Fic: "Forever Lovers" (1/1) PG-13 [SB/OB, VM]

Mar 04, 2008 10:13

Forever Lovers
By Alexa Bond 04/11/2007
Disclaimer: This never happened unless I have psychic powers and can change the past, present and future. Any likeness to real characters is all in your mind, nothing more. This is fiction, made up, never happened, not real.... you get the idea.
I intend no infringement, this is a piece of amateur fan fiction, and I make no money off it.
Only the original idea contained within this work is the property of the author. Please do not copy this story to any website or archive without permission of the author.
Timeline: Set after the filming of LOTR.
Universe: LOTR RPS AU
Romance: SB/OB
Summary: After Sean is recovering from an illness Orlando reveals to him that he is immortal. Sean now faces a choice he never imagined he would have to make. The reader can choose 3 different endings for this story.
Archiving: List archive and Green Opals [] may take it; others please ask.
Feedback: Yes, please. If you want me to continue writing that is *G*. My e-mail address is
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: RPS, angst, supernatural events and, depending on which ending you choose, also character death (though all placed far into the future). Oh, and some overly romantic stuff in this one. Basically you can choose if you want a sad, a bittersweet or a happy ending so the warnings depend entirely on your own taste.
Series: None.
Author’s notes: Inspired by the ‘Highlander’ Universe which, if you know it, you will discover right away. If you don’t know it then don’t worry; you don’t need to. For ‘Highlander’ fans…don’t blow a fuse. I said inspired by so I won’t mention or follow all rules (the children and creation fanon and canon notions most noticeable).
Beta by Widdershin. Thanks so much. ‘many hugs’

* * *

“Are you warm enough? I can get another blanket. How about a cup of tea?” Orlando asked as he sat by Sean’s bedside. The elder man was sitting up in bed, leaning against the back wall with a pillow for support, the covers down to his midsection, a closed book on his lap, one hand keeping track of where he had reached before Orlando had entered the room.

“Orli, relax. It’s cold pneumonia; not cancer,” Sean said in a warm tone of voice, his eyes holding that special soft green glow they had whenever he looked at his young lover. After six years together he could still not believe his luck. Orlando was young in many ways; always fascinated by everything around him yet he had an interest and knowledge in art and history which Sean had not thought possible in one so young. In was this unique combination which made Sean forget their age difference and Orlando claimed he didn’t care or notice it.

Orlando gave him a sharp look, real terror in his eyes. “That’s not funny,” he said darkly.

“I’m sorry,” Sean said seriously when he saw Orlando was truly frightened by the thought. He placed his book on the bedside table and put a hand over Orlando’s on the covers. He gave it a comforting squeeze which Orlando repaid in kind. Wanting to lift the sudden dark mood his lover had fallen into he said with a teasing air, “if it’s any consolation I promise to go after you.”

Orlando smiled a bit sadly, shook his head and then said, “I doubt it.” He took his hand back as he went on, “Pneumonia is most often deadly.” His eyes had a far away look which Sean had discovered he sometimes held when he talked about various things, most often when they debated history. He had never understood what this particular look of Orlando’s meant despite having grown very attentive to reading his lover’s expressions and unspoken desires. This look was different than any other he had…It made him look older in a way Sean couldn’t define or explain.

“No one dies of it in this day and age. At least not here,” Sean calmed him, referring to England and the western world in general. He of course knew it was highly unlikely that he should die after Orlando and frankly he wouldn’t want to go last anyway. He had spent too much time alone to see the point in going on without the man who had so quickly and completely stolen his heart and soul. “Besides the doctor says I just have to rest, take my medicine and I’ll be back on my feet in a few weeks. No course for worry.” He had told Orlando this often but since they had started dating Orlando had always been extremely worried for Sean’s health and seemed unable to judge if an illness or accident was even worth worrying over which luckily they rarely were. This time around had been no exception. Orlando had fussed and worried ever since Sean had fallen ill.

Orlando nodded though he still looked concerned. “But sooner or later I will lose you,” he said softly, sadly.

Sean was taken back by the pain in Orlando’s eyes and said sincerely, “Everything dies but I promise you that I will be by your side till the day that happens.” Sean had over the years accepted his own mortality and unlike some people, most noticeably some of his actor colleagues, had no issues with growing old; particularly not now when he had someone to grow old with.

The dark look on Orlando’s face gave way to a strong and determined gaze as he said, “What if you don’t have to?”

Sean gave him a puzzled look. “What?”

Orlando looked eagerly at him. “Die. What if you didn’t have to die…ever?”

Sean shook his head, finding the entire conversation ridiculous but played along. “That’s not possible.”

“Things aren’t always as they seem,” Orlando said mysteriously before he reached for the phone on the bedside table next to Sean’s side of the bed and dialled Viggo’s number. When it was ringing he put it on loudspeaker so Sean could also take part in the conversation.

“Yeah?” Viggo’s voice floated over the air from across the distance from his home in the States.

“Viggo,” Orlando began, having that warm tone of voice he always had when he spoke with or about Viggo. Sean had at first been jealous of this but as his friendship with Viggo had grown and Orlando and him had started their relationship, he simply saw it as an expression of Orlando’s natural warmth. The rest of what Orlando said was lost on Sean, except a few names like his own, though he could recognize the language as Spanish. Since when did Orlando speak Spanish? Sean tried hard not to look as confused as he felt. Viggo replied to Orlando in Spanish as well, his voice sounding worried where Orlando sounded determined and sure. This went on for a few minutes and Sean had to fight to stay silent and not show his growing annoyance at being excluded from the conversation in this way.

Suddenly Viggo said, his voice holding an edge of command Sean had never heard before, “Sean, I’m sorry you couldn’t follow this. I needed to make a decision before including you in our debate.”

“About what?” Sean asked a little sharply, his annoyance at being in the dark coming through.

“Orlando asked my permission to reveal to you who he is… who we are,” Viggo said seriously.

“Who you are?” Sean repeated confused. After having known both men for around eight years he was sure he knew who they were pretty damn well.

“And he just gave me that permission,” Orlando ended for him, looking as serious as Viggo sounded.

Sean looked at his lover with big eyes, having lost all patience. “You’re shitting me?!”

Orlando shook his head. “No.”

“Orlando and I belong to a group of beings called Immortals. We are not sure how we came to be but legend has it that…” Viggo began and Sean had a look on his face as if he was sure he was either dreaming, on hidden camera or had gone crazy. Or quite possibly a mix of all three.

