Fic: "Say 'I Love You'" (1/1) PG [SB/OB, VM]

Feb 01, 2008 13:35

Say ‘I love you’
By Alexa Bond 28/01/2008
Disclaimer: This never happened unless I have psychic powers and can change the past, present and future. Any likeness to real characters is all in your mind, nothing more. This is fiction, made up, never happened, not real.... you want that in other languages as well? *LOL*
I intend no infringement, this is a piece of amateur fan fiction, and I make no money off it.
Only the original idea contained within this work is the property of the author. Please do not copy this story to any website or archive without permission of the author.
Timeline: Set after the filming of LOTR.
Universe: LOTR RPS
Romance: SB/OB
Summary: Sean does not say ‘I’m sorry’ easily and ‘I love you’s are rare. An enraged Orlando has had enough and calls Viggo to vent…only to discover some truths about the true meaning of love with the help of his calm and insightful friend.
Archiving: List archive and Green Opals [] may take it; others please ask.
Feedback: Yes, please. If you want me to continue writing that is *G*. My e-mail address is
Rating: PG
Warnings: RPS, angst and some really sweet romantic notions in this one. If you don’t want your Orlando loving but a little insecure and your Sean strong but able to hurt then you should reconsider reading this one.
Series: None.
Author’s notes: Inspired by the song ‘Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight’ from Boyzone because I was feeling nostalgic ‘laughs’ Not a song fic though.
Beta by Jessie. Thanks so much. ‘many hugs’
* * *

“It’s Vigg…” Viggo didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Orlando started talking, unable to hold all his emotions inside a moment longer.

“That bloody cunt!” he cursed hotly, his voice betraying his agitation and hurt better than his words.

“Good morning, Orli. Charming mood you’re in,” Viggo said with the warm overbearing patience of a tried father.

“It’s almost eight in the evening here so it must be long past morning there even by your definitions. Besides it’s not a good anything,” Orlando complained though Viggo’s words had made him sound calmer and the bite was out of his words.

“What’s wrong?” Viggo sounded only mildly worried; he knew if something had been really wrong Orlando would have told him already.

“Sean, the idiot. What else?” Orlando said sharply. Instead of pacing the bedroom which he was calling from, he sat down on the bed with a sigh. When he spoke again only the pain remained, “I don’t understand. Is it me who’s doing something wrong?”

“Probably not but why don’t you tell me what happened?” Viggo asked, his voice mild.

“Sean forgot our anniversary. It’s tonight,” Orlando said in a defeated tone of voice.

“I didn’t know. Congratulations.”

“Well, evidently, neither did he,” Orlando said harshly.

“What happened?”

“He came home, saw the table I had decked, the flowers on it, the soft music…some of his favourite classical stuff, y’know? Was gonna make this steak for him and this Indian veggie dish for myself I like…” he sighed again, his next words filled with sorrow. “He didn’t apologise.”

“What did he do?” Viggo asked with the calm and open-minded caring Orlando had come to expect from him.

“He embraced me, kissed me. Said it looked amazing. Promised he would bring me something tomorrow.”

“Did he look and sound sincere?”

“Yes, but that’s not the point. He forgot about today,” Orlando’s voice had raised a note or two when Viggo had not at once sided with him on this point.

Viggo was silent for a few seconds before he softly replied, “Maybe it is the point.”

“What do you mean?” Orlando asked him, confused.

“How do you know Sean loves you?”

“Certainly not by the amount of times he says so!” Orlando said, bringing another old complaint forth.

“Yet you have been together for what…five years now and living together for the last three or so?”

“Yeah.” Orlando nodded as he said so, though Viggo would not be able to see the gesture.

“What does he do?”

Orlando was silent as he thought. “He calls me unexpectedly when we’re apart. He will put on my kind of music even though he hates it. He will try vegetarian food, and sometimes surprises me with having made a whole meal for us both, though I know he’s a meat lover. He buys me things because they remind him of me. Once we were at this pub and a guy badmouthed me. He punched that guy so hard in the face he hit the floor,” Orlando’s voice had become warmer, filled with humorous and loving remembrance.

