Thunder 7/100

Apr 09, 2010 00:09

Title: Thunder
Prompt: #69
Author: alifeofourown
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Christofer Drew (All Time Low/Nevershoutnever!)
Rating: Teen
Summary: “I was waiting for you. I know how scared you get when thunder rolls around, so I was waiting until you came in here so that you didn’t have to be alone.”
Warnings: Thunder, Blankets and Gayified Songs
Dedication: This was requested by dee_jaydj  whose birthday it is today, so Happy Birthday! :D I hope you love it!
This also sort of goes out to dee_jaydj  who won't leave me alone till I post it. There. No more buggging. (:
Beta: havah24601 
Disclaimer: If I owned the people mentioned in here...damn, I wouldn't be writing about them.
Author Notes: Uh, yeah...I've subjected myself to this fun thing where I will write one-hundred oneshits involving All Time Low. This is going to be an interesting fall...
If you want a prompt dedicated to you, go to the main post which is located here and post a comment saying the prompt and a preferable pairing. You will get the dedication, but I cannot completely promise on the pairing, seeing as my brain likes to malfunction often.
Otherwise, enjoy!

“I hate this,” Christofer said with a quiet pout as he looked out the stormy sky outside. The clouds were rolling around in a dark grey sky and rain was pattering quietly against the roof of the home that he was standing in. “I mean, bring on the rain, the lightening I don’t mind, but I hate thunder. Why does the weather have to be so mean?” A childlike pout spread across the boy’s face and he pressed his hands into the wood of the window frame. “Thunder scares me. This isn’t cool.” Silence met brunet’s ears and he turned around. “Are you even listening?” he asked before a frown spread across his face as he realized the bed behind him was empty. “What the…”

The boy stepped over to the door of the bedroom and he began to look for the person that he had been attempting to hold a conversation with. No matter where he searched, he couldn’t seem to find the person, and frustration was overwhelming him right now, along with slight fear of the impending doom of thunder. “Where are you?” he called out as he ventured down the staircase and to the kitchen, hoping that the food area would hold the answer to the question he had just asked.

No luck though, and with a tiny sigh, Christofer ran his hands through his hair. This was frustrating. How was it that the only person he wanted to talk to right now had gone missing without him even realizing it? Nimble hands pressed down on the kitchen counter and Christofer pushed himself off of it, heading to the living room as the first tentative rumbles of thunder met his ears. “It’s raining and I’m not happy. Where the hell are you?” Now, he wasn’t one to swear often, but when thunder came around, Christofer was always sent into a bad mood, and bad moods usually included swearing.

Entering the living room, the boy let out a sigh and he began to tug on the button down shirt that he was wearing. The living room, just like the kitchen, bedroom, upstairs bathroom, guest bedroom and furnished attic was empty. What the hell? It almost felt like the person who had been lying in bed, listening to the boy’s rants less than five minutes ago had completely disappeared from the house, and that made Christofer jumpy because that person always knew how to keep him calm when it came to the insane bouts of thunder that scared the boy. “Come on, this isn’t funny anymore…where are you!?”

The rumbling was a little louder now, and Christofer jumped as a particularly loud clap of thunder rang out in the quiet house. Christofer whimpered and he turned and headed back upstairs, deciding that this wasn’t worth it and that he’d rather hide in the closet than look for his missing source of comfort. Frustration was at an all time low and fear had replaced the feeling that had been coursing through Christofer’s body just minutes ago.

He grabbed the blanket off of the bed and wrapped it around himself tightly before walking over to the closet and opening the door. Surprise met him as he saw the person that he had just spent the past five minutes looking for sitting on the floor of the closet. “Alex?” Chris asked as he kneeled down and crawled in the closet. “I’ve been looking for you. Why are you in here?”

Alex smiled lightly as he pulled Christofer into the closet and shut the door behind him, wrapping the other boy in his arms. “I was waiting for you. I know how scared you get when thunder rolls around, so I was waiting until you came in here so that you didn’t have to be alone.” In the dark closet, Christofer’s face heated up and turned a deep red as he snuggled into Alex’s grip, the blanket that he had had wrapped around him discarded onto the closet floor. Thunder clashed loudly and Christofer jumped, but Alex held him tightly in his arms, kissing the top of the boy’s head and whispering words of comfort, words that promised the boy that he’d be there for him. “It’s going to be okay Chrissy-tofer baby. It’s just a little storm. It won’t hurt you. I’m here to protect you from the mean thunder.”

