FIC: Uisce Coisricthe: The Holy Waters 6

May 19, 2004 00:12

Next chapter of Holy Waters!

14 Uisce Coisricthe: The Holy Waters
Written by Hippy Flower=Voldie's kid

'The holy waters of healing can wash away the past of pain; give yourself to the opportunity of true love; hold back no longer; find the compatible; release what only exists in agitation; while you are being asked to trust, this does not imply blind faith, but rather faith in the law of the Goddess, which is love'

Author Notes:
Here's chapter 6! Thanks for all the reviews! I am overwhelmed by how many people like this story. I was asked since Lucius left the manor before they found out harry had almost died why did he tell Lilly her daddy was sick. Well Lilly is only a toddler and wouldn't understand what was going on so he needed to tell her a reason her daddy wasn't there to get her

Chapter Six

After Lilly was dryed and dressed, Hermione brought her back down where everyone was sitting. She wasn't sure Lilly should see Harry in his condition so she put the little girl down and watched as she immediately went to Lucius and held his hand.

"Where's Sev?" Lucius asked gently, he had just finished getting clean and dry.

"With Harry, in a coma," Draco said softly. He watched as his father's face turned pale and continued,"He tried to kill himself."

Lucius picked up Lilly and clutching the little girl to his chest he rushed upstairs, he peeked into the room Severus was slouched down on the bed. Sev looked up as Lucius entered Lilly in her arms.

"Whas wrong with daddy?" She asked pulling on Lucius's hair gently.

"Lilly honey, daddy is in a deep healing sleep called a coma, we're not sure when he'll wake up." Lucius whispered a quality of hoarsness in his voice not even Severus had heard before. Lucius went over and sat in the chair next to the bed and put Lilly on his lap, he watched as she grabbed the duck sitting on the nightstand.

"Baby duck," She said and tapped Lucius on the nose with her lovie.

"Hello Baby Duck, did Lilly's daddy buy you for her." At Lilly's nod he smiled a bit sadly. Suddenly as he stared at Harry he was very angry. Angry at himself, at Poppy, at Harry and at Severus. He put Lilly down, "Lilly go down and tell Draco that it's your naptime you can see daddy when you get up."

Lilly grinned and leaned up, kissing Lucius's cheek before after glancing at Severus shly, left the room. As soon as she was out of the room Lucius rounded on Severus.

"How could you have lied to me like that?" He exclaimed, voice choked with anger and sadness, "I told you I didn't think Harry would cheat on us and when you told me you had caught him with someone I believed you, because you had never lied to me before.....that I knew. Have you lied to me before Severus? Have you!?"

"Luc, I-"

"Listen to me Severus, a lot of this is your fault! You convinced me Harry was cheating on us and we agreed that because you had proof we'd make him leave us. Now Harry is lying comatose in Bed after trying to kill himself becuase our daughter was taken from him. She was the only thing he had left because I listened to you and listened to your lies. How many times have you lied to me Severus, have you lied about something else too?" Lucius hissed, his body was shaking with anger and grief and magic poured off of him.

Severus looked to the ground, he had in fact lied to his lover about a few other things now and then, most of the time it was about Dumbledore or Harry. He had failed to tell Lucius the truth when he had tried to leave his teaching job at Hogwarts, he had told Lucius he had decided to stay, in reality Dumbledore had threatened to tell everyone that he was in fact an agent of the Dark Lord and not a spy for the order. He glanced up and saw a betrayed and hurt look in his lover's eyes.

"Lucius." He whispered and jumped slightly startled as Lucius glared at him darkly, "out! Severus I do not want to even look at you now, please leave the room."

Tears once more filling his eyes Severus nodded and left the room, only looking back at Lucius's exclaimation and seeing Harry's eyes open. He hurried down the hallway and into their quarters in the manor. He didn't give a shit about Dumbledore he wasn't going back to the school. Maybe not ever. He plopped down onto the bed and buried his tears in his lover's pillow and drifted off to sleep.

Lucius sat heavily in the chair, "Harry?"

Emerald eyes turned his way and Harry blearily mumbled, "Luc, why are you here?"

"Oh Love, I brought Lilly here, got her away from the Zambini's." Lucius broke off, his voice choked as Harry glared at him,.

"Why are you here? I don't want you here! You hurt me!" Harry exclaimed, voice rising and cracking at lack of use. He started to become hysterical, he couldn't deal with Lucius at the moment,"Where's Draco? DRAY!!"

Lucius tried to calm Harry, "Harry calm down I'll get Draco, ok shhhhh....calm down." Lucius sat back down, "Please, Harry..."

Harry turned his head away, "Please get Draco."

Lucius nodded sadly and left the room, going down to get Draco. Now both of his lover's were mad at him. He entered the room to see that now Ginny Weasley was also in the room.

"Draco, Harry is awake and asking for you." He said softly. Watching as Draco and Poppy both ran from the room.


"Harry!" Draco exclaimed, running into the room, "are you ok?"

Harry stared at his friend, only one thing he wanted, "Where's my baby?"

"She's asleep, want me to bring her in here?" Draco asked. Harry nodded and Draco left the room, when he returned with Lilly who was still half asleep Poppy had finished checking Harry over. He lay Lilly in the bed, and she smiled and whispered, "Daddy" before clutching baby duck to her and curling up wiht her father. As Harry's eyes began to close Draco turned to leave following Poppy.

"Draco, stay please, 'till I sleep." Harry whispered, lonely, He missed his lover's so much he just wanted someone to stay with him. Draco nodded and laying in the bed curled up and whispered.

"Love you brother." Then the three of them drifted off to sleep.

As they slept they missed numerous people visiting the doorway and smiling, including Charlie, Ginny, and Hermione. As they went back downstairs Hermione questioned Charlie on why he wasn't mad and Charlie simply told her that Harry and Draco were brothers and she nodded. As soon as the coast was clear Lucius slipped into the doorway and was soon joined by Severus.

"Think we can fix it?" Lucius asked a little coldly, still upset at his lover.

Severus looked at him hurt, "I hope so, I love you both." He whispered and watched as Lucius walked off. Sighing Severus stood at the door for a bit longer before he too left for his room.
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