this entry shall be known as "some things about the last week or so".

Jun 20, 2008 23:48

In nifty listy format!!
  • San Francisco: sometimes, my job is too good to me. Despite having to get up at 3.30 (yes, that's AM, peeps) to go to the airport, I arrived in San Francisco, worked for a while, checked into my *ridiculously* nice hotel (very like, classic Hollywood beautiful, but posh nonetheless) and headed downstairs to meet my client and her friend. We went to Top of the Mark for several *ridiculously* strong (and expensive!) cocktails that she paid for, then to Far East Cafe (I think?) where we had AMAZING Chinese food (well, Chinatown, hello!) (also: dude, I ate PORK), then back to the hotel to call it a night. I wore my awesome new shoes (Doc Marten Mary Janes, dude), my client and her friend were amazing, AND I got THE most random phone call from Sammy (although: random + Sammy = redundant AND repetitious) asking me what I thought of anal sex right after the third cocktail and while out with my client.

    Then Tuesday my webcast went *really* well, I had lunch with the partner who'd presented and a few of his reports, I got out of work (later than I'd wanted) and jumped the F market line towards the Castro. I had this whole walking tour of the Castro and the Haight planned out, like, maybe a mile worth of walking? And then I got off the streetcar and remembered that oh, yeah, San Francisco is all like, 45 degree hills! And promptly jumped right back on the streetcar to Fisherman's Wharf. I got off at Boudin, mostly because the sourdough smelled SO good I was reminded that oh, yeah, I was starving. I got some bread and an absolutely brilliant tomato, basil & garlic pizza, and wandered off down to Pier 39 to amble about aimlessly. I was considering going to the Giants/Tigers game that night, but was tired and hungry and just wanted to curl up at the hotel. So that's what I did, I headed back to the hotel (running back out quickly to grab some soda), ate the rest of my pizza and went to bed.

    All in all an amazing trip (especially given it was for work), and I'm determined to get back there sometime soon to see the millions of things I didn't get to see.

  • The city, yesterday, for yet another webcast. I was actually supposed to just be backup for this one, it was going to be the first one our new Ralph produced on her own, but there were a bunch of miscommunications and I ended up pretty much running it. Which made it a little weird (but cool!) when mom's friend Susie (not my aunt, another one) showed up as the marketing contact on the client side. (So uh, now people can't say they don't know what I do. LOL) The webcast ended up going pretty well despite all the confusion, and I was pretty happy with the day. I headed out to meet up with Jenna afterwards and we decided to head down to the village for dinner at Vegetarian's Paradise & to see Savage Grace at the IFC Center. I swear to god, it was THE most batshit crazy movie EVER, but also really hot in a weird way (like seriously, almost every single sex scene was pretty freakin' crazy hot). And then we wandered around for a bit before heading uptown to Big Daddy's: 2nd Ave, which is better than the original, for a few drinks before heading back to Jenna's for my car. Yay!

  • This weekend: I will now proceed to spend the next two days catching up on tv I've missed, watching One Tree Hill (because yes, I am a lame 15 year old, why do you ask??), and just generally being anti-social. I feel DESPERATELY like there's something I'm supposed to be doing this weekend, but since it doesn't have to do with my friends, if there is anything I'm pretty much planning to beg off (complaining of bone-weary fatigue, of course).

  • Speaking of bone-weary: seriously. I have never been this physically exhausted like, ever. Not even right after junior year of college when I stayed up for like, 48 hours on 2 hours of sleep to write all those papers from Greg's apartment. I don't even know what the deal is, it can't be just the travel, but dude, I'm fucking TIRED.

  • No internet: I'm writing this from my work laptop with my work aircard because my landlord left me a message Monday night that was like, "yeah, uh, I called the cable company because our internet wasn't working and they said it was because of the router, so uh, you don't have internet anymore". And having been all over the place lately, today was the first day I would've been able to fix it, and I was SO not in the mood to deal with that today, so I'm just using this one. (Thank god for the aircard.) The only problem is I can't use the aircard on my own laptop (fucking Windows-only piece of junk...), so all my music, all the stuff I have on my laptop is totally inaccessible. Boo.

  • How did this list turn into a huge entry? Awesome sauce.

  • Mom: I have not heard from her pretty much at all since that last entry. Which is kinda awesome, because if I DID hear from her, I wouldn't have a clue what to say. Because pretty much all I can think about is how totally unacceptable the whole thing is. And also, it's stirred up a whole bunch of things around my sexuality that I don't generally like to talk about. So um, I kind of want to kick her right now. And, at the same time, want kind of a lot to go march at the Dyke March next Saturday before the parade on Sunday. For a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is to like, counterbalance the closetedness of work and my family.

  • Also having been stirred up by the whole thing: I feel a little lately like someone's decided for me the whole work life vs personal life thing -- and work obviously won. I wouldn't necessarily have such a problem with that if I felt like it had been a conscious decision, but I don't. And I don't know when the decision was made, but it feels really kind of like, final.

  • However: something really cool happened at work today that I'm going to hold off on talking about here (in this entry that I kind of really want to leave unlocked for no real reason) until it's actually, you know, public. If you've heard/read some of my work rants over the last few months, you might be able to guess, but either way it should public knowledge pretty soon. And I'm sure that before it is, I'll get tired of talking around it and announce it all locked-like anyway, so there's that.

  • Weather: San Francisco was beautiful, and I came back and it was beautiful, and now it's rainy and...beautiful. The weather's been awesome lately. I blame all y'all. :P

  • What's new, flist??

In conclusion: when I don't post for a while I come back and rant for a long time. Moral of the story? Do not let me go this long without posting! :)


nyc, jenna-y goodness!, links, travel, work

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