Just For Me? Chapter 6

Oct 28, 2007 19:34

Title: Just For Me?
Author: kasabaka
Rating: R (NC-17 Later)
Pairing: Nao x Tora (Yeah I switched it from Tora x Nao to Nao x Tora...I wanted to try Uke!Tora for once.)
Warning: Man x Man
Disclaimer: I do not own Alice Nine. This Fanfic is pure FICTION.
Summary: Tora is Nao's little stalker?
Notes: Hope you all liked~

“Uhh yeah, thanks.” I gave him a weird look and took a bag of sandwiches out, setting the backpack on the coffee table and taking a seat on the couch myself, grabbing a sandwich and biting.

He walked over also, taking a seat besides me.

“You…you know…never mind, forget it.” Tora said.

“I know what…?” I asked, curious as to what he was going to say.

“Well…you know your lips are really soft?” He said, looking embarrassed.

“Ummmm…no but thank you.” I answered. They were soft? My mom always yelled at me to use Chap Stick because she said it looked like my lips were bleeding. I unconsciously raise my finger to trace my lips slowly. Hmmm…maybe he’s right. They ARE pretty soft. I giggle.

“Pass one please.” He suddenly said and I threw him a sandwich. He started eating his and we both ate in silence. I stared into space as he stared at me, how creepy. He’s really got to learn that staring isn’t nice.

10 minutes pass and I can’t take it anymore.

I throw my sandwich down on the coffee table, making a SPLAT noise and lung at him on the other side of the couch, pressing my lips onto his. My hands are clinging at his chest and pulling at the shirt. My eyes open and he looks shocked but goes along after awhile and we fight for dominance in the kiss. Our tongues entwine and I can’t help but moan.

We finally break apart and I’m in a daze. “Whoa…” I suddenly say.

He is taking deep breaths, or more like pants, gasps, whatever you want to call it.

“You’re…good for an inexperienced kisser.” Tora said.

I chuckle. “I’ve watched my share of porn.”

I can’t help but laugh at the odd look on his face after I tell him. It was silent for awhile and I stared into his eyes, they were full of lust. He slowly reached out and caressed his cheeks with my fingers and I watch as he closes his eyes. “No…open your eyes, I want to see them.” I say softly and his eyes open slowly. His eyes are beautiful…I’ve never noticed. Well…it’s not exactly a surprise because I never actually talked to him that much at all until recently. Either way, I never really cared to look at his eyes even when I did start talking to him.

“You’re eyes are so beautiful…” I trail off and he smiles. “So are your’s.” He compliments back.

I was going to take his shirt off but when I heard a key being inserted in the front door, I quickly took my hand back and grabbed the same sandwich which I threw down onto the table and started chewing on it quickly. I felt like barfing right there. The sandwich tasted horrible.

The front door swung open and revealed my mother. “Hello there, Nao’s friend?” She says and I see Tora nod, standing up and grabbing his backpack. My mother walks into the kitchen and stays there then I start coughing like shit. Tora looked concerned and asked “You okay?”

“Kind of. Ewwwwwwwww dust got all over the sandwich.” I grab for a napkin he held and spitted some of it out, crumbling up the napkin in my hand after.

He laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said, swinging the backpack over his shoulder and waving before running out of my front door. I yell goodbye and watch as his back disappears into the distance.


A/N: <3
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