quest ten | do you hear what I hear?

Dec 22, 2010 12:00

CHARACTERS | everyone!
DATE | Dec 19th~30th
SUMMARY | Christmas is in full motion for The World, with plenty of activities to keep you busy and food to keep you full. Look inside for various things to do, organized by thread! This is your one-stop log for the entire event, but feel free to make your own spinoff logs or standalones!

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(mega man) fairy leviathan, (fragile dreams) sai, (inazuma eleven) yuukoku hiroyuki, (mega man) pandora, (07-ghost) hakuren oak, (tramps like us) takeshi gouda, (inazuma eleven) narukami kenya, (okami) amaterasu, (final fantasy iv) kain highwind, (sonic the hedgehog) shadow the hedgehog, !quest, (code geass) suzaku kururugi, (inazuma eleven) genda koujirou, #open, (tales of symphonia) richter abend, (mega man) sage harpuia, (inazuma eleven) kageno jin, (mega man) prometheus

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Comments 164

MAC ANU | snowmen and snowball fights noobtrampolines December 22 2010, 22:07:02 UTC
[ Are you a craftsman of the snow? Show off your prowess or beam others with it here! ]


ventus_aerius December 27 2010, 08:26:20 UTC
[bundled up in... An extra large jacket, a scarf and earmuffs (all colored in his usual green, white and gold motif) was one Guardian of Neo Arcaida. Looking like a bird with a clipped wing]

Of all the things to wake up to...

[throw a snowball at him, y/n/YOU ARE TOO BIG TO BE A SLUG?]

[ooc: /is a hideous person]


YOU ARE TOO BIG TO BE A SLUG sirenspear December 27 2010, 08:38:59 UTC
[what's a snowball between siblings?

At least it's soft.]

Hey, Harpuia~! Aren't you supposed to be the fast one?


ventus_aerius December 27 2010, 08:44:44 UTC

[he turned at the wrong time and ended up with a snowball in the face. Suffice to say, this bird was definitely not a happy one (his voice went up in pitch for a second there)]

LEVIATHAN! Just what in the world were you planning on doing?! [weakness to cold? Yea, he's not happy about it at all]


MAC ANU | ice skating noobtrampolines December 22 2010, 22:08:02 UTC
[ The alchemy district is a frozen wonderland, with an NPC at the bridge ready and waiting to rent out skates. Hope you bundled up-- the falls can be rough! ]


keywords are relevant 8)a powerthatisme December 22 2010, 22:18:11 UTC
[there's already someone out on the ice, skating leisurely and seemingly deep in thought... The whole server incident still had him rattled despite the tough face he put on and though he would have preferred to stay away from all this festive cheer, well. What could he say? Shadow happened to enjoy skating.

At least, he was leisurely skating until a certain song came on]

[... No one paying attention?

... Perfect]

[And away he went]



coilturn December 27 2010, 08:42:29 UTC

did that just happen...?]

...Wow, he's pretty good...


powerthatisme December 27 2010, 08:46:53 UTC





And that's why I am the Ultimate. [that smug smirk on his face, that confident tone of voice, AS TO BE EXPECTED FROM THE WORLD'S ULTIMATE LIFEFORM!!]

[sorry, Kageno, he hasn't noticed you yet]


MAC ANU | underneath the mistletoe noobtrampolines December 22 2010, 22:10:22 UTC
[ And better yet, there's sneaky sprigs of mistletoe popping up all over the town, wherever two couples-- opposite or same sex not seeming to matter-- end up for even the briefest moment. It seems to disappear and reappear as it pleases, and you won't find it in the same place twice! Hope you brushed your teeth this morning. ]


illuminatism December 25 2010, 07:49:11 UTC
[With how festive and lively the town was, it was a little hard for Amaterasu to stay irritated.

There was snow falling from the sky and it crunched under her feet when she walked. It was chilly on her bare feet but this weather was something she had learned to grow accustomed to, during her travel in Kamui. The town's decorations were odd but fun to look at - shiny and attention catching - plus that large tree she had passed by earlier had left her in amazement.

