From Phoenix you are a 'relatively' short drive from all of these places: Grand Canyon Las Vegas Mexico Your Friend Todd's Place San Diego L.A. Mexico (did I mention that twice?)
The southwest is turning out to be a REALLY interesting place to live. The pervasive Indian culture here is SOOO much different from the Indian Culture I grew up with in the Northwest. While I still love the Pacific Coast Indians for their goregous art and style some of the Hopi artifacts I have run across are truly goregous!
There is even a 'vortex/ site nearby. This is a place that the earth's energy lines supposedly intersect providing people with extra astral powers or something like that. It is in a beautiful resort town named Sedona which is just about 1 hour north of my place. There is lots of great artwork and such and every time I have been there I see hippy-ish people walking around with crystals on their head to 'channel the energy'. Weird, but cool at the same time!
I almost forgot! There is also the Lovell Observatory which houses one of the largest telescopes in North America in Flagstaff (1.5 hours north) and (3 hours away) a place called Meteor Crater which is the most well preserved metor impact site in the world! It is this really cool 1 mile wide crater in the middle of nowhere that was formed when a small meteor impacted the earth. Really cool stuff!!!
Next year, though, SO getting a job at the MD Ren Faire for weekends. I've got the acting training (but sadly NOT the degree... stupid parental control freaks...) I just wish I had been able to stay an extra year to get my combat certification. Maybe I can ask the guys at the faire if there's a local place around that I can get lessons and maybe certification at... I miss swordfighting SO much. And now with the weight loss, I can move around alot easier again.Well, I can speak from experience on this issue at least
( ... )
I was actually going to try and approach you guys this weekend about if you all knew of any swordfighting groups around, but I would be honored if you guys helped me out. I'm a few years out of practice, but I'm a fast learner and willing to learn more than what I already have experiance under my belt.
I'll come find you sometime this weekend and we can talk more, neh?
Have you considered maybe getting a night job at the mall, if there's one close to you? Maybe you can find a store there with more flexible hours. Or maybe B&N?
You could always come fight with us in the SCA. There's a group everywhere. We have rapier and heavy combat, but the heavy combat is rattan instead of live steel.
A lot of the rapier folk also do Tattershall classes and whatnot. Self defence through stabbing your attacker with a dagger/sword. I think they call them sidesword classes universally. Tattershall's the master that our local guys study the works of.
I actually tried to be in the SCA in NY (Westchester/Long Island), and the group was GREAT, but the meeting place was a bit too far from me to be able to participate in as much as I wanted to, and then work got evil and I didn't have the energy.
OMG YAY for you and losing more weight! *gets out the pom-poms and cheers her on!* That's AWESOME! Actually, everything sounds awesome for you right now!!! *huggles on her!*
*would reply with Spike icon, but logged into Face*
I know! I was so afraid that I had fallen off the wagon cause I've been eating a LOT of crap. But I run up and down a flight of stairs at least 4-5 times a day, plus do a LOT more walking these days. And I have been doing my best to do the salad at lunch thing to make up points at breakfast and dinner.
OH! You and I gotta chat to figure out a Duncan meeting Face bit in the reception this weekend!
OMG. *headdesk* I don't know how I'm gonna manage it all, with a Duncan/Athos/Cassandra/Connor meeting at the reception, plus all of my muses at the friggin' Tammys. *headdesk* Oh, and RL. Yeah. That tiny thing I keep forgetting about. *sigh*
I'll try! But I can't guarantee anything. (And I'm logged in as someone else too, so default icon! *L*)
My default icon is pretty then yours! *smirk* then again, i like Lindsey better than Buffy, so I'm biased *ducks*
That's ok. I just have been patiently waiting for them to meet, since Duncan was involved in the whole kidnapping thread, but never got to actually be a part of Face's rescue party and meet him there.
Comments 17
Phoenix, AZ is BEAUTIFUL in April (if you file your taxes early you'll have your $$ back in PLENTY of time to plan a trip out here!)
We bought a timeshare vacation place thingy so we even have a REALLY SUPER NICE resort available to us for you to use!
Grand Canyon
Las Vegas
Your Friend Todd's Place
San Diego
Mexico (did I mention that twice?)
The southwest is turning out to be a REALLY interesting place to live. The pervasive Indian culture here is SOOO much different from the Indian Culture I grew up with in the Northwest. While I still love the Pacific Coast Indians for their goregous art and style some of the Hopi artifacts I have run across are truly goregous!
There is even a 'vortex/ site nearby. This is a place that the earth's energy lines supposedly intersect providing people with extra astral powers or something like that. It is in a beautiful resort town named Sedona which is just about 1 hour north of my place. There is lots of great artwork and such and every time I have been there I see hippy-ish people walking around with crystals on their head to 'channel the energy'. Weird, but cool at the same time!
I'll come find you sometime this weekend and we can talk more, neh?
A lot of the rapier folk also do Tattershall classes and whatnot. Self defence through stabbing your attacker with a dagger/sword. I think they call them sidesword classes universally. Tattershall's the master that our local guys study the works of.
You get the "woot" icon!
I know! I was so afraid that I had fallen off the wagon cause I've been eating a LOT of crap. But I run up and down a flight of stairs at least 4-5 times a day, plus do a LOT more walking these days. And I have been doing my best to do the salad at lunch thing to make up points at breakfast and dinner.
OH! You and I gotta chat to figure out a Duncan meeting Face bit in the reception this weekend!
I'll try! But I can't guarantee anything. (And I'm logged in as someone else too, so default icon! *L*)
That's ok. I just have been patiently waiting for them to meet, since Duncan was involved in the whole kidnapping thread, but never got to actually be a part of Face's rescue party and meet him there.
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