“You make it sound like I’m five,” Christofer whispered as his arms snaked around Alex’s waist, clinging tightly as he buried his head in Alex’s chest. “I hate thunder. Hate hate hate it. It’s so loud and scary…” Alex let out a breathy chuckle as he kissed the boy’s cheek before he rested his head on top of Christofer’s, gently nosing through the boy’s soft, yet messy hair in an attempt to calm him. Christofer had some weird things that calmed him down, but Alex’s favorite by far was tracing tiny patterns on the top of the boy’s head with his nose because it allowed him to breathe in Christofer’s beautiful scent of sun-kissed rain and raspberries while he calmed the boy down.

“It’s okay,” Alex whispered as he kissed the top of the boy’s head once more, met with soft hair against his lips. “The thunder will pass. It’ll go away soon and then we’ll be fine and safe. The mean, scary thunder won’t hurt us anymore.” Christofer mumbled something against Alex’s chest, but Alex couldn’t make out what he had said. “What was that?” he asked softly.

Christofer lifted his head off of Alex’s chest and he looked up at him, glad that his eyes were finally adjusting to the dark. He looked into Alex’s eyes and bit down on his lip, almost as if he was nervous to repeat what he had said before. “I said the thunder will leave me alone, but you won’t leave me.” Alex smiled and his grip tightened on the boy in his arms before he leaned his head forward and closed the distance between their lips.

The kiss wasn’t hot, passionate or horny in the slightest which was normal for Alex Gaskarth if it had been anyone other than Christofer. No, this kiss was gentle and soft, full of love and kindness. Unsaid words were shared through that kiss, and while Alex’s lips were on Christofer’s, the scared boy’s fear of thunder completely disappeared. Who needed to be scared of something when perfection was kissing them? At least, that was what Christofer was thinking as he freed an arm and raised it up so that his hand was resting on Alex’s cheek, holding him as he kissed back.

Like all kisses, this one had to end, and after what seemed like forever, Alex pulled away to suck in some much needed air, his grip on Christofer loosening a little as he reached over to the blanket and pulled it over so that it was covering the both of them. The thunder raged on, and while Christofer trembled because of the loud noises, Alex held him, keeping him warm and safe in his grip and beneath the blanket.

“Baby,” he whispered as he kissed Christofer’s cheek gently. “Why don’t you try and get some sleep. I’ll sing you to sleep if you want.” Christofer nodded and he pressed himself as close to Alex as he could, clinging tightly once more. “Okay. I’m in trouble, I’m an addict, I’m addicted to this boy,”

“No,” Christofer whispered as he shook his head. “No using my songs to sing me to sleep, even if you do sing them better than me and you make them gay so that they fit us.” Alex smiled and he gently kissed the top of Christofer’s head. “I love you Alex, but if you use my song to sing me to sleep, I don’t know if I can ever take you seriously.”

Alex’s smile widened as he looked down at Christofer. “Did you ever take me seriously in the first place?” he asked softly as he closed his eyes. “Don’t even answer that, because I already know the answer. You taking me seriously would mean the world’s ended, and I’m pretty sure we’re still alive.” Another crack of thunder burst through their ears and Christofer jumped, causing Alex to laugh softly. “Yeah, we’re definitely still alive, because you’re still cute when you’re scared.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Christofer asked as he looked up at Alex, frowning lightly. “And weren’t you supposed to be singing me to sleep or something like that, assuming that it’s not my own song.” Christofer snuggled into Alex’s grip as it tightened on him and he smiled as Alex began to sing once more.

“Waiting for your call I’m sick, call I’m angry, call I’m desperate for your voice…” Christofer closed his eyes and he smiled lightly as Alex paused from the song to kiss the top of his boyfriend’s head. “I was born to tell you I love you and now I’m torn to do what I have to.” A yawn escaped Christofer’s lips and he fell asleep as Alex sang to him, a smile on his face and his fear of thunder completely disappearing in Alex’s strong and safe hold.

“I love you Christofer,” Alex whispered to his sleeping boyfriend, and it didn’t bother him at all that they were curled up in the bottom of a closet on a thunder filled night, nor did it bother him that Alex couldn’t move because it would risk waking Christofer up. None of this bothered him in the slightest, because the boy in his arms made everything seem better than it was. He loved Christofer, and every second that he had with the boy made him a little happier than he had been before.

Nothing could ruin that, not even thunder. In fact, thunder just made it even more perfect, because that meant that Alex didn’t have to let go of Christofer until the thunder stopped. Alex loved nights like this, but even more than that, he loved Christofer, and that was all that mattered to him. “Night baby,” he whispered before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, holding perfection in his arms.

rating: general, genre: fluff, pairing: alex/christofer, story: mixed feelings, band: all time low, band: nevershoutnever!

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