“I will give you the short version,” Orlando interrupted when he saw Viggo was losing his main audience. He locked eyes with Sean, deadly serious. “Some humans possess the ability to become Immortals; to live forever. If someone with this ability dies a violent death the immortality is triggered and they will not age and can’t die from diseases.”

“And you and Viggo are like that?!” Sean asked disbelieving. Sure, he had never actually seen any of them being ill - ever - but that didn’t mean they were Immortals. That was complete and utter nonsense!

“Yes,” Viggo said, his voice deadly serious. “I was born in what is now Denmark some 1200 years ago, during what has popularly become known as the Viking Age. I was slain in battle but awoke from what should have been a fatal wound. I thought Odin had protected me and it was not until many years later I discovered I was immortal when I didn’t age.”

“You don’t exactly strike me as the violent Viking type,” Sean said with an attempt at humour for surely this was all a joke.

“Vikings were by definition not violent but were traders and yes, warriors. In any case, I was a Chieftain’s son and was more into trade than war yet I fought in many battles,” Viggo explained calmly as if this was a perfectly normal conversation for him. He paused before he added with a lighter tone, “Decades also change a man, even an immortal one.”

“And were you a Viking as well?” Sean asked with amusement as he turned his eyes from the phone and Viggo’s disembodied voice to Orlando. His dark hair and brown eyes would not be anyone’s definition of a Viking.

Orlando shook his head, his expression serious. “No. I was born in Spain about 400 years ago.”

While Sean was ready to admit it was a good story - someone ought to make a movie on the concept - he wasn’t ready to buy into all this. “Did the Hobbits put you up to this? A cheer me up kinda thing? Very funny,” Sean said with a smile.

“Orlando. Show him,” Viggo said over the phone and though the older man couldn’t see him Orlando still nodded. He left Sean’s bedside to go to the livingroom. He returned with a small and very sharp dagger which had a golden and jewelled handle. When they had moved in together they had kept all their own houses and lands. Yet most of the time they lived in Orlando’s large mansion on the border of Scotland and this was also where they were now. Orlando had told him he had brought the mansion in secret to keep the press away while they had been dating. This mansion was kept in old Victorian style and Orlando had ancient weapons decorating the walls of some of the rooms as well as large paintings. As interested in history as he was Sean had spent many a time admiring the many treasures in the mansion and had a hard time believing all the paintings and furniture were copies - they looked very real. However, if they were real Orlando would have to be much wealthier than even his large success as an actor would account for. Not to mention having had inherited it from generations past because it would have taken years to gather such a large collection of antiquities.

“This dagger,” Orlando said when he again sat by Sean’s bedside and held it in one open hand so they both could see all of it, “was a gift from the King of Spain to my father. Born of noble blood my younger brother assassinated me for the title when I was 22. Yet I awake from what should have been a fatal and fast acting poison. I was confused and bewildered and didn’t know what to think. Luckily Viggo was at the Spanish court at the time and he knew what I had become. He became my Master and my teacher.” Orlando looked around the room and made a hand movement with his free hand to indicate everything around him. “I brought this mansion in 1785 and it has been in my possession ever since under various names.”

“Orlando, don’t be daft,” Sean said with a tired air. Maybe if he had been well he would have let them have their laugh, but he was starting to feel drained and just wanted to end this so he could get Orlando into bed and hold him while he went to sleep.

Orlando’s expression was certain and a little grim as he pointed the danger at his own heart, the sharp blade touching his skin through his thin shirt. “I hate this part,” he mumbled and just as alarm was rising in Sean’s eyes he plunged the danger into his heart and fell lifeless to the bed over Sean’s covered legs, face down. It all happened so fast Sean didn’t have time to do anything; his illness and disbelief that this was even happening having slowed his reactions even further.

“Bloody hell! Orli!” Sean yelled and fought covers to gather Orlando in his arms, panic and fear running through him. He managed to turn Orlando around in his arms so he was looking into his face but his eyes were closed. With a shaking hand Sean checked his pulse. None. “Viggo, call an ambulance!” Sean yelled as he quickly and with shaking hands, his heart beating in fear and denial, jumped from the bed and tore Orlando’s shirt open so he could inspect the wound. The knife was still embedded into his heart but there was strangely little blood. Afraid of removing the knife in case it was all that prevented severe blood loss he instead tried to do mouth to mouth. Tears and his illness stole his breath and he sank to his knees beside the bed, holding on to one of Orlando’s hands which hung lifeless over the bedside. This just wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be happening. That was the only thought he had and it kept repeating in his head until Sean was starting to work himself into a fanatic panic he couldn’t control.

“Calm down,” Viggo said in a commanding tone of voice over the phone, a hint of worry for Sean’s hoarse and loud uneven breathing clear in his words.

“You bloody idiot! You and your stupid tales! He believed you, the fool! He actually believed you!” Sean yelled angrily, his grief and tears so strong they made everything hard, even thinking. His breath was shallow and rasped but he didn’t even attempt to calm down. Why breathe when Orlando wasn’t here anymore? What was the point?

“Is the knife still in his chest?” Viggo asked calmly.

“What?!” Sean didn’t see the point in the question and was torn between his grief and his growing rage. He had loved Viggo like a brother and he been betrayed. He had never thought himself capable of murder but in this moment he would gladly have killed Viggo for talking Orlando into this make believe world which had cost him his life.

“Pull the knife out,” Viggo ordered, still calm.

“Why the bloody hell…” Sean began, anger starting to win over his grief. It was easier for him to handle rage than grief. At least he had an outlet for the first.

“Just do it.” Viggo interrupted sharply.

“I’m not…” Sean started to deny. He didn’t want to look at Orlando’s lifeless and scarred body and certainly didn’t want to touch the dagger.

“Do it!” Viggo ordered, harsher this time.

“Fuck you!” Sean snarled as he rasped for breath and angrily wiped the tears from his cheeks which kept falling. Still, following an illogical hope and finding a strange calm in Viggo’s orders when he himself was in turmoil and chaos, Sean forced himself up from the floor. He tried not to look at his lover’s body at all as he tore the dagger free with one quick and hard pull. He dropped it at once as he saw the blood on it, feeling the few seconds he had held it had been enough to brand him in a way no amount of water could erase.

“Is it out?” Viggo asked, his voice still calm and even.

“Yes,” Sean said, his voice weak. He felt strangely drained of energy now. He had actually hoped against all logic that Orlando would wake up but nothing had happened. Of course it hadn’t. He knew it wouldn’t yet had still dared to hope. He remained standing by the bedside, his eyes on Orlando’s lower body, his blue jeans his focus point so not to see his lifeless face and ruined chest, unable to do what he knew he should do - cover Orlando’s face and body and start making calls.

