Okay, I'm going to get this out before I get any drunker.

Feb 07, 2010 03:05

There's been a shitton of real life shit lately that's been getting to me, and so, it seems necessary to purge before we carry on with our usual fangirling and other related musings.

cut for stupid, semi-drunken emo rambling. )

friends!, jenna-y goodness!, in the dark you can see for miles, being a grownup sucks, work, i need a drunk tag

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Comments 17

satancharm February 7 2010, 08:13:25 UTC
I totally got through it. I don't think it's anything as bad as you thought it was while writing it. I'm pretty sure I've posted way more rant-y, emotional things over the past few years. If anything, I think it gives people an insight into who you are as a person, and maybe a better understanding of you. It helps sometimes to just open yourself up in print and display it all for others to see. At least, that's the way I like to think of it when I'm writing posts like this ;-).

At any rate, don't worry. Your true friends are gonna be there no matter what, and as for the rest of them? Fuck 'em.

:-* darling.


aliyaskie February 8 2010, 04:32:12 UTC
Thanks, hon. I wasn't actually expecting it from you, since you're kind of in the middle, and you were friends with her a long time before me, but I truly & genuinely appreciate you reading (and, hopefully, sticking around). :)


satancharm February 8 2010, 04:42:57 UTC
Well I didn't even know what was going on until a little bit ago lol.


aliyaskie February 8 2010, 04:47:01 UTC
Ah. Well, if you want out now, then, I'll understand. ;D:


melliyna February 7 2010, 09:16:05 UTC
As someone who basically posts emo everywhere (in lieu of talking about in RL - I'm trying to get better at the balance) and has spent much of the past year whining....well you definitely have a heart. Because damn, you've helped me so much. ♥

(And I shall be here for you, if and when you need it)


aliyaskie February 8 2010, 04:33:17 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥, bb. You spend very little time whining and are also too lovely for words. And thank you, for this and for everything. ♥


rytshen February 7 2010, 14:26:45 UTC
Um, considering that I'm up at 9 in the morning...

I just wanted you to know that I read this. I acknowledge everything that has happened. I mean, shit, I'm sorry I did not before.

I'm a friend. And you've been a real friend for me. I want you to know I'm here, even if you need to sort your shit out alone. And when people say things that suggest that you have no heart, they are just trying to fight back their own issues, they don't really mean you don't ever. And I'm betting you either knew that already or you think I'm totally wrong, but it stands to be said. So there. (Even if that wasn't the point either.)



aliyaskie February 8 2010, 05:18:36 UTC
It's not a big deal, that you haven't said anything, hon. I know it's an awkward situation, and I know you're in a weird position.

Thank you, for being here. I expect you to continue to be, so. There you go. You're just stuck with me, dammit. :P

I -- she's not the only one that's ever said it, and I know I can be more logical than passionate, a lot of the time. It's just tough, to be accused of not caring, either way, about losing someone. Of course I care. I did everything I could, on my end, to keep this from happening. But yeah, people grow apart, and when both parties involved don't want to work to try to fix things...well, it happens. And it sucks, for everyone. (But I also can't dwell on it for too long. My time is too short as it is, and I have to move on. Even if it hurts.)


chardonnay February 7 2010, 18:06:22 UTC
I definitely care. And I understand not wanting to talk about things, you know, not everyone is a "share everything ever" person...like I can be :P It doesn't make you emotionless or cold or anything. I never got that impression from you. ♥


aliyaskie February 8 2010, 05:19:14 UTC
You are sweet. Thank you. <3


finstergrrrl February 7 2010, 21:46:48 UTC
loves, honey. i know you know i know (!) you're not a heartless bitch. i am sorry people have to be so obstinate and contrary and all-or-nothing. but i am happy to see you are no longer putting yourself out over and over again and getting set up for disappointment in this situation, because i saw you disappointed and struggling with it a lot, and just acknowledging that your time and your feelings are important is, i think, an overall win.

*epic hugs* mwahs and loves.
~yr lindschick


aliyaskie February 8 2010, 05:20:28 UTC
(LOL yeah, that was a lot of knowing. :P)

Thanks, sweets. Thanks for everything leading up, thanks for being there for the headdesking and facepalming during, thanks for being you. :)

*clings and gloms*


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