Title: The Ghost in Sam’s Wallet
alexjanna91Fandom: Supernatural;
Pairing: Sam/Dean (hinted at past/possible future), Sam/Jess (non-explicit)
Rating: PG
Genre: AU-Pilot
Word Count: 2,924
Warnings: wincest
Disclaimer: Supernatural is not mine. The plot to this fic is, though.
Summary: Jess finds a ghost wrapped in leather, but the dead don’t always
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Comments 11
I know I am bucking the trend in this fandom, and maybe it is because I have 5 siblings - but the story stops making sense once Jess knows Dean is Sam's Brother. Nothing in this story points at incest between the brothers. Or even a proclivity for bi-sexuality on Sam's part. So unless Jess grew up in a family with many more quirks than the story lets us know about, why would her head go there? Why would she feel that Sam's ability to have strong feelings for family mean that Sam couldn't form a relationship with her, when surely the opposite is true?
This story is short and leaves many before and after aspects up to the readers so it's not really required for Sam to have shown bi proclivities. Jess doesn't think that Sam and the picture-guy are brothers until Sam tells her, so she doesn't actually go there until there is really nowhere else she can go. Jess doesn't feel that Sam's strong familial feelings would impair a relationship with her, you could liken her feelings to that of someone marrying a widow who was in love their spouse and still loves them. It wouldn't impair a new relationship, it's just another aspect to that individual couple.
Once again, thanks for reading. I appreciate your thoughts on my story.
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