“Then just relax,” Viggo tried to calm him.

“Fuck you! Fuck you and your fancy ideals. You can’t even mourn him, you bastard!” Sean spat, his grief having turned into ice cold rage. This was all Viggo’s fault. Orlando would be here with him if not for him! This was the worst crime a friend could commit and there could be no excuse or forgiveness. Viggo’s crazy ideas had killed Orlando as surely as if he had been the one who had held the dagger. Sean couldn’t believe he had actually brought into the whole pacifist Renaissance man act of his! “As soon as I have…taken care of things here,” he couldn’t get himself to even think of having to call the police and start organizing a funeral. “I will pay you a visit you and I swear to you I will see you join Orli before this year is out. Believe me; it is only out of concern for your son I am even giving you that much time!”

“I don’t kill quite so easily,” Viggo said in a mild tone as if what had just happened didn’t even face him.

“Oh, believe me…this time you will,” Sean promised darkly, truly amazed at how brainwashed Viggo had become of his own delusions. If he wasn’t so upset with him he would pity him his madness.

“I think you would really do it…Something so foreign to you; so much against your nature. Good,” Viggo said with something close to admiration in his voice. “You love him that much.”

“Don’t mention him again…ever. You don’t have the right,” Sean hissed, now really starting to have to fight for breath.

“Sean, remember to breathe,” Viggo said with concern now clear in his voice.

“Shut…” Sean started enraged, not wanting anything of his and in particular not his concern when suddenly Orlando started to move.

“Now that was fun,” Orlando said with a sarcastic tone when he sat up on the edge of the bed. He smiled warmly at Sean who stood frozen, a look of pure disbelief on his face.

“Orli?” Sean whispered lowly, unable to believe this was really happening.

“Yes. I’m not dead,” Orlando assured him, smiling reassuringly.

“Orli!” Sean said with certainty and warmth in his voice as he smiled like a sun and went to embrace Orlando so hard he was afraid he might break bones, kneeling by the bed as he did so.

“It’s ok. I’m ok,” Orlando calmed him while he stroked his hair as Sean clung to his midsection as if for dear life, his head in his lap.

“I thought…” Sean mumbled, tears falling from his eyes which he tried to blink away. When he felt more composed he drew back and looked Orlando in the eyes. He softly reached up and stroked his cheek. Orlando leaned into the touch and closed his eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the sensation. Then he caught Sean’s hand and took it to his lips and kissed it.

“I really am ok,” Orlando assured him softly, his eyes filled with love and warmth.

“Don’t ever EVER do that again!” Sean said sharply when he rose and seated himself next to Orlando on the bed but kept a strong grip on his nearest hand to assure himself he really was ok…that he really was there.

“Don’t worry. It’s not that much fun on this side either,” Orlando promised.

“You must have many questions,” Viggo said over the phone.

Sean nodded. “I…” Sean started to say but everything that had happened and his illness stole his breath and he fought for air. He wouldn’t apologize to Viggo for what he had felt and been ready to do but he had wanted to assure him that everything was alright between them again.

“Slowly. Relax. Deep breaths,” Orlando instructed, worry in his eyes as he took his hand from Sean’s and drew calming circles on Sean’s back with it. Seeing the slightly panicked look in Sean’s eyes at the loss of connection with him Orlando held onto his hand with his other hand, understanding his need for assurance. What he had just seen and experienced would have been a shocking experience for anyone.

“I’m ok.” Sean insisted, his voice weak but there as he tried to calm down and breathe more easily. Orlando simply held his hand on his back, a warm and constant support for what he was about to hear.

“As immortals we cannot die permanently in any other way than if our heads are severed from our bodies. What Orlando just did…we do die, in the clinical sense, but we don’t stay dead. However, the time it takes for us to awake after what Orlando just did is extended if there is a weapon, like the dagger, still in the body which is why I had you remove it.” Viggo explained.

“And you don’t age?” Sean guessed, too happy that Orlando was okay to be shocked or scared by the strange world he was now entering.

“No. Our bodies stay forever the way it was when we first died,” Viggo replied.

Sean was silent for a while, thoughtful. “Why did you decide to share this with me?”

“I would eventually have talked to you about it. If nothing else than because you would soon start to notice I didn’t age,” Orlando said.

“So would the world,” Sean reminded him.

Orlando nodded. “I know. Which is why I am going to stop acting in a few years and stage my death in the mortal world.”


“Anonymity is very important in our world,” Viggo explained, having anticipated Sean’s question.

“Because of…what? The government?” Sean guessed, not sure which government he was referring to. Probably all of them.

“Yes but mostly because of other immortals,” Orlando replied.

That took Sean by surprise. “Why?”

“If one immortal kills another he or she gains all the knowledge the other person possessed. Suffice to say is that some immortals go hunting, so to speak, while others mind their own business. When you meet another immortal you never know if he wants your head or he can become your lifelong friend or partner,” Viggo said, both warmth and pain in his voice, betraying he had experienced both extremes.

“What a terrible way to live,” Sean commented with a shake of his head, his hand unconsciously tightening its hold on Orlando as if to protect him from the images the words pained in his mind.

“It doesn’t have to be,” Orlando insisted with such intensity as if he wanted to convince Sean by the sheer power of his own beliefs. When Sean didn’t comment Orlando fought to find the right words for what he was about to say. “Actually…I didn’t just say all this, now, because I wanted you to know,” Orlando admitted after a few seconds of silence, his eyes having difficulty meeting Sean’s. “I also asked you because I wanted to give you a choice.”

“A choice?” Sean hadn’t thought he could become more confused than he already was.

“As mentioned immortals are mortals which had their immortality triggered by a violent death. As immortals we can sense who else are immortal but we can also sense who have the potential to become an immortal.” Orlando took a deep breath and looked Sean in the eyes, laying his free hand over their connected ones. “Sean…you can become an immortal.”

“What?!” Whatever he had thought Orlando would say it certainly wasn’t this. In shock and surprise he pulled his hand away and drew a little back from his lover.

“If triggered you would become an immortal.”

Sean stared at him in disbelief. He had thought this evening couldn’t get any more out of control. “You’re mad.”

“I assure you he’s serious. I have felt it too. Why do you think you and I felt so in tune with each other?” Viggo said over the phone.

Sean looked from the phone and back to Orlando. “Let’s say you’re right…what are you asking me?” he asked cautiously. He wasn’t by far sure if he truly believed but he wanted to take any decision with open eyes.