“You know what else he does?” Viggo asked but didn’t wait for an answer before he replied, “he speaks of you a lot when you’re not there. He’s very proud of you.”

“Really? He rarely says anything.” Orlando admitted, warmed by his friend’s words, a smile on his lips.

“That’s not how he is. That’s how you are,” Viggo said matter-of-factly.

“What do you mean?”

“You show your love with public displays of affection and declarations of love. Sean doesn’t do that.”

“We’re not out in public,” Orlando reminded him, old pain over this clear in his voice even though they had both agreed it was best that way. They were out to friends and family but had so far managed to keep the press and the general public unaware.

“And likely you never will be. I told you this when you first started dating,” Viggo reminded him, his voice not without compassion.

“I know but still…Why? Is he embarrassed over me?” Orlando knew he sounded like a whining child but it was his anniversary and he was sitting here in the darkness of the bedroom he shared with Sean talking to his best friend who was halfway across the world. Damn it; he was still entitled to tantrums even if Sean never threw any!

“He isn’t. You know that. He’s just a private person. He’s different than you. Different from me. Yet still he loves us both. He’s like a brother to me and he has been your lover for years,” Viggo explained patiently.

“Then why is it so hard for him to admit to what he’s feeling?” Orlando asked with frustration in his voice. He had always been very open with his feelings - he had never had any reason not to.

“It isn’t.”

“What do you mean?”

“He may not be good at the ‘I love you’s, remembering dates or saying ‘I’m sorry’ but if something is important to you he will remember. When I have a new exhibition he will be there, if you look tired he will cancel his plans so he can stay at home with you. I remember one time while I was in London he was going to meet me for a theatre show we both wanted to see but your plans with some friends of yours got cancelled and since we only had two tickets Sean gave his to my son and stayed back with you.”

Orlando smiled in the soft twilight coming in through the bedroom window. He remembered that evening - and following night - fondly. “Yeah…he’s good at that.”

“He does say he loves you, doesn’t he?”

“Yeah but mostly when we’re in bed or something.” Orlando said with a dismissive air.

“Do you think he would ever cheat on you?”

Orlando was shocked and taken back by the question. “No of course not.”

“That he’ll ever hit you?”

Orlando almost dropped the phone in shock at his friend’s calm question. “No!” he denied hotly. “Jesus, Vig, where are you getting this from?”

“Do you think he would ever leave you?” Viggo went on as if he hadn’t heard him.

“Well, I…” Orlando began and then fell silent, the evening’s insecurities coming back in a rush.

“Do you really think he might? He arranges his schedules after yours, knowing you have a higher profile job…he wears the silver necklace you gave him at your commitment ceremony two years ago as you wear the silver thumb ring he gave you,” Viggo reminded him.

“I know,” Orlando admitted quietly, still feeling insecure, looking at the thumb ring Viggo was referring to. It had both their names engraved on the inside as well as the date on which they had decided to exchange vows of commitment to each other. No matter how far away from Sean his work took him he always felt connected to him by looking at this ring which Sean had given him and placed on him that day.

“Do you think he’s an honest man?”

“Yes.” There was no hesitation in his voice. Sean was many things but he was always fair and honest.

“Then wouldn’t it stand to reason if he was unhappy he would have let it show?”

Orlando shrugged. “I guess,” he replied carefully.

“You’re different from him just as I’m different from you both. He grew up in another time and likely another social arena than either of us as well. He wasn’t raised to expose his feelings in words and certainly not to another man. What he feels he shows in his actions…in all the small things he does every day,” Viggo explained patiently, his voice warm and asking for understanding.

“I know what you mean,” Orlando admitted thoughtfully.

“Orli…Sean didn’t forget your anniversary because he doesn’t care. Ever day of his life he thinks of you. He does not need a special occasion to do so,” Viggo said directly, his voice sincere.

“Thank you,” Orlando’s voice was warm and heartfelt, the darkness that had settled over him gone.

“Anytime. Now go cheer up the grumpy bastard - he’s probably feeling miserable,” Viggo said, a smile clear in his voice.

“I will. Love you,” Orlando said, smiling to himself, feeling safe and secure now in his love and his relationship.

“Love you too. Give Sean my love as well.”

