing gets a nod, and Rys finishes her drink. Leaning back, an expression of content runs across her face. "Yeah, I didn't used to like my hair, either. It would really /do/ anything. Then a friend cut it like this," and she points to her head, "and I've kept it that way since. I like it alright. Doesn't get in my way or anything." Then she asks, "How old are you?"

"You wanna know what I like?" Winston says with a grin as he finishes his ale and sets his cup down. "All you gotta do, darlin' is ask me what I like. I would be happy to tell you. Although you'd probably not be satisfied with the answer." Shoulders shrug a bit as he lets out a chuckle. "Tell you what. You finish your drink and I'll buy the next round and you can watch me go to the bar." A wink after these words is followed by another laugh. "Your hair is stunning. Your friend did a great job. Makes you even more adorable. As for my age I am a mere nineteen. Been here at Fort the last three. And you? How long have you been here? What were you doing before your Llioth found you then?"

Carys says, "If your answer is 'anything' or 'everything' then you're right, I'm not satisfied. Which is a shame, because I hear from reliable sources," hint hint, "that you really know how to satisfy a woman." Then, "Oh, good plan. More drinks sound good, too." Now that the questions have turned to her, she looks very slightly bored. Out of politeness she answers anyway. "I'm nineteen, too. I've only been at Fort for about a week, maybe a little less. I used to be a rider over at Telgar, but decided to leave." She leaves the rest of that subject untouched, for who knows what reason, and then grins at the mention of Llioth. "Y'know, the funny thing is that I can hardly remember anything before my candidacy, now. So much has happened to replace all of those other memories that it's hard to think of any. I think I was just hangin' around 'Reaches, doin' work there. I was barely old enough to do any real work before I got Searched and scooped to Telgar."

Winston's grin doesn't falter or diminish in brightness. He leans forward again so his elbows can thump on the table. "It ain't so simplistic as all that, dear," he tells Carys. "What I like in a woman is a willingness to believe she's worth a man spending time on her. Don't matter so much what she looks like or how old she is...so long as she's old enough. She just has to know she's got something to offer a man even if it's just a pat on the shoulder when he's had a bad day. Nothing makes me less interested than a woman that's got no sense of herself. Some belief she let someone convince her of that she wasn't worth the attention I want to give her." Shaking his head he lets out a sigh and his smile disappears. "Plenty of women with that problem and it makes a man want to go punch someone for doing that to her."

Carys puts on a sad smile and nods. "That's honorable of you. I'm sure you're a shardin' good guy, now." There's a moment of silence from the rider, and her eyes cloud over a bit as she sits in thought. "You know, I think that I have the same kind of attitude toward women. I mean, I definitely have my preferences when it comes to physical appearance, but that doesn't matter half as much as her personality and self-worth like you said." Then she shrugs a shoulder and stretches a bit. "So you're from a hold, huh? It doesn't seem like it. You have a pretty Weyr-ish attitude, but I guess that coulda come from your three years livin' here."

"I am the best, darlin'," Winston says with a grin as he stands up. "I'm gonna go get me a refill and I'll even bring one back for you." He saves replying to everything else for his return and he wiggles his rear end in an exaggerated manner as he goes to the bar. It's not so busy he cannot get the drinks and return in almost no time at all. Setting down fresh cups he retakes his seat then. "From a hold that's me. Little place, but still quite the hold. Always had that attitude though which is why maybe I didn't fit in so well." Giving his head a shake he lets out a sigh. "Ain't gonna be fibbin' to you, Carys. Truth is I was young and wanted to get my hands on anything in a skirt, but what's a boy to do when he's charming and handsome and the girls are just throwing themselves at him? Made a mistake is all and got some girl pregnant not long after I was engaged. Followed her back here after my parents made it clear they were done with my antics."

Carys smiles, and nods in agreement. "Yep, the best." She watches him walk with interest, and just shakes her head and rolls her eyes when he wiggles his bum. She really is amused, though. When he sits back down she responds with, "Not bad! Not bad at all." The rider listens to his story, reaching for the newly-arrived cup in front of her with a toasting gesture to him as thanks. At the end, she lets out a small breath and tsks. "That's really a shame. Did you love the girl you were gonna marry? Or was it one of those arranged marriage things?" A little personal, but she obviously can't tell. No censorship, sometimes. "I guess the bright side of the story is that you got to meet me, as a result of your skirt-chasing antics."