Orlando had a serious and eager look in his eyes and he recaptured Sean’s hand in his when he said, “I’m asking you to live forever with me…not just a lifetime but forever.”

“But consider carefully,” Viggo warned. “When first you are an immortal others will sense you as well and may challenge you for the extra power your skills and knowledge will bring them. You must be willing to fight. Orlando and I, or other of our immortal friends, will of course teach you.”

“Teach me what?” Sean hadn’t felt this lost since he had taken a semester of French in school.

“Sword fighting,” Orlando replied.

“Why…Oh,” Sean knew the answer to his own question before he asked it. Decapitation would require a sword of course. He had learned sword fighting for Sharpe but to do it for real….

“Also, when you become an immortal you will loose the ability to father children,” Viggo warned him.

“But Henry…?” Sean started to question.

“Is adopted.”

Sean was silent for a few seconds before he said quietly, “I never knew that.”

“No one does.”

“It’s dangerous, adopting children. Your enemies, immortal or otherwise, can use them as leverage against you,” Orlando elaborated seriously. “This is why I never adopted any.”

“Velas is right though the same argument can be made for lovers and anything else one loves.”


“Velasco. One of my original names. Velas is a nickname Viggo has given me,” Orlando told him.

“Oh.” He suddenly felt very left out. He didn’t even know his lover’s real name. Viggo and Orlando had so much past, so much in common. Now he fully understood the special and close bond which had always existed between them. He had always thought they had seemed terribly close considering he had thought they had met only a few months before Sean had joined the Rings cast.

“What’s the matter?” Orlando asked with a worried look, squeezing his hand in a reassuring gesture.

Sean gave him a piercing look. “Do I even know you?”

Orlando smiled a little insecurely; telling the truth about who he was had always been a risk but for a chance for forever with Sean he was willing to take it. One thing he had never doubted though was that Sean would protect his secret for as long as he was asked to. “Of course you do. There is just a little more to know. The good thing is…you can have the rest of eternity to find out.”

Sean was silent for a while, too many thoughts and questions to even separate them running through his mind. “Are you asking me for an answer now?” Despite what he had seen he hadn’t really accepted the reality of what he had seen and been told. This was more than he could take in.

Orlando shook his head and smiled reassuringly. “No. No…but soon.”

“Why?” Surely it wouldn’t have to be that fast. He wasn’t exactly planning on tipping over any time soon.

“First of all if you get too old before accepting immortality your immortal body would not be as agile as sword fighting would demand for you to stay alive. Secondly the longer you wait the higher the risk of you falling ill and losing the chance to make the choice,” Viggo explained.

“I…I’ll need to think about this.” It was a lot to take in, more than he could handle right now.

Orlando gave him a calming and reassuring smile. “Of course. I didn’t expect anything else.”

Sean looked at his lover with a searching gaze and saw something in the depth of his brown eyes, something he first understood now. “You seem…older now that I know though I always felt you were older than your years,” Sean said, a small smile on his lips letting Orlando know he was slowly starting to get used to all this.

“I can be many things for I have been many men but one thing I will always be is your lover,” he promised solemnly.

“I love you, you know that…but….I need some time to think about this.” Sean paused before he went on, putting a hand through his hair in lack of knowing what else to do with himself. “If I were to say yes what would happen?”

“We would have to trigger your immortality,” Viggo informed him.

“You mean kill me?” Sean asked with a calm he didn’t feel. Talking about this right now…it all felt surreal. As if he was talking about someone else.


“How would you do it?” Sean asked with morbid curiosity.

“Sean!” Orlando protested. Any thought of Sean hurting, in any way, was painful for him to even consider.

Sean gave him a calming look and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I want to know.”

“I think stabbing would be best,” Viggo replied, not phased by the question. As far as he was concerned it was a very fair question. Sooner or later Sean would also learn about all the tricks one needed to know to appear normal…including, when being as public as Orlando and he was, pretending to have a family, a past and a mortal history. It was very doable, just normally very expensive.

“It can’t be painless or slow for then it wouldn’t be a violent death. I’m sorry,” Orlando said heartfelt, wincing at the thought of what his lover would have to experience. The first death was always the worst.

“It’s ok. You went through it, right?” Sean calmed his fears, and his own, with the words.

Orlando nodded. “Yes.”

“Ok…what else?” Sean asked with renewed courage.

“I’m not sure…” Orlando began, suddenly hesitant. Maybe this was too much to ask…too much to take in. They were breaking all the rules as it was; normally immortals were not allowed to trigger immortality in others or tell them they could become immortal, which was why Orlando had had to talk Viggo into doing so here. Luckily Viggo had never been one for rules.

“You won’t do it, Velas. I will do it for you,” Viggo said in a calm and decisive tone of voice.

Orlando looked relieved and when he replied to Viggo in Spanish Sean understood enough to know he was thanking Viggo and he understood why. Having to actually kill someone you loved, temporally or not, had to be the hardest thing to do.

“After this you will go on with your life for some years and will learn more about the immortal world and our rules,” Viggo then answered Sean’s question.

“As well as who else is immortal of course, friend or foe,” Orlando added. “Some you have already met.”

This raised Sean’s hope that maybe not all of his friends and loved ones would fade from his life. “And after some years?”

“Then the mortal persona has to die before anyone notices you do not age,” Viggo said.

“My children…” Sean mumbled in a pained and shaking voice. Just the thought of losing them, even in a normal mortal way, was tearing his heart to pieces.

“Can’t know. I’m sorry but this is how it has to be,” Viggo interrupted, not without compassion.

“Do you have any idea…?” Sean began to say, pain and anger in his voice.

“Yes, I do. I had a wife and six children when I was killed that first time. I watched them grow old and die…from a distance. As I will have to do with all mortals in my life except the few, like my son, who know my secret and yet still they will leave me. If you choose immortality you will have to live with that,” Viggo interrupted him, his voice gentle, warning, but understanding of Sean’s dilemma. It was not an easy decision which was why telling people they could become immortal wasn’t done. Orlando and he had had it easier for the decision had been out of their hands; they had had to accept it and adapt but they hadn’t had to live with the fact that they had chosen their fate.

“Is there anything else I need to know?” Sean said with a strength he wasn’t sure he really had but he clung to it anyway.

“No. We have no special abilities besides being able to sense others of our kind and remaining ageless.”

