Title: At A Loss (Sarah's Talk With Chuck)
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em
Chapter: 8/9
Rating: N/C 17
Pairings: Chuck/Casey; Some Bryce/Sara; Morgan/Alex; Ellie/Devon
Warnings: Language, Smut, Angst
Spoilers: All of Chuck up through series finale, somewhat...
Summary: Something is going on with Chuck and Casey and Sarah has no idea what is wrong...
Link To First Part:
http://alexisk11.livejournal.com/2867.html ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Charles Bartowski could be one stubborn and insecure son of a bitch at times. Sarah had one hell of a time getting through to him. He did not want to believe her about what Casey had told her. Once he finally let everything sink in and was no longer in denial, he was devastated.
“Oh God, Sarah what have I done? I need to fix this. Right now. Please tell me he isn't that bad yet, if he's shut himself off I’ll never get through to him!”
“You will Chuck. You will be the only person that can. Your the only person he'd be willing to take the chance for. Now go convince him you love him back! Get him back Chuck.”
“Right, ok I'm going....Oh and thank you Sarah. You and Bryce. For everything and for not giving up. Whatever happens, you guys are the best!”
With that Charles Bartowski was running out the door towards Casey's apartment in untied Chuck Taylors. Wrinkled clothes, messy hair, and tear stained face be damned. He was going to get Casey back.
Author Note: The next part is the final part to this story!! It's long and smutty.... ;)
Link To Next & Final Part: