in which chicky makes another post in list format for no good reason....

Jun 22, 2008 22:25

  • Finished season 3 of One Tree Hill, and am now a little desperate for season 4. However, I also need at some point to grab the first season of My Boys, to watch the AbFab dvd I have from Netflix, to watch the movies I've downloaded over the last few days, and to finally rewatch Saved! and Empire Records, like I've wanted to do for a while now. Man, I have a lot of media nonsense right now.

  • Speaking of: I totally spent the evening iconing. Check 'em out (six or seven at the bottom). It's about time, though I still wish I could find good icons from like, things I like....any icon/maker recommendations? For serious, I could use some.

  • I don't really have clean laundry right now because when I called my mom to see what she was up to, she answered the phone, "WHAT." and things went downhill from there. She's trying to insist that I need to apologize to her, for not calling, I guess? And I'm not going to, because I didn't do anything wrong. I don't live with her, and at 28 years old, I do not need to call her when I travel. Period. And I flat-out told her, the phone goes both ways, if you want to talk to me then pick up the fucking phone, and she hung up on me twice. So, um, between that and outing me without my consent, I'm done. I'll figure out another way to get my laundry done, I'll figure out another place to watch my tv, I'll just figure it out. I mean, I'm not saying I'll never speak to her again, but fucking eh, dude, I'm so sick of her making everything on earth about her.

  • Because the thing is, really, the only reason I put up with her shit anymore is because there are things I need. Which yeah, is taking advantage to a certain extent. But the thing is, and I'm genuinely sorry to say it, but spending time with her is a goddamn chore, and I'm sick of it. I have enough things creating stress in my life, I'm not going to put up anymore with people guilting me into things and passive-aggressive-ing their way through my world. I'm so sick of it, and I'm done feeling jerked around. She can't be bothered to pick up the phone and see what I'm up to unless it's convenient for her or she's lonely and needs company, so why does she expect different from me?

  • Watched Clerks II and Chasing Amy again for the first time in a long time. Both good movies, but somehow not as all-absorbing as I remembered. Isn't that the way it is, though? Things are never as good as you remember them being.

  • A conversation with Jenna the other night raised some interesting memories to the surface. We were talking about her sister getting into roleplaying, and she asked me a few questions, and I ended up down the memory lane that was my Cyberpunk characters and roleplaying in general, and it was a little bittersweet. You know, when Oz first first left, the one thing (things, I guess) that he took with him that I was absolutely desperate to get back was my character sheets. The two characters I'd created for that game -- more than any other game I'd played before or after, more than any characters I'd ever written in stories -- it was like I lived through them, and I found myself missing their absence immediately, sharply, even more than I missed his. And I found myself still missing them as I talked to Jenna, and it was unexpected to still have such strong feelings for something I'd lost so long ago.

  • It hasn't even been five years, do you know that? Four and a half, only. Some days it seems like a lifetime ago; others, like it was yesterday. I don't even begin to know what to do with that.

  • In completely unrelated news, I had a really good hair day today, and it was totally wasted. I looked really, really nice today. There's comfort, in that, somewhere.

  • This got too long again, and much, much more serious than I originally intended. (Sorry.) And since I've been exhausted all day and it's finally a reasonable bedtime time, I'm off.


in the dark you can see for miles, tv, oz, mom, lists!

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