Sean remained silent for a long while, Orlando’s presence a calming influence. “I will think about it. Give me a year’s time,” he finally said, his voice stronger and calmer than he had thought he would be able to make it. He needed time to consider what he would gain…and what he would lose. He had no doubts; he wanted to spend forever with Orlando but would he be able to live in the shadows forever as well? Would he be able to see so much of what he loved and cared for pass from his life? Would he be able to kill; really kill another human being? One thing was what he had felt in his grief when he had thought Orlando dead but would he actually have been able to carry out his threat? And even if he had then it was very different from being able to kill a stranger who hadn’t done anything against the people he loved. There would be no protection in the act; only self-preservation.

“Very well. In one year we shall debate this again,” Viggo agreed, his manner now clearly showing the almost regal trait that had always been a part of him and Sean now understood where it came from.

“Bye and…thanks,” Orlando said to Viggo, his voice heartfelt.

“You’re welcome.” With that Viggo hung up.

“So…what’s Viggo’s real name?” Sean finally asked when they had sat in silence for a while. Too much had happened for him to come up with anything else to say at that moment.

“I am not sure but he has gone by Viggo for a long time. Perhaps even he does not recall any longer.”

“Must be hard. To lose so much,” Sean said thoughtfully, starting to absorb it all.

“And gain so much.” Orlando turned more fully towards him, his eyes and voice intense and almost pleading, his hands holding both of Sean’s in a strong grip. “Sean, I love you. I always will. I do not want to lose you.”

Sean drew one of his hands free from Orlando’s touch and stroked his cheek, his eyes soft and once more holding that special glow that Orlando knew was reserved just for him. “Pet, I love you too and no matter what I decide you will never lose me but you must promise me one thing.”

“Of course,” he agreed readily though with a guarded expression.

“No matter what I decide you must respect my decision.”

It was a hard request but Orlando knew what his reply had to be, “I promise.” Sean would agree to immortality. Of course he would. Who wouldn’t? Orlando clung to this certainty as he said his vow.

Sean smiled, forcing all thoughts away but the happiness of having Orlando still with him. “Come here,” he opened his arms and Orlando willingly let himself be gathered in his embrace. As Sean enjoyed the touch and sensation, Orlando too enjoyed the moment but his mind was full of thoughts. He feverishly hoped this was something he would be able to do for hundreds of years to come.

Ok, not only Sean has to choose so do you. What kind of ending would you like to see?
You have these options:
Ending 1: I want Sean to say no to immortality [Note: mentions but doesn't show a natural character death]
Ending 2: I want Sean to say yes to immortality but I want a bittersweet ending [Note: shows a supernatural character death]
Ending 3: What are you talking about? I want Sean to say yes to immortality and I want a romantic and happy ending so take me there! [note: no warnings here...just pure fluff and romance]

Choose any or all...whatever you wish. :)
I have tried in vain to make the options lj-cuts but a lj-cut within a lj-cut just don't want to work for me so we're doing this low tech now. You need to go down on this page till you find the ending you want.

Ending 1: I want Sean to say no to immortality
“Sean, did you get the potatoes?” Orlando asked as he heard Sean approach the kitchen. He had attempted to join Sean in his passion for preparing his own food though Orlando had always been used to having others prepare his food for him throughout both his brief mortal life so long ago and all of his immortal one as well. However, he had started to see why Sean enjoyed this so much. It was really cosy to stand here and enjoy the moment, a glass of wine - or beer - on the table, maybe some snacks, and talk of this and that while cooking.

“I’ve decided,” Sean’s soft words seemed loud as thunder when he entered the room.

Orlando looked up from his cooking and his eyes were filled with hope when his gaze met his lover’s green eyes. He had waited to hear those words for months but had become convinced he knew what Sean would say. He’ll say yes. Of course he would. Orlando could imagine no other outcome and didn’t want to either. “Yes?”

Sean moved to stand before him, his expression serious. For the last couple of months Orlando had told him of his immortal life and Sean had come to terms, as much as was possible, with the facts. However, the decision he had been asked to make hung heavily on his mind and having finally reached a decision was liberating. “I’m sorry, luv, but I can’t do it.” His voice and eyes were apologetic yet sure. After having thought it over for so long, agonized over it for so long, he no longer had any doubts.

“What?! Why not?” Orlando asked with disbelief and a growing feeling of hurt in his voice that he tried hard to hide. He had talked with Viggo often, the other man trying to prepare him should Sean refuse immortality. Orlando had listened but not really paid attention, so sure Sean would choose forever with him.

Sean gently stroked Orlando’s cheek, a tender but sad look on his face. “I’m a father. I shouldn’t have to bury my children. I can’t do it. I won’t do it.” There was pain in Sean’s eyes at the mere thought.

Orlando was at a loss for words for he had never been a father and did not know the dilemma. But love…love he understood and Sean had chosen love. Just not his love. “And me? Us,” Orlando asked softly, sadly, tears in his eyes which he forced not to fall.

“My love hasn’t changed. Last year I promised you forever and I still do,” Sean said softly as he kissed him tenderly, the kiss filled with love yet held a salty taste. When Orlando drew back he was surprised to discover they were Sean’s tears and not his own.

“Your forever. Not mine,” Orlando said sadly, his eyes falling to the floor. Forever without Sean…not long ago it wouldn’t have mattered for then he didn’t know Sean. Now the mere thought felt devastating.

Sean tucked a hand under his chin and forced his head up. “Look at me,” he asked and Orlando did so, fighting to hide the pain and sadness he felt. Sean smiled warmly at him when he said, “I am happy to know I will never lose you, that you will live forever. But that world is not for me. However, what life I have…I choose to spend with you.” He planted a tender kiss on Orlando’s forehead and as he drew back Orlando smiled at him, a determined look in his eyes.

“Then so be it. We shall live a hundred years in each day,” he vowed strongly before he threw his arms around his lover and let himself be held close. Even if loss was unavoidable he didn’t and never would regret falling in love with Sean. A few years with him were better than a lifetime alone. He allowed a few tears to fall for what would now never be and then pushed it aside, determined to enjoy his life with Sean to the fullest starting this very moment.

* * *
145 years later:
“Happy anniversary, Sean,” Orlando said softly as he lit a candle and placed it in the candleholder and raised his eyes to look at the figure of the Virgin Mary and the Child. To him she seemed to hold a look of sorrow as if she felt his pain.

From the day Sean had made his decision he had known he would lose him. He had tried to love for a lifetime, to live for a lifetime, in the years they got. They travelled, saw the world…they married even if it was using a different name for the mortal Orlando, the very public actor, he had had to make disappear. For years they had been happy yet there had always been a sense of urgency, of melancholy around which they had both tried to pretend wasn’t there. Sean’s last words for him had been to tell him that he would love him always and that he regretted nothing even though the last years had been hard on him. It was not easy growing old while your lover looked forever young. Stubborn as he had been Sean had fought every battle head on and had hung on to life longer than even Orlando had dared to hope for. Yet long for a mortal was nothing but a flicker of a moment for an immortal and Orlando had still lost him. He had lost many people in his life but he had never loved like this before.

