Advent Challenge - Day 1

Dec 01, 2010 22:29

Title: Michael/James Drabble 1
Author: alice_montrose
Fandom: Original
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own the characters; I've posted nothing else in this verse
Summary: Michael invites James over for a cup of mulled wine.
Request: home made mulled wine and christmassy things that lead to drunken happy antics (by _calex_)


James leaned back on the couch and stretched his arms above his head. His fingers popped and he flexed them for a bit before letting his arms fall back down and propping up his feet on the coffee table. Across the room, he could see Michael moving around the small kitchen area, sweater rising up to reveal a tantalizing bit of flesh as he reached for some boxes in the overhead cabinet.

"Do you do this every Christmas Eve?" James asked, smiling at the predictable snort this drew from the younger man.

"I do not make it a habit out of inviting people to my apartment, no." Some of the mysterious box contents were added to the pot already on the counter top, which now held half a bottle of red wine.

The fact Michael had chosen to misinterpret James' question was its own admission. Michael was a loner, and he treasured his solitude almost as much as his gun collection. James being there on a holiday one normally spent with one's family was another, more important admission.

James appreciated it. He also knew not to push. "So. This mulled wine... is it any good?"

Michael had moved to the stove and was now stirring into the pot. "It's my grandmother's recipe, tried and improved. It had better be good."

"Will you shoot me if I don't like it?"

"No, but I might tie you up and torture you."

Michael's low, wicked laughter did very interesting things to James' libido. James cleared his throat and got up. "You promise?"

More laughter, but Michael did not turn away from the pot he was stirring in. After a few minutes, wondrous scents began filling the kitchen -- wine, cinnamon, a hint of orange. A plate of apple slices was added to the pot.

James was content to go lean against the counter and admire his lover's shapely, jeans-clad behind; he resisted sneaking closer for a grope, not wanting to find out what Michael could do with a pot filled with boiling liquid.

"Why did you invite me here, Michael?" he tried again, once the pot was safely removed from the fire and placed on a pot holder nearby. "Not that I don't appreciate it, but you've been nothing but civil to me since your return."

Michael shrugged. "Is it not obvious? We are going to enjoy Grandma's mulled wine recipe, and have sex on the kitchen counter." His smile became a wicked grin, and James knew he was in trouble. The good kind of trouble. "If you are really nice, we might even make it to bed... eventually."


advent challenge, writing, originals

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