What About Now 5/?

Apr 04, 2010 14:34

Title: What About Now
Author: alifeofourown  
Pairing: David/Eric (The Downtown Fiction)
Rating: Teen with a possible but unlikely chance of Mature
Summary: If a feeling of uneasiness can move move mountains, Cameron's can move continents, but what happens when uneasiness turns good and the pain becomes wanted?
Dedication: To oldblackchucks  because she got me back into writing this and because I absolutely positively love her.
Warnings: Angst, Confusion, Possible Self-Harm and implications of Rape, Pairing Issues
Author Notes: Not really much to say on this chapter. I love it, kind of, even though it was kind of sad to write in my opinion. But it's baaaaaccckkkk!

“You’re crazy,” David told Eric as he dragged him away to spend some time with him. “You’ve been watching over Cameron constantly for the past few days. Let it rest. He’s going to be fine Eric, and you’re really just overacting.” Eric let out a soft sigh as he looked over at Cameron who was retreating in the distance, probably headed to go find something to do while Eric and David had their alone time. “Eric, you’re watching him. I think that can be classified as creepy and obsessive.”

Eric bit his lip. “He’s my best friend, Dave. What do you expect me to do when I’m worried about him? Prance off into la la land while he wastes away and turns into something that I don’t even recognize anymore?”

“You know that’s not what I mean,” David replied as he looked at Eric. “But don’t you think you’re being a bit overprotective? I mean, Cameron is an adult after all, as far-fetched as it may seem, and he does have the ability to take care of himself, just like you and I do. He’s twenty years old, Eric, so chill. If something’s wrong, then he’ll talk to us, but if not, then let it be. We don’t have to baby sit him, and we don’t have to ask him all the time if something’s wrong. That’s just going to annoy him again, and we don’t want a repeat of the hotel incident.”

A quiet sigh came from Eric’s parted lips and he looked at David. “I know,” he told his boyfriend quietly. “I know that I need to behave, but I’m worried about him still. Haven’t you noticed how he’s getting skinnier? He never wants to go to have dinner with us before the concerts, and he shies away from anything involving a lot of activity. It makes me really feel that something’s wrong with him, but I don’t know what and I feel like he’s lying to me when he says he’s fine.”

David bit his lip. “Let’s not talk about this now. I pulled you away to spend time with you, not to talk about Cameron…” Eric frowned at David’s comment.

“I know you want to spend time with me, but I’m worried about Cameron, Dave. Something’s wrong with him. I know there is, but I can’t figure out what. It’s worrying me to no end, and I just want to fix it all.”

A small sigh came from David’s parted lips. “You can’t fix everything Eric,” he told his boyfriend softly. “You’re not a magic healer. There are just some things that you can’t do. Maybe whatever’s wrong with Cameron is something that you can’t fix and that’s why he won’t tell you. You should just let it be and wait for him to talk to you. If you pressure him too much he’ll snap, and there’s a chance that he’ll never want to speak to you again.”

Eric opened his mouth to speak, but no words left his lips as he looked at his boyfriend. Instead, he closed it again and bit down on his lip, not sure how he could even counter David with all the thoughts that were running through his head right now. Right now, the most important thing on his mind was the huge fact that his best friend was acting so weird that it was off the charts of Cameron-weird, but at the same time, he really didn’t want to upset his boyfriend by still talking about it. He could tell that David was getting frustrated with his lack of focus on their relationship, and while he understood why David was frustrated, he still felt like the younger boy was being selfish.

This was Cameron they were talking about. Cameron. Maybe David didn’t really understand because he had only been friends with Cam for a year or two, but Eric and Cameron had grown up as best friends, spent ever living moment together, so it made sense for Eric to be ridiculously worried. “He’s not eating, Dave,” he whispered as he looked at his boyfriend, biting down on his lip. That was a conclusion that he had known in his mind for a few days at the very least, but it was one that he hadn’t wanted to jump to. Now though, he was jumping to it because there was nowhere else to jump. It was either figure this the fuck out or abandon it and possibly lose Cameron, and he couldn’t have that happen.

“What do you want to do about that, Eric?” David asked as he looked at him. “Just go up to Cam and say something like, ‘You’re not eating. Why?’ I think not. Yeah, it worries me like hell that he may or may not be eating normally, but we can’t confront him about it unless we have a legitimate reason to do so.” He sighed before he reached a hand up to Eric’s face, brushing back his hair before he pressed a light kiss to the boy’s forehead. “We’ll figure something out okay, but for right now, can you please, please forget about Cameron and spend some time with me? I miss us.”

Eric let out a small sigh before he nodded, knowing that no matter what they did right now, Cameron wasn’t going to leave his mind, but he didn’t want to piss off his boyfriend, just like he didn’t want to piss off his best friend. As David pressed his lips to Eric’s, the worried thoughts melted a little, but they couldn’t give way to anything emotional or loving right now. They were stuck on Cameron, and despite the fact that he kissed David back, Eric wasn’t anywhere near focused on that, and David knew.

“I give up,” David said after a few minutes when he pulled away from the kiss. “Clearly, I can’t get your attention anymore so I’m going back to the room. If you decide that you’re going to let your mind relax and just spend some time with me, come find me. Until then, go worry about your Cameron.”

“My god David, are you getting jealous over this?” Eric asked as he stared at his boyfriend, confused as to why David would’ve lashed out so harshly like that in reference to Cameron. “Let me stress this again because you obviously don’t seem to be getting it. He’s my best friend, the only person that I’ve ever been able to talk to about anything in the world and not have him turn me away or blow me off, and right now he’s clearly having some fucking issues. I’m so sorry that I can’t focus on having sex with you when I’m worried that one of the only people in my life that I care about might be hurting himself, or worse!”

David’s face flared up in anger. “Oh fuck you Eric!” he said in a hiss of a voice. “I just wanted to spend like, a half an hour with you where Cameron fucking Leahy wasn’t the center of our conversation, but that doesn’t even seem possible. I’m not trying to make you forget about him, and he’s my friend too, so stop acting like I don’t give a damn! I just want to give him a break from you being the protective fucking parent and I just wanted you to stop turning into a fucking Cameron Nazi.” He shoved Eric lightly to the side before storming past him and back to the hotel, leaving Eric alone.

“Fuck,” Eric mumbled as he ran a hand through his hair. He hadn’t meant to fight with David, and yet he had clearly managed to do that. Now he had two upset people on his hands, which meant that he had to make up with David as soon as possible so that they didn’t have an awkward stage performance and figure out what the hell was happening with Cameron. This was clearly going to be a piece of cake.

pairing: dave/eric, rating: teen, genre: angst, band: the downtown fiction, story: what about now

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