Orlando had felt the older immortal long before he came to stand beside him. “He wasn’t Catholic,” Viggo remarked, his voice compassionate as his words brought Orlando back to the present.

“No…but I was. Once,” Orlando replied, his eyes still on the Virgin. He had lost Sean years ago but the loss still felt fresh in his heart. Ever year on Sean’s birthday, their anniversary and the day when he had passed away Orlando would light a candle for him. But on every day of the year he would remember him and think of him. In his homes around the world there were traces of Sean everywhere and it kept him with him yet he wasn’t there. He never would be again.

“He loved you. He always will. It was always his decision. He passed as he would have wished, going peacefully with a smile on his lips for a happy life without regrets and his face on your chest and held in your embrace. Remember but do not hang on,” Viggo reminded him for the nth time. Orlando may have accepted Sean’s decision but he had never been able to deal with it. Viggo on the other hand had loved and lost many times in his life and though he knew the pain, he had also come to accept that death was a natural part of mortal life.

“You have taught me many things but this is one thing you can’t teach me,” Orlando said softly, his eyes still at the figure of the Virgin.

“You have to let go,” Viggo said softly and put a hand on his shoulder.

Finally Orlando turned and looked at him, tears in his eyes and voice, “I can’t.” His voice gained strength when he added, “I won’t.”

Before Viggo could say anything Orlando touched the hand he had put on the younger Immortal’s shoulder, giving it a warm squeeze, before he gently removed it from his body. Then, with a sad smile he walked away and out of the church, his walk slow and pained as if he was an old man who was merely existing but not living.

Viggo looked after him and felt tears press behind his lids. Orlando was still ageless yet since he had lost Sean he seemed as if he had aged hundreds of years. Viggo turned his eyes to the statue of the Virgin and Child. As he looked at them he said softly in his native language, a tongue of old long since lost and forgotten to the world, “You were never my God but if you could have spared him this pain I would gladly have knelt before You.”

He had lost one friend, one mortal friend. A loss he had come to expect but it had still hurt. He now prayed he would not lose an immortal friend for that would be a loss he wasn’t ready to carry for a long time yet.

Author's notes: I hope you enjoyed the story.
If you would perfer another ending then just go back up and choose another.
For those of you waiting for SB/VM and/or more 'Breaking Point' then I'm working on getting back on track with both.
Feedback would be treasured. :)

Ending 2: I want Sean to say yes to immortality but I want a bittersweet ending
“Sean, did you get the potatoes?” Orlando asked as he heard Sean approach the kitchen. He had attempted to join Sean in his passion for preparing his own food though Orlando had always been used to having others prepare his food for him throughout both his brief mortal life so long ago and all of his immortal one as well. However, he had started to see why Sean enjoyed this so much. It was really cosy to stand here and enjoy the moment, a glass of wine - or beer- on the table, maybe some snacks, and talk of this and that while cooking.

“I’ve decided,” Sean’s soft words seemed loud as thunder when he entered the room.

Orlando looked up from his cooking and his eyes were filled with hope when his gaze met his lover’s green eyes. He had waited to hear those words for months but had become convinced he knew what Sean would say. He’ll say yes. Of course he would. Orlando could imagine no other outcome and didn’t want to either. “Yes?”

Sean moved to stand before him, his expression serious. For the last couple of months Orlando had told him of his immortal life and Sean had come to terms, as much as was possible, with the facts. However, the decision he had been asked to make hung heavily on his mind. Now that he had finally decided a sense of peace had settled over him. “Despite all you have told me I’m still not sure what I’m going into but….” He smiled widely, well aware that Orlando wished him to say yes and this had heavily influenced his decision, “I’ll do it.”

“You will?! Yes!” Orlando yelled happily, smiling like a small sun and jumped into his arms, hugging him close. Sean laughed at his happiness and held him tight. When they drew apart both were smiling joyfully. Orlando stole a quick but loving kiss. “You won’t regret this! We will be together forever!” Orlando promised happily.

Sean nodded and smiled, getting lost in his lover’s happiness and his warmth. “Forever,” he repeated, the word a vow of a love that would never die.

“We must tell Viggo and decide a day to…” some of his joy faded a little at the prospect of the pain Sean would have to face to be reborn as an Immortal but he knew the death would be brief and temporary and that made everything worthwhile.

“He will be the one to do it? To kill me?” Sean asked seriously, his expression sobering. Suddenly it all seemed too real and he had to remind himself that he wanted this…that he really wanted to go through with it. It was a life changing decision. A decision he could not overturn….no, he had decided. He would be with Orlando. No matter what else may happen then that thought alone would carry him through.

Orlando nodded. “Yes. Unless you…”

Sean shook his head, seeing the distaste at the prospect in Orlando’s eyes as he was about to offer to be the one to do it. “No. I want a friend to do it.” A friend and not a lover. A friend he trusted with his life, literally, but whose hands would not be touching him at night. It would be better that way. Easier.

Orlando noticed the flare of pain in Sean’s eyes and frowned. “What’s the matter?”

“I will lose my children,” Sean said sadly, a devastated look on his face. The full impact of this fact, this grief, had still to hit him.

Orlando had never had children and didn’t know the pain Sean spoke of but wanted to ease it. He embraced Sean and said as the larger man held him close, drawing comfort from his nearness, “You can talk with Viggo about it. He has been there many times.” Viggo was strong in a way Orlando never had been. He could love and let go, mourn and move on. Orlando had never been good at doing that and knowing his own limitations he had never adopted children and had selected mortal lovers very carefully. Until Sean he had never truly loved any of his mortal lovers - not like this. Not in a way in which he would not be able to leave them.

For a while they simply stood in silence, holding each other. Then Orlando said softly, “Thanks for doing this.” He knew it hadn’t been an easy decision and he knew Sean had done it for him for immortal life in itself he had always known wasn’t a desire for the blond Brit…unlike many mortals who would do almost anything to be able to live forever.

“I’ve been given the chance to do something most only dream of, to live with the man I love forever. No matter what pain or grief may come then this fact will make it all worthwhile,” Sean said lovingly and held his lover closer. Forever. Forever with Orlando. Sean smiled at the thought, for now refusing to consider anything else but this.