“Will do. Bye,” Orlando said, rising from the bed, eager to go to his lover.

“Bye.” When Viggo had hung up Orlando did likewise.

With a warm smile and a fond look in his brown eyes Orlando went downstairs and wasn’t surprised to find Sean sitting in one of the big armchairs in the living room. The only light was from the fireplace and the fading twilight outside the windows. He had a glass of whiskey in one hand and looked troubled, his eyes pained as he stared into the flames. His approach made the older man look up and a flash of misery and hope flooded over his face. Their eyes met and neither moved until Sean reached out his free hand towards him. Orlando didn’t hesitate to move to him and look the hand, taking it to his cheek while he knelt by Sean’s chair.

“I thought you were angry with me,” Sean mumbled as he stroked Orlando’s cheek, misery still clear in his tone and eyes.

Orlando smiled up at him, love clear in his expression. “I was. Viggo talked some sense into me.”

Sean smiled, the warmth transforming his face into one of pure beauty. “He’s good at that,” Sean agreed.

Sean put his glass on the table next to his chair and made a hand movement to indicate Orlando should get into his lap. “Get off the floor, luv,” he said and Orlando happily made himself comfortable in Sean’s lap, enjoying the feeling of strong arms closing around him. For a long while they just sat like that, Orlando resting his head by Sean’s shoulder, Sean holding him close and safe, the fire sparkling before them.

“Let’s go eat before it gets too late,” Sean finally said and gave Orlando a soft kiss on the top of his head before he gave him a gentle push to get him to get down. Orlando reluctantly did so but when Sean had risen as well he captured one of the blond Brit’s hands and was rewarded with a warm smile and a reassuring squeeze.

When they reached the dining room Orlando stopped in his tracks when he saw three roses laying on his plate, one blood red, one white as snow and one soft pink. “Is that…your roses?” He asked, surprised. Sean’s roses from their garden: His expensive roses that he loved and had never wanted to cut down.

“Yes,” Sean simply replied, as if it was the most natural thing in the world for him to give his lover that which he valued most. Likely…it was.

Orlando moved away from Sean to admire the roses. He carefully picked each one up and smelled its sweetness. “I thought you said you were saving them for a special occasion.”

Sean moved to stand before him and he cupped his face before he replied, his voice serious, “Being with you is always a special occasion.”

Orlando blushed under the loving and admiring stare but didn’t have time to reply before Sean captured his lips in a possessive but loving kiss that left Orlando breathless.

Sean smiled when he drew back. “Sit down, pet. If we continue this we really won’t have dinner tonight,” he said as he went to the kitchen.

“Would that be a bad thing?” Orlando mumbled, still in a sexual daze from the kiss but sat down nonetheless. All the emotional turmoil he had been through today had given him an appetite - also for something other than Sean.

“No but I thought I would feed one beast at a time,” Sean teased as he came back in and put Orlando’s Indian vegetarian dish on the table.

“You finished dinner,” Orlando marvelled while Sean simply smiled. When he passed the younger man to go to his chair Orlando tipped his head back and Sean kissed him on the lips. Orlando smiled contently for the rest of the evening, throughout the dinner which Sean had prepared masterfully and even more so when they moved their celebrations to the bedroom together with two more surprises from Sean; a bottle of champagne he had picked from their wine cellar and another rose which lay on Orlando’s pillow on their bed - a little something Sean had managed to arrange when he had excused himself during dinner and pretended he had to go to the bathroom.

When Orlando got ready to sleep much later that evening, his head on Sean’s naked chest, his arms around him, he was convinced he was the luckiest man in the world.

“Love you,” he whispered into the stillness of the dark bedroom, the stars outside the window the only light.

Sean moved a little and tightened his hold on him. “Love you too, pet. Love you too,” Sean mumbled back, a content and happy note in his voice, his lips curved in a smile.

Yep, the luckiest man in the world.

Orlando’s smile stayed on his lips even after he had fallen asleep.

So did Sean’s.

The End

Author's notes:I hope you enjoyed the story. For those of you waiting for SB/VM and/or more 'Breaking Point' then I'm working on getting back on track with both.
Feedback would be treasured. :)


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