Everybody Likes A Challenge -Prologue

Oct 28, 2007 23:12

Title: Everybody Likes a Challenge  Prologue/?

Author: Meg-chan (xme_chanx)

Pairing: Tora/ ?

Rating: NC-17 (in the future)

Genre: yaoi, AU, some angst

Warnings: man sex, angst, hot boys, test anxiety, no beta.

Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, I wish I did. I do own the story and will use brute force if you steal it. I have no money. At all. So if you sue me I’ll be really sad.

Summary: Tora likes a challenge; his comes in the form of an attractive man.
X-Posted: My journal, Alice in Loveland

Er, LJ hates me. But now it has the correct header.


Tora sat calmly outside of the student union, smoking a cigarette. It was dusk, and the last hints of sun were finally fading away. The lights on the Union lawn hadn’t come on yet. Tora thought the lawn looked better, more tranquil, without the harsh artificial lights. He noticed some erratic movement over by the fountain, and turned his head lazily, exhaling a small cloud of smoke. He couldn’t quite see what was going on, but the fountain looked pretty in the fresh night air. When the Union lights began to flicker on, Tora saw the source of the movements clearly. It was a tall brunette, who was chalking something onto the sidewalk in front of the fountain. The boy was tall, thin, and had a stylish haircut.  Tora was immediately drawn to him. The next thing he noticed was the guitar bag strapped over the boy’s shoulder. When he stood up and dusted his hands off, he headed straight by Tora. Tora took in all of the guy’s features, so he didn’t miss the guy’s snort or disdainful look. Tora chuckled to himself about it, before getting up to read the chalked message.

NEXT NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT: Band “Working Title”



*looking for guitarist. Leave a message for Shou @  rm 309 in the Music building. Audition required.

Tora laughed. This would be too easy. The guy’s name is Shou. And he was sure he could find him at the Music building. Not to mention the coincidence of Tora being a more-than able guitarist. He grinned to himself, now he had something to look forward to after that Chem test.

~Nota Bene~

Meg says, “OMG college-inspired fics. At least I’m getting something out of it.” *laugh*

Er, AU ToraxSaga is fun. Plus, I can project the pain of studies and the like onto them and make myself feel better. XD

I just couldn’t help myself and wrote this out. Procrastinating is always more inspiring than it should be.

Comments are love.

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