* * *
145 years later:
Sean and Orlando’s love had only grown as each year had passed. There had been sadness and there had been pain but through it all they had had each other and that had been enough. However, Orlando’s greatest worry had been Sean’s difficulty with accepting the warrior part of immortality. With Viggo’s help Sean had quickly become a skilled swordsman but wasn’t comfortable with killing anyone. He had had to kill one immortal in self-defence and had been able to get past it, when he had been told the man had been evil in the truest sense of that word.

Yet today what Orlando had always feared would happen had come to pass. Orlando had, whenever possible, tried to take Sean’s duels for him but when challenged directly Sean didn’t refuse. They had come to visit Viggo on one of his estates in Italy when a woman had appeared late one evening. She called herself Maria and claimed to have an old score to settle with Viggo and had from his friendly concern assumed Sean was special to him. She had therefore challenged Sean instead. Despite Viggo’s protests Sean had accepted the challenge and the dual had started behind the large mansion out in the garden. Viggo and Orlando had followed them outside but couldn’t do anything but watch as Sean sparred with the woman. It quickly became apparent to both men that Sean was holding himself back, the woman’s fragile and almost angelic beauty probably making him forget that she was hundreds of years older than him and much more experienced in duelling.

“Stop being a gentleman and start fighting,” Viggo yelled at Sean, easily falling back into the mentor role he had taken. Despite the words Sean still fought with more caution than he should; being a gentleman around ladies was unfortunately a part of who he was. Viggo had once told Sean he should be careful his ideals didn’t get him killed. Viggo himself had been born before the age of chivalry and had no such issues. He was a great fan of ideals but only as long as they didn’t threaten or interfere with his or his friends’ and loved ones’ lives. Viggo was a man who, at this moment in his immortal life at least, was a pacifist by ideology but a warrior when the occasion called for it.

“Sean!” Orlando tried to go towards him but Viggo held him back with a firm grip around his arm.
“Don’t. He has to do this alone.”

“No, he doesn’t!” Orlando shook his head in denial, his eyes glued to the fight. He held his breath in fear every time the woman came close to getting a hit through Sean’s defences.

“These are the rules we live by. He has to do this alone,” Viggo repeated, not without compassion.

Before he could reply Orlando’s eyes were once more drawn to the flight. Sean had the woman on her knees, her sword having fallen from her hand, his sword lifted for a stroke yet when she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes he hesitated. Still unable to take a life in this way. Even after all these years…all this training.

“Kill her!” Viggo urged and the irony of seeing Viggo who loved to play the pacifist say this to Sean who wasn’t one to draw back from a fight wasn’t lost on either man. Sean had learned to kill for self defence but like this…it went against all he was, all he knew.

Sean’s eyes met Orlando’s, filled with love and pain. “I can’t,” he said softly.

Before Orlando could say anything, before anyone could react the woman had reached inside her coat and with quick hands she cut Sean across the throat with a small dagger. The pain made him drop his sword and fall to his knees, holding both hands to his throat in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding. Despite his best efforts his fingers became decorated with deadly warm red lines within seconds.

“Noooo!!!!” Orlando yelled, filled with horror. What happened next would forever haunt him, a memory that would become a waking nightmare, as Maria picked up her own sword and swung it at Sean.

Sean’s eyes caught Orlando’s, no fear in them, only love and regret. His lips formed the words ‘I love you’ and he held eye contact and let his hands fall away from his body, a strange sense of peace in his gesture. Then before anyone could react the blow fell and he felt no more.

“Noo!” Orlando tore himself free from the comforting embrace Viggo tried to gather him in. Tears of rage clouded his eyes and as blue lights of power and knowledge, Sean’s power and knowledge, started to enter Maria, leaving her defenceless and forcing her to her knees, Orlando broke all rules. He ran towards her and on the way picked up Sean’s sword and she could do no more than look with growing alarm at him as he approached her, the power that went through her too painful and powerful to enable her to move. With a coldness without equal, a death in his heart he had never before held, he cut off her head, the terror in her eyes forever implanted there.

“You’re not having anything of his; ever!” Orlando yelled at her lifeless body.

Once more blue lights of power and knowledge gathered. As they entered Orlando he ignored all that was hers and instead focused on what was Sean’s. His memories, his emotions and his skills…those he clung to. Through all Sean’s memories there was his love for him, it was as a calming blanket and made him smile, wanting to stay in the sensation forever. Yet when it was over he was met by the cold wind, a dark night and a reality he didn’t want to admit was true. His eyes fell on Sean’s body and tears begun to fall. Unable to get his body to gather the strength to stand, he crawled the short distance from where he had fallen to Sean’s decapitated body. There was no denial possible, no hope left. He had lost him. The man he had come to love more than anyone or anything would never again smile at him with green eyes sparkling with love and warmth, laugh with him, walk with him…talk to him with his heavy British accent that he had never lost despite the passing years.

“This shouldn’t have happened,” Orlando mumbled as tears fell down his cheeks, his grief like a stone that forced his spirit to the ground. He couldn’t get himself to look at the body. This wasn’t how he wanted to remember him. He didn’t acknowledge Viggo as he laid a calming hand on his shoulder, caught up in his own hell of emotions. A spur of anger entered his voice when he said quietly, “You were meant to live forever. Forever with me. You promised you would never leave.”

Orlando barely registered that Viggo took off his long coat and covered Sean’s upper body and severed head with it.
“Come,” Viggo said softly and Orlando let him help him to his feet and steer him away.

Viggo made all the practical arrangements and had Sean buried in England, knowing it was his wish. Orlando had fallen silent since that fateful night as if lost within himself. At first Viggo thought it was his way of dealing with the grief until he realised Orlando was never coming back. The few words he said were nonsense and only made sense to himself. It took a long time for Viggo to realise that Orlando was reliving his life with Sean inside his own head through Sean’s memories and knowledge. Viggo had Orlando move in with him and fought to make him let go and come back to reality but Orlando never did. As years passed Viggo had come to accept Orlando’s decision. He was lost to the world and rarely even registered Viggo was there and when he did it was to make him relive a memory with him of when the three of them had been together. Viggo came to accept that he had buried two friends that fateful night and with his usual strength he managed to live through it. Orlando’s constant presence was bittersweet for sometimes he would even be able to talk like Sean, in his words and accent, as he lived out a memory from Sean’s point of view. Yet Viggo drew strength from the fact that even when Orlando was simply sitting in a chair in the living room, seemly looking at nothing, he had a smile on his lips and a far away look in his eyes. Despite it all…he was happy for in his world, in his head….Sean was with him still.

