Book-It 'o11! Book #16

Apr 24, 2011 07:02

The Fifty Books Challenge, year three! (Years one and two, just in case you're curious.) This was a library request.

Title: Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook: Wonderfully Witchy Blessings, Charms & Spells by Deborah Blake

Details: Copyright 2010, Llewellyn Publications

Synopsis (By Way of Back Cover): "A collection of spells for the magnificently modern Witch

Today's Witch deals with everything from family drama to weight loss to fertility-concerns that go well beyond your average spellbook's well-worn repertoire. Brimming with practical everyday magick, this is the perfect companion for your multifaceted life.

Organized alphabetically, each of the nearly 200 spells has an associated goal to help you manifest your exact intention, plus corresponding candle colors, herbs, gemstones, and oils to help you focus your will more effectively. You'll also find a helpful primer on spellcasting, tips on crafting your own spells, and Magic the Cat's mewsings on working with a familiar. Fun and easy to use, this spellbook is filled with unique charms, blessings, and spells.

Get ahead at work • Fulfill obligations • Control appetite • Ensure safe childbirth • Repair a damaged friendship • Heal sick pets • Strengthen a marriage • Make sex more satisfying • Quit bad habits"

Why I Wanted to Read It: I had surprisingly enjoyed one of Blake's other books, The Goddess Is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch and thought I might enjoy this one, too.

How I Liked It: Unfortunately, this book joins hundreds of others (or at least a hundred others) in the "cookbook variety" of spell work. Meaning, none of the energy raising, releasing, and the ever-important work of protection (circles, let's say) are brought up. Instead, a quick "General Instructions for Spellcasting" are offered at the head. The author clearly assumes that the individual knows what s/he is doing already, or at least has a good idea of how to, say call the Quarters, purify space, ground and center, et cetera. Which begs the question of if you know all of that, why would you need this book? The best and most effective spells are the ones you create and/or customize yourself. Rhymes are very handy (being a great way to raise energy and all) and can be tricky to write, so having them on hand would be useful, but most of the Blake's prose doesn't rhyme and she doesn't have the poetry chops to pull it off.

Also, the idea of a spell for a quick fix being listed along with a spell for a rite of passage (spells are listed alphabetically by need) makes me uneasy. It shows a lack of focus of will that is essential for this type of work. Also, some of the ethics (or lack there of) of the spells are somewhat jarring. For example, one listed under "ORIENTATION" lists its goal as "to seek clarification about sexual orientation". Blake quickly notes that it isn't a spell to change one's orientation, "it is meant to be used by anyone who has hit a point where he or she is questioning sexual orientation and needs guidance." (pg 160)

What's wrong with that? The reason why you'd be doing the spell in the first place (the first question you should ALWAYS ask yourself) is somewhat dubious (although Blake adds that it can also be used "to ask for clarity in other issues") and the written (to be spoken) words of the spell contains no mention of acceptance of any kind of embrace of the "true self" one is seeking out:

“See me, O Goddess
Wise and warm
I am your child
And I search for answers
My vision is clouded
And so I ask for clarity
My heart is uncertain
And so I ask for clarification
Help me, O Goddess
To find my path
And reveal my true self” (pg 160)

The tragedy of these types of books is that they clutter up the market and to the inexperienced, they make it harder to reach the better (or, you know, the good) books. When it comes to rites of passage, particularly those mentioned in the book, reach for Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions. Need primers on spellwork? The famous The Spiral Dance by Starhawk has an excellent section along with a few "starter" spells, including building blocks of spellwork. Building blocks of spellwork as well as the ethos behind it can be found in mother of the Craft, Doreen Valiente's book Natural Magic (although I think all of her books warrant reading and had I students in this field, it'd be required). Want a book devoted to the subject? Spells and How They Work, the brilliant and so essential book by Janet and Stewart Farrar.

If you MUST have a "cookbook" of spells, go with Making Spells and Charms: A Practical Guide to Simple Spellweaving by Sally Morningstar. She has lengthy and informative sections on ethics, raising energy, proper protection, and preparation, all before the "easy" spells, and her guidework takes up almost half the book (which is the way it should be).

Notable: Seeing a spell for "abstinence", my guard immediately shot up. The spell is actually innocuous (although it sounds more like a spell to help with an unhealthy need for sex rather than coping with abstinence):

“Bless my mind and let it be as calm as the breezeless night
Bless my heart and let it know love without encumbrance
Bless my spirit and let it be strong of will
Bless my body and let it release the need for what it cannot have
Let me be without longing or lust
Let me be at peace with myself
Let me embrace the silence of being alone
Let me let go of desire
So I will it
And so mote it be” (pg 18)

Also, the choices of chamomile and lavender as the soothing oils and/or incenses don't make as much sense as herbs like camphor or lotus blossoms, which promote sexual abstinence (or "chastity").

Another that sent up a red flag was a spell to "bless the loss of virginity". Seeing as how this is a rite of passage (and Pagans view sexuality as sacred), I like the idea of creating a spell around it, although the phrase "loss of virginity" doesn't really mesh well with the thought behind it (I believe Circle Round called it "the exploration of yourself as a sexual being", although it doesn't specifically refer to the first time you have sex with someone other than yourself). However, the Blake's prose isn't just clunky, the themes aren't really in the Pagan spirit (and this is a book that touts the word "Witch" in the title):

“Today I am no longer a child
But a woman/man
Taking my place in society
As a sexually active human being

I cherish this moment
For the transition it brings
Saying goodbye to innocence
And hello to passion

I pledge to act with wisdom
And make good choices
That will not harm me
Or those I lie with

I will do what is necessary
To prevent pregnancy
Until I am ready
To take that step willingly

I embrace my new role
With pleasure and responsibility
As I take my place
On this next step of the path” (pg 217)

The book offers that if the young person is being raised in a Pagan community, they may want to say the spell surrounded by friends and family. After the "celebrant" reads/speaks the words, everyone can give him or her a kiss.

Where to start... well, how about the obvious? As Circle Round notes in the section about "Coming of Age: Sexuality", that this is when NOT to have a ritual. This doesn't mean not to have lengthy discussions with your children about safety and the sacredness of what they do/are doing, but to not have a ritual about it, particularly one where (generally) a person of a highly embarrass-able age is singled out for anything, let alone for what should be private activity.

Secondly, this sounds kind of heterosexist. All orientations are affirmed by Paganism, and preventing disease is something that crosses all orientations. Not that pregnancy shouldn't be prevented at all costs, but Blake's version discusses in the "optional extras" to be blessed, "whatever is being used for birth control" which does give it a slant.

Most importantly, I think that this is trying to substitute virginity as the primary rite of passage into adulthood, when it's far better to have a rite for that specific purpose, ala a Quinceañera, or Bar or Bat Mitzvah. To Pagans, the names vary, as do exact ages, but generally, if the family is Pagan, it's done on the first menstrual period for a young woman and the first nocturnal omission for a young man. And the idea of "innocence" (as opposed to "guilt"?) isn't something that comes up, and with good reason, given the emphasis on sexuality as one of the sacred mysteries.

All the more reason to ditch this book and seek out the better.

pagan with a capital p, book-it 'o11!, a is for book, rights and attractions

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