Advent Challenge - Day 2

Dec 02, 2010 22:17

Title: Nostalgia
Author: alice_montrose
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own the characters; story set in my Christmas Elves verse
Summary: Kriss is homesick. Mass being there helps.
Request: pairing of choice; nostalgic feelings during the the first snowfall of the year (by silvery_lass)
Author's Note: my_icon_lj made me an icon just for this verse! Ain't it pretty?! ♥


"I wish Even were here with us," Kriss told to no one in particular, hands shoved into his jacket pockets as he stood on the porch and watched snowflakes dance their way to earth on the moonlit backdrop.

It was the first snowfall of that year in the Carpathians, and despite the lack of a frozen landscape, it reminded Kriss of home. He sorely wished to be back there, sharing spice cakes and mead with his extended family, listening to his brothers argue over who had the prettiest hair, clearest eyes, loveliest voice... larger other things not fit to mention in polite company. They were the best, his brothers.

As if summoned by the thought, arms wrapped around Kriss' waist and he was pulled against the body of someone he knew -- intimately. "Reminiscing?" Mass whispered in his ear as Kriss leaned against the fairly defined chest and hummed contentedly.

Even may not have been there, but Mass was. Tall, blond, with icy blue eyes.

Kriss' twin.

His other half.

His first lover.

Even after all these years, the thought filled Kriss with lustful, guilty anticipation. He turned around in his twin's loose embrace, draped his arms around Mass' shoulders, stood closer so they were mere inches apart, facing each other, two sides of one mirror.

"Anticipating," Kriss breathed against Mass' lips. "A few more days of this silly conference, and then we can go home."

One hand rubbed his lower back, soothingly. "You miss it."

"I do," Kriss agreed. "Though not as much as I would have, had you not been here. " He smiled. "Time is supposed to pass faster when you have pleasurable company."

His twin chuchkled. "Is that what I have become? 'Pleasurable company'?"

"Oh no, you are much more than that." My beloved. My own. Words Kriss did not dare speak there, lest they be overheard by prying ears. Words he would speak once they were back home, in their bed, with Even and Harry watching closely as they coupled on the king-size bed in their office.

Kriss truly wished time would pass sooner. But there was nothing to say he could not kiss his beloved good night, and then take him to bed.


advent challenge, writing, originals, christmas elves

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