"Thank you, thank you very much," Winston says as he tips his head to the bluerider. Luckily for her prying ways Winston does not seem adverse to speaking about himself. It is likely one of his favorite topics of conversation. "Didn't love her, but didn't wish her ill. Truth is I know she was plenty like me and was no virgin come to our engagement and was fine with that. But our parents thought my antics with Olviana...know her? Riders green..shells. What's her name? Anyway she brought me back with her but that didn't last." Giving his head a shake he takes a drink. "Ain't nothing to be done for that either. And you are definitely one of the bright sides. Although I'd be lying if I didn't say there had been quite a few of those in the last three turns."

Carys makes a dismissive gesture with her hand. "Yeah, I know I'm not the only one. But I'm one of the best, right? Outside of the bedroom?" She winks. When the rider's name is mentioned, Rys shakes her head and shrugs. "Nope, but it's possible I'll run into her in the future. What's your kid's name?" She doesn't seem too curious about the fiancee anymore, and keeps sipping at the cup in her hand. She puts the tip of her finger in it and stirs the surface of the liquid around a little bit, and then drinks again. "Ok, so if you could go to a craft now, and if you /wanted/ to, which one would you do? I think I'd be a woodcrafter."

Winston's grin turns ever so sad as he looks at Carys. "There you go assuming all my good times were in a bed. I'll have you know I've had plenty elsewhere. But you rank amongst the top of any of them you have my word!" He's so earnest and cheerful about it and his grin is so fond it just has to be true, right? "Olikam's his name. For his mother and her father I believe. Never did remember her father's name." One of many reasons quite likely that they never did make it as a couple. "What about you though? Children? Weyrmate? Significant lady friend on the side?" He's not sprinkling too many questions in, but he's going to get his share inserted somewhere. "But as for crafting I ain't rightly sure. Would have made a fine harper. Other than not being able to read music or act diplomatic around a good looking woman."

Carys clicks her tongue and then pouts. "I didn't mean it, I was only teasing you!" Whether his statement really is true or not is of no significance to the rider, because she got what she wanted; confirmation. The harper talk piques her interest yet again. "A harper? Well they teach you to read music, silly. D'you sing, or play anything?" More questions come her way, and she shifts in her seat to get comfortable. "No children, /that's/ not gonna happen. At least I hope not, if a green is proddy and her rider is a male, I try to be avoid them like the plague. Don't want kids." Weyrmate and significant lady friend on the side both get a shake of the head, and all she says is, "Used to be a girl back at Telgar. I don't know if she still wants to be in a relationship with me or not."

"Not a thing at all wrong with not wanting to have children," Winston says with a nod of his head. "Wasn't planning on any myself truth be told and suppose I ain't the best dad and all, but nice to know there's a little lad down in the nursery charming all the women in my stead." He does sound proud of it although perhaps it's a dubious thing to find pride in. "Ahh. A lady far away. Well, at least you can go visit her, yea? Or bring her here? Or is she not sure she wants that? Always difficult affairs of the heart. You ever want a shoulder to cry on I got two good ones and even know when to keep my hands to myself." He pauses and then winks across the table. "Almost always anyway. But as for singing no better than anyone else. Afraid I've never touched an instrument of the musical variety."

Carys agrees with a smile, and then snorts at the idea of a mini Winston charming the ladies in the nursery. "I'll bet he's a fine little fella." When the subject of her girlfriend is brought up again, she doesn't communicate much by way of body language, and then gives him a good-humored glare. "Now what gives you the impression that I'm a cryer?" Then she breaks the expression and raises the corner of her mouth a bit. "Well if she doesn't want to, that's fine. I mean, I really like her 'n all, but it's hard keeping a relationship with someone who's away. And I don't know if she wants to come over yet. I haven't talked to her since I got here." Rys takes a quick look around the room to see how many people they might be disturbing, and then asks, "Will ya sing for me?"

"Oh, he's a handsome enough lad. Takes after his father and mother. Olviana is a fine woman." Winston smiles fondly for the greenrider who dumped him before taking a drink from his ale. "Well, I hope it works out however you want it to. And maybe I just wanted an excuse to get your head on my shoulders, darlin'?" He asks this with a wide grin and an accompanying chuckle. "Sing for you? For nothing at all? Really? You're not even going to offer me a kiss on my charming cheek? A little peck? Or maybe a drink?"