But when she stops for a small break in her wanderings, shifting through her Relic for something she had stored away (food, most likely), Amaterasu does not at all seem to notice the mistletoe hanging over her head...]


tribal_gk December 27 2010, 09:01:05 UTC
[Genda had given up trying to follow Narukami for now, having lost track of him countless times since the start of the event. If he needed him, he'd use the Relic... and warned his younger companion not to stray out of town without him, though the warning surely wasn't needed at this point.

So the goalie's just having a stroll and enjoying himself until he spots a certain white-and-red-marked... something.

...Make that someone.

He can't help but find the woman familiar, and awfully intriguing... well, why not? He walks closer, curious, and finding himself rather drawn to her...]


illuminatism December 27 2010, 09:37:44 UTC
[Putting her Relic away with a soft grumble beneath her breath; there was a lack of cherry cakes and other assorted goodies in her Relic, where they had been just earlier that day. It had been stocked full with quite a number of items, after all...]

Mmm... [Maybe she had eaten them after that trip to the dungeon. Or maybe it had been after her nap? It could have even been -] Ah?

[Her ears twitch as she turns her head a little, eyes fall on Genda as he closes the distance between them. Well, now, there was a slightly familiar face that she had seen once before. It had been awhile but she wasn't one to forget someone! What he gets in greeting is a small, soft smile.]


MAC ANU | o' christmas tree o' christmas tree~ noobtrampolines December 22 2010, 22:12:59 UTC
[ The magnificent example of a 20' Christmas tree is rather splendid, standing tall in the middle of Mac Anu. But hopefully you aren't trying to peek at the presents until after Christmas dinner on the 24th. Otherwise a nasty surprise is lurking in the shadows, ready and waiting to punish any overly-curious boys and girls! But we won't blame you if you just want to hang around and enjoy the sights. It is quite a nice tree, if we do say so ourselves. ]


a christmas tree~ what the hell is a christmas tree ~ highwind_knight December 26 2010, 07:11:51 UTC
[tis a puzzled Commander Highwind, staring up at the tree.]

[there's no denying it's a very lovely sight; oh, he wouldn't deny that. but just what it's there for he has no idea ...]

[so he's just kind of gazing up at it. he might be a little dazed by the pretty lights, or that might just be some lingering ick in his head. hard to tell.]


enduringwinter December 26 2010, 08:34:59 UTC
[Richter had been kneeling down by the presents with a nostalgic look on his face... on the other side of the tree]

[after scoffing perusing through some of the name tags on the presents (who would name their child something as ominous as-), the half-elf stood up and started to move around the tree towards the Alchemy District. A familiar blond staring at the beautifully decorated tree catches his attention]

Not exactly something you expect to wake up to, is it?

[because even in Tethe'alla- Aselia, snow in any place other than Flanoir wasn't common]


highwind_knight December 27 2010, 02:03:52 UTC

[tearing his attention away from the shiny lightstree, Kain blinks and then offers a wintry little smile to Richter]

Given the utter lack of any such thing when -- it all happened, not even in the slightest did I expect a season change. Surely it was not that long?

[joking or other? hard to tell]

Not that I follow the reasoning for all this, either.

[Kain's gesture takes in tree, lights, gifts, and all ~]


LUMINA CLOTH | you probably won't notice the santa-garbed arena emperors noobtrampolines December 22 2010, 22:20:53 UTC
[ There isn't much going on in Lumina Cloth besides the futuristic decorations. Although the Arena Emperors are in full Christmas spirit! Special Christmas-themed games have appeared in the arcade, with the board games room seeming a good deal cozier than anywhere else. A fireplace is constantly burning and plush chairs and floor cushions have appeared to keep you quite comfortable. ]


powerlessfinale December 27 2010, 09:02:10 UTC
[In the arcade is one curiously dressed individual making his way to the top of near every shooting video game in the games room. It's hard to see his face considering a rather recognizable mask is in the way...]


[maybe bothering him isn't the best idea after all]

[ooc: the most anti-social 8( ]


lookslikemomo December 27 2010, 09:42:19 UTC
[Someone's looming behind you and watching the high score shoot up and making oooohs and aaaaahs at every score bonus. Mmmmmyep.

Are you uncomfortable yet.]


powerlessfinale December 27 2010, 20:13:54 UTC
[if he's uncomfortable, it's hard to tell with his steady aim and that mask on his head]

[seriously though, should anyone be this good at a shooting game?]


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