May Trip #1

May 09, 2011 13:09

All work and no play equals not much fun. As we have two days of bank holidays in May, I decided to take advantage and schedule two long weekends for trips ( Read more... )

photos, rl, trips

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alice_montrose May 9 2011, 10:40:26 UTC
Why does that sound like a long way when you say it?

No idea. It was a hour and a half by train, and it went pretty slow. Perhaps because it took me 10 years to visit my relatives when they are that close by? Or maybe because distances become distorted because Romania is small compared to Australia yet it is still one country? *shrugs*

Yeah, come all the way across the globe to visit our Medieval castles. I would approve of such a plan. :)

There will be more photos from the next trip, of course, as well as lots of naughtiness. Getting four slash-minded people in one place is bound to be exciting. *cackles some more*


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alice_montrose May 9 2011, 20:42:25 UTC
Hey, this means I'm a writer still (albeit an unproductive one)! I was able to make it sound like a long distance even when it's not. XD

Hmm, travelling in Romania is bound to be worst than travelling in England, because the roads are bad and there's practically no highway. But yes, there are many villages you have to go through. By train though, there are 3tyres: "personal" (is sloooooooooooow, stops at practically every station), "accelerat" (medium speed, stops at select stations - the one I used), "rapid" (faster),a nd "InterCity"/"Blue Arrow" (our versions of velocity train, which are way slower than true velocity trains - due to badly-maintain railway segments - but still faster than "rapid" in places).


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alice_montrose May 9 2011, 17:55:53 UTC
*LOL* Nu, era vorba de o alta fata, dar daca vrei sa vii si sa stai cat stam noi (sambata dupa-amiaza, duminica toata ziua, luni dimineata), spune-ne cat mai repede ca sa rezolvam cu cazarea. Sau zi-ne daca vrei sa vii doar pentru o zi... ca sa stim.

Scuze ca nu te-am invitat, dar stiam ca o sa fii plecata si nu stiam pt. cat timp, si n-ai mai zis nimic despre asta dupa Niji.


frolic_horror May 9 2011, 18:21:39 UTC
Hahahaha... facem slash fangirls meeting? :)))
Anul acesta va invitam intr-o locatie care inspira slash-ul cu vampiri si scenarii medievale ;))


alice_montrose May 9 2011, 20:47:51 UTC
Pai normal, ce dracu' altceva sa facem? Si asa ne vedem din an in paste, macar sa profitam la maxim. XD

Sa ma gandesc la postcards pt. editia asta, in loc de bookmarks?


babydracky May 9 2011, 11:34:18 UTC
It's good to hear from you. I'm happy to know that you had some days off and was able to visit your family.
Carpatians are so very beautiful! And the castle is just as lovely! Thank you so much for sharing your pictures♥


alice_montrose May 9 2011, 20:43:45 UTC
Yeah, I like to drop in from time to time and let people know I'm still alive. *sheepish grin*

The Carpathians may not be as high as the Alps, but they are still very pretty. And there will be more fortresses in two weeks' time, I promise. :)


babydracky May 9 2011, 23:24:03 UTC
Carpathians are different from the Alps, but are so very lovely too^^
Yay for more fortresses!♥


macteague May 9 2011, 14:06:37 UTC
Love the pictures! :) Hope you enjoy your second trip just as much!


alice_montrose May 9 2011, 20:44:44 UTC
Thank you! And... thank you! :-)=


ariss_tenoh May 9 2011, 19:43:49 UTC
I was wondering where you were! Good to know you were having fun^_^

And wow. I see now what all the novels talk about when mentioning the Carpathian mountains.


alice_montrose May 9 2011, 20:46:10 UTC
I've been lurking and reading and not posting myself, mostly commenting on other people's LJs. So still around, though with not much to say. :)

Why thank you. I figured you'd enjoy the mountain photos, actually. They are very picturesque.


ariss_tenoh May 10 2011, 15:55:52 UTC
*looks at pics and sighs*
I've really got to visit you one of these days.

How's life treating you lately?


alice_montrose May 11 2011, 05:16:54 UTC
You'll get to visit me at some point, I'm sure. *hugs and snuggles*

Life is fairly good at the moment. The usual issues with the parental units. But as you can see I am taking the time to travel for a bit so it's not all work, and the festivals are starting so there will be plenty of things to do this summer.


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