Author's notes: I hope you enjoyed the story.
If you would like to read another ending then just go back up and choose another.
For those of you waiting for SB/VM and/or more 'Breaking Point' then I'm working on getting back on track with both.
Feedback would be treasured. :)

Ending 3: What are you talking about? I want Sean to say yes to immortality and I want a romantic and happy ending so take me there!
145 years had passed since Sean had agreed to become immortal. Everything had changed since then but one thing, their love for each other, had remained strong.

It had been Viggo who had taken Sean’s life and he had awoken, an Immortal, in Orlando’s embrace. Viggo had remained a close friend of theirs and had become Sean’s mentor in sword fighting. The first fifty years of his immortality Sean had stayed with Orlando at Viggo’s home in Spain because the house was built on an old cemetery. Sean had quickly learned this was important as duels could not be fought on holy ground. The hardest thing about immortality had been when Sean had had to watch all he loved and care for fade into a memory. Letting go of his children had been the hardest and it was a pain he would carry with him for all his years.

“It looks nice,” Orlando’s words as he entered the room brought Sean out of his musings.


They kissed as Orlando came up beside him. When they drew apart Sean looked around the bar area. He had had everything redecorated for opening night tonight. Both men had stopped working in the movie industry many years ago. Orlando had entered the financial sector and had become a successful businessman and Sean had decided to open a bar/nightclub in Madrid to try and learn more about Orlando’s heritance. They kept many homes around the world but would always return to England on a regular basis as Sean, unlike Orlando, still felt a strong connection to his birth country. In his years as an Immortal Sean had fought four duels and had won them all. He had come to accept them but tried hard to avoid them. The club he had opened was purposely built on holy ground for this very reason.

“I just spoke with Viggo. He’ll fly in for the opening tonight,” Orlando said as he looked around the bar with admiration. Sean had good taste and business sense and his club would cater to the upscale clientele.

Sean put an arm around his back and pulled him close. “Good.” Viggo and the few other immortal friends Sean had gained or hadn’t known he had as he to his surprise had found some friends he had thought were mortal were in fact also immortals, had really helped him accept immortal life. The thing that had probably meant most for his continued survival was his early admission that though he would fight in self defence or to protect someone, he didn’t like duelling for other reasons. He also had a hard time when it came to battling female immortals to the death; luckily one had never challenged him. Living a quiet life and staying on holy ground as much as possible Sean had ensured he had some time to get ready to do what had to be done to survive should he be challenged by someone he would have difficulty killing.

“And I’ve found you a singer to open for you,” Orlando said with a mysterious smile, drawing Sean’s thoughts back to the present.

Sean gave him a questioning look but simply smiled, knowing, feeling, the moment was right for what he had wanted to do for a very long time. He drew back from him and ignoring Orlando’s puzzled look he stood before him. “Antonio Manso de Velasco….” Sean began in a serious tone of voice, using Orlando’s original noble name which he very rarely did. For him he was Orlando. Sean took Orlando’s right hand and knelt before him.

“Sean…” Orlando mumbled, an awed look in his eyes. He couldn’t believe this was really happening.

“Will you marry me?” Sean asked seriously and with his other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Using both hands he opened it so Orlando could see it contained two rings, both made in white gold. There was something engraved on them but Orlando couldn’t read it from the distance.

“I already have,” Orlando reminded him with a warm smile, taken back by the gesture. They had promised each other forever one year before Sean had become an Immortal and had married by law in 2030 when the European Union as a whole had accepted gay marriage. They had to change their names and documentation often to hide their immortality but still chose to remain together by mortal law through the ages because they wanted to show to others how they felt. There was of course also a practical purpose; it was for example useful when moving their fortunes around in ways that hid their immortality.

“When I asked you back then I was mortal. I am asking you now…as an Immortal,” Sean said seriously, a small nervous smile curving his lips.

Orlando smiled widely. He understood the difference perfectly. This was forever. Truly forever. “Yes…yes,” he said, tears of joy making it hard to speak.

Sean smiled, relieved and happy, as he placed one of the rings on his finger next to the other ring he had worn since their first commitment. When he stood up again Orlando put the other ring on Sean’s finger, sliding it in so it was sitting beside the plain golden band they had exchanged all those years ago for their first vow.

“I love you,” Sean said softly as he drew Orlando into a kiss. Orlando put his arms around his neck as Sean put his around Orlando’s waist. When they finally drew apart both were smiling widely.

“Our friends will insist we have a party to celebrate this,” Orlando reminded him.

“We will. This is worth celebrating,” Sean agreed as he stroked his cheek and stole another kiss.

“What have you had engraved?” Orlando asked as he admired the ring on his finger, still smiling over his own good fortune and knew he would smile like this for a very long time to come.

“Inside yours is space for a date for I wasn’t sure when I felt it would be a good moment to do this and then my name. In mine is your name and space for a date as well,” Sean explained.

“And the writing on top?” Orlando asked as he inspected the ring on his finger closely.

“It’s in Celtic. Yours says forever. Mine says lovers,” Sean admitted, looking away a little shyly as if he was embarrassed by his own sentimental idea.

“Forever lovers. Only complete when together. I love it,” Orlando said with a fond look, unable to believe how lucky he was. He had found what most Immortals never did and if they did they would lose it again. He had found love. A love that never had to die.

“Good,” Sean said with a relieved breath and they kissed once more. For a while they stood in the embrace, simply enjoying the moment and each other. Then Sean mumbled into Orlando’s hair, “What singer did you find?”

“He’s an old immortal friend of mine….you may recall him under the stage name he once used…Elvis.”

“Bollocks! You’re shittin’ me?!” Sean said with love, laughter and disbelief in his voice.

Orlando laughed and hugged the bigger man even closer as he laid his head against his shoulder. This was perfect. Immortal life might try and tear them apart but they would make sure that never happened. If one was to fall the other would follow. Such were their pact…such were their love. Together forever, lovers forever. Eternity or tomorrow, neither mattered for whatever happened they knew they would go there together…always together.

The End

Author's notes: I hope you enjoyed the story. If you want another ending then just go back up and choose another.

As mentioned I wanted to make the endings lj-cuts also but can't figure out how to do lj-cuts within a lj-cut so...sorry for the poor layout. :)
Which ending did you choose and why? Just curious here. 'smiles'
I know this story is unlike anything I have ever done before in this fandom but I hope my brief trip into fantasy madness wasn't too bad. ;)
For those of you waiting for SB/VM and/or more 'Breaking Point' then I'm working on getting back on track with both. Somehow SB/OB just seem to distract me lately...
Feedback would be treasured. :)


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