Carys grins from ear to ear, and stifles a laugh. "You wanted an excuse to get my head on your shoulders? Well you're clever, I'll give you that. But it's kind of a weird thing to want." She taps her bottom lip with her finger, and gives him the stink-eye while looking him over. "I'll give you a kiss if you sing, but just this once!"

Winston's hand raises to cover his heart as he grins. "Swear upon my heart I won't even tell a soul. Wouldn't want to damage your reputation. Not when I've gone and lucked into finding myself a new best friend and all." He sits up straight and lifts his mug to drain the contents. "But you're wanting a song, are you? I do believe I will provide. And don't go blaming me for wanting to get my arms around you even in a friendly way. A man can dream."

Carys holds her grin for a bit longer and gives him a nod. "It's a deal, then! It wouldn't ruin my reputation, though. People would just wonder if I was sick or somethin'." She rolls her eyes in an amused way at his remark, and then says, "Go on, go on, I wanna hear you!"

"Sick? Sick to be caught succumbing to the charms of the most attractive man in all of the Weyr? Nonsense!" Winston's laugh overtakes his words and he has to hold up a hand to excuse himself until he's done laughing. "Sorry. Sometimes I even get to myself. But a song. A song for the most beautiful woman I've had the pleasure of sitting with all evening." Taking a deep breath he launches into a song about a man, a woman, a pack animal, another woman, and a pebble. While it's not so bawdy as to be improper for any ears it's certainly got nothing in it that a harper would sing to a mixed audience.

Carys bites her bottom lip to keep from laughing, so she doesn't interrupt his singing, and then can't help it when she finds out what all of the subject matter is. She's sure not to make any noise until he's completely finished. The rider just looks at him, completely fascinated.

The song ends with a flourish as he sings the line about the pebble running off with the pack animal. Winston leans back in his chair and grins wide. "So, what do you think, darling? Good enough for a harper?" Peeking into his empty cup he looks across the table with a wink. "More important is it good enough for that kiss?" One hand lifts up so he can pat his cheek.

Carys juts her bottom lip out and furrows her brows. "I don't like that, it had a sad ending. Or happy, depending on if you're a pack animal or not." All joking aside, she watches him pat his cheek and then tips her head to assess his singing capabilities. "It was pretty good, I won't lie. With a little bit of training you could be marvelous! So yeah, good enough for a harper." She finishes the last of her drink, sets the cup down, and makes her way over to Winston's side of the table. She brings her hand up to grab his chin, and tries to turn his face to her so that she can give him a peck on the lips instead of the cheek.

"Now that was happy as can be," Winston argues with a laugh. "But I promise to sing you something else then. You just name the subject." But he leans back expectantly for his kiss. When it comes he purses his lips in an almost comical fashion and after his peck he laughs and tries to flick her nose softly before she moves back to her seat. "I shall treasure this always I promise to you, Carys. I shall dream of your lips." Toying with his empty cup he nods once. "Won't even ask for a kiss next time. Promise."

Carys rubs her flicked nose as she moves bak to her seat, and then laughs at his promise. "As long as the dream doesn't turn into a nightmare, I'm fine with that." Then she stretches again and yawns. "Ooh, I'll have to ask you to sing me something another time, I'm afraid. I'm too tired, now! I should go get some rest in. It was nice meetin' you, though, and I've had lots of fun. I'll come down to stores and find you tomorrow."

Rising up from his chair Winston executes a little bow to Carys. "All my pleasure, darling Carys of my joy. Do have a pleasant day and I look forward to seeing you again." He winks at her before leaning against the table. "Gonna watch you leave now unless you object? Then have another drink at all I am missing out on." And he does lean against the table until she leaves before returning to the bar to get another drink.

Carys snickers, and gives a firm nod. "Alright, you're gonna watch me go and then tell me later if I've gotta adjust my walk in anyway to compliment my bum better." Now that that's been established, the rider quickly fixes her hair and proceeds to leave, exaggerating her walk by swinging her arms more, and also swaying her hips. Then, right as she gets to the entrance she gives her rear a good shake before disappearing.

